
My Mr.Mannequin

Dara’s POV


Before I could continue on what I was doing. I stopped for awhile and slowly look up; the mannequin who isn’t really a mannequin is now looking down on me. So it was human breath coming from actual human. My brain wasn’t functioning right and I couldn’t hold my embarrassment any longer, I felt sweaty as if the whole world came crashing down on me. I release my grip on his sweater while my eyes were wandering around avoiding eye contact.

“Dara?” I looked to where the voice was coming from, I totally forgot about Nicole.

“Oh, Dara there you are!” I felt relieved that Nicole didn’t find me before the whole event started.

“Heyyy…” I replied to her in a matter where I sound like a someone keeping a secret behind her back.

“What happened here?” She asked eyeing me.

“What do you mean?” I replied back and pretended to not know anything.

She crossed her arms and pointed to the floor behind me.

“That!” She says. I looked on the floor behind me and see a pile of clothes.

“You always mess things, you should clean it up.” I turned my back and started picking up the clothes and returned them to wherever they came from.

“Done.” I said facing back at her with my face beaming with happiness.

“Yikes! What’s wrong with you today?!” She felt creep out because of how I acted. Well, what she didn’t know is that I’m glad that she didn’t notice anything else.

“So let’s go?” I quickly crossed my arms to hers’ and was on our way out; I glance at my back to see that the guy was nowhere to be found. Must be some wild imagination I had back there.


Nicole’s POV


Dara’s been acting suspicious since she got in that store. Did she saw something or did something happen that made her act this way?

“Dara?” Still no respond.

“Dara?” She’s still not listening! I went close to her and shouted in her ear.

“Dara calling calling! You need to come back to earth and regain your conscious!”

“Wha – what?” Finally! She snap out.

“That wasn’t enough for you to just freak out?”

“What did you want to say to me?” Did she just forget what purpose she had from coming here?

“Dara, do you see that mall behind you?” Dara looks behind her and she’s still space out! She hasn’t recovered?! Unbelievable.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking. I mean we can’t just leave without buying anything, can’t we? Isn’t that what we came here for? TO SHOP AND BUY! ”


Dara’s POV

As I heard her say that. I tried to think up an idea where all the jigsaw puzzles would fit.

“I don’t feel good today.”

“What? Ah, what a bummer. You should’ve said earlier.”

“Sorry, I couldn’t because you might feel bad about it. I was the one who invited you to come with me and you even waited the whole two hours and –“

I quickly put my forefinger over to stop her from talking any further.

“Hush, Hush” I turned my back and walk away. While walking away from her, I raise my hand and said to her.


Dara’s POV

I looked at her back while she walks away. Suddenly she raises her hand and spoke.

“Tell me what actually happened tomorrow, okay? Umm…”
She couldn’t have caught me with the guy, could she? I was still curious on what she was about to say, did she just got her tongue tied?

“That person, you were with.” There she said it! My eyes widened in shock, did she really find out?! If she did why didn’t she tell me?


Nicole’s POV

I wave to a taxi and it stops. When I was about to get in –

“Okay.” Did I hear wrong? My guess was right? There was a person involved on how she acted today?

“Oh… She got to spill everything out. Can’t wait to hear some juicy news coming from her!” I said to myself. I felt giddy and I’m expecting for that person to be a guy, I mean Dara has been too focused on fashion and other stuffs which doesn’t actually have guys in it.


Author’s POV

Meanwhile, Dara took out her keys and opened her car. She went in and starts the engine; she was ready to go home. It was pretty much a hectic day for her. She didn’t have the guts to go back and continue shopping.

When she arrived home, she lazily went up the stairs without taking her shoes off and threw herself to bed.

Dara’s POV

“What should I do?”

Her phone suddenly beeps and she pulls it out on her pocket. “You receive 1 text message” I opened the text message and it says: Ei ei… You ain’t forgetting about that – are you? I’m hoping to hear every single detail about it! And no lies involve got it?...

I stretch my arm putting my phone on my desk and threw my face on the pillow.

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bluefairy07 #1
Chapter 11: update please...
msdeathstalker #2
Chapter 11: sad its ending.. update please thanks
junnic18 #3
waa hahahaha 1st chapie is sooooooo funy
i love jaedy moment :)<br />
<br />
<br />
update soon please
nice~ another jaedy fic to feast at~<br />
keke..^^ well, wanting to be inspired ♥<br />
will be subscribing for sure~ keep it up!
lhady_khaori #6
OMO.. Please update soon....
triplesss-blackjack #7
Okay.. new reader here!,.I think Dara & Nicole could be a very good friends in real-life kekeke!.<br />
Dara is so funny hahaha! she has a pride to talked like that hahaha! i think Dara would be a good photographer if JJ was not the model lol. bec. aaaiiisshh.. you know what i mean xD, i hope for more JaeDy moments here! waaaah! xDD<br />
mine2love #8
thanks for updating!<br />
<br />
do well Dara!!! go for it!!!
Poor Dara -__- But the photography thingy is hard OO:<br />
I saw my uncle do it and complicated x33<br />
Thanks for the update ^O^<br />
P.S. Jaejoong's picture gave me a nosebleed XD
keke<br />
now i wonder how dara will take it,<br />
jaejoong help the poor girl please.<br />
she needs a boost and well... some lecture