
My Mr.Mannequin

Dara’s POV

I laze around my bed wondering if I’ll ever get up and get myself ready. Then my cellphone suddenly rings. I got up and grab my phone off my desk and threw myself back to bed.

It must be Nicole – she always worries for me. I looked at the caller and indeed it was none other than Nicole, I answered the call.

“YAH!!! You’re not thinking of avoiding me are you?”

“How –“ I said as I quickly sit up.

“How did you got ahold of Nicole’s cellphone!”

“Well, your friend was kind enough to lend it to me.”

“She wouldn’t!”

“Dara, I’m just concerned about you. It’s school you know, don’t think about skipping a day.”

“Nicole! Why did you have to lend him your cellphone and make him call me.”

“Because, I know that you’ll go to school if the one who calls you is Jaejoong.”

“Now, you even know his name?! Who’s side are you on?”

“Yours truly.”

“Yeah, yeah I’m going.” I smiled to her reply and just gave in.

“That’s my girl!” She said back and just hung up.

This is how Nicole’s charm works – she’s just too adorable for words! Plus she’s a good influence to me, which is why I had her as my friend.

After that, I just went to do my daily routine.


Author’s POV

As Dara arrives school, she sees Nicole waving at her through the hallways. Jaejoong was also with her.

She went running to them smiling and ignoring Jaejoong’s presence.


Nicole’s POV

“Nicole. So, why are you still here?” Dara said to me smilingly.

“Nicole, let’s go to class already. What if the teacher will scold you because of me!” She says this as she tries to pull my arm.
Jaejoong was at my side looking at Dara with eyes that says ‘Are you ignoring me? ’

For a moment Dara stops pulling my arm and looks at Jaejoong then back at me.

“Who are you looking at? There’s nobody there.”


Jaejoong’s POV

Really, this girl. Acting like I don’t exist.

“Ah! Dara, would you care to tell me what kind of dream you were having yesterday? You looked like you had something going on.”

“What dream?” Nicole said with much excitement.

Did she just misinterpret what I just said?

“Oh! Nicole it was horrible, really horrible. I was surrounded by dogs!” Dara said and hugs Nicole tightly then she looks at me and sticks her tongue.

“Aww…Don’t you worry, I’m here to protect you.” Nicole said and pats Dara’s head.

Two can play that game.

“Jaejoong! How can you say it’s a dream? ” Nicole said as she glares at me.

“But still – she looked like she was enjoying herself based on what I have observed.” I looked at Dara smirking.
She let’s go of Nicole not breaking her stare at me. Well, atleast she’s not ignoring me anymore.

“What observations?”

“Like sleep talking perhaps?”

“I told them to ‘Get away from me’. What’s wrong with what I said.”

“Now, now, now. Yesterday I clearly heard you say ‘It wasn’t on purpose, I thought you were –‘”


Nicole’s POV

This two I don’t get why a dream could become such a big issue. But I’m still curious on what Jaejoong was going to say – I knew Dara lied anyway.

“I accidentally kick a can hitting a dog which I thought was a trash bin, which made the other dogs get angry. That’s why I said that.” Dara said and was sweating a bit.

“How about the ‘Don’t let me take them off’ part.”

Now I didn’t expect things would go like this.

“Th – that!” Dara said now blushing.

“Cut. Cut. End of the scene. Let’s just get going shall we.” I said to Dara as I push her through the hallways but before we did so, I told Jaejoong when and where the photoshoot would take place.

“Jaejoong meet us at the photoshoot room at nine o’ clock.”

“Oh, okay.” After I heard his reply I push Dara and went with her to get some materials for the photoshoot.


Dara’s POV

Nicole’s grip getting stronger. Don’t tell me she’s angry, Yikes!

“I’m not angry at you.” She said to me showing a smile.
But that smile didn’t seem like she was happy either.

“Where are we going?”

“Storage room.”
“We need to get materials for the photoshoot.”

“Eh? The photoshoot starts today?”

“What does it look like?

“But why are you helping me?”

“As if I wanted to!” She said now glaring at me.

Uh oh. She’s definitely angry – Help?

I swallowed my saliva because of nervousness.


Author’s POV

After that, Dara and Nicole were now focused on finding the materials for the photoshoot. From camera to reflector, lights, props and other materials.


Dara’s POV

“Carry them one by one to the photoshoot room will you.” Nicole said without looking at me.
Obviously that wasn’t a question, it was a command. I just obeyed her and did I was told to do.

For a bit of consuming time.

“And I’m done.” I said as I put the last item down.

Let’s see. I pulled my phone and it says 8:47. For some reason I’m feeling uneasy, not from awhile ago but the photoshoot. I mean does everyone find this funny, hiring me for the job of taking photographs!

“Pssttt… Hey you!”
This GUY.

“Didn’t I say that –“ I looked at my back to see an old short – guy now staring at me with his arms crossed and his right foot tapping. He looked like his waiting for someone and I think the one his waiting isn’t here yet, explains why he looks so angry.


“Me?” I said pointing to myself.

“Yes, you!”
I’m getting angry with this ‘YOU! Can’t you just call me miss?

“What is it that you want, sir?”

“Where’s the photographer?”

“Photographer?” I said as my eyes wondered around.

I’m not even ready! And to face this kind of guy, he looks like a demonic judge.

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bluefairy07 #1
Chapter 11: update please...
msdeathstalker #2
Chapter 11: sad its ending.. update please thanks
junnic18 #3
waa hahahaha 1st chapie is sooooooo funy
i love jaedy moment :)<br />
<br />
<br />
update soon please
nice~ another jaedy fic to feast at~<br />
keke..^^ well, wanting to be inspired ♥<br />
will be subscribing for sure~ keep it up!
lhady_khaori #6
OMO.. Please update soon....
triplesss-blackjack #7
Okay.. new reader here!,.I think Dara & Nicole could be a very good friends in real-life kekeke!.<br />
Dara is so funny hahaha! she has a pride to talked like that hahaha! i think Dara would be a good photographer if JJ was not the model lol. bec. aaaiiisshh.. you know what i mean xD, i hope for more JaeDy moments here! waaaah! xDD<br />
mine2love #8
thanks for updating!<br />
<br />
do well Dara!!! go for it!!!
Poor Dara -__- But the photography thingy is hard OO:<br />
I saw my uncle do it and complicated x33<br />
Thanks for the update ^O^<br />
P.S. Jaejoong's picture gave me a nosebleed XD
keke<br />
now i wonder how dara will take it,<br />
jaejoong help the poor girl please.<br />
she needs a boost and well... some lecture