
My Mr.Mannequin

Dara's POV

"I have to WHHATT?!" I looked at the principal with pleading eyes.

"Isn't this a life time opportunity?"

"I know I'm not good when it comes to taking picture but please don't let me quit from learning."

"Ms. Park, alot of people would die to have this kind of opportunity."

"Principal, sir. Isn't that a bit to exaggerating?"

"I mean who would want to stay at home doing nothing - " I said as I paced back and forth.

"Huh? But - "

"And my future is also at stake here! Even thou I'm still not qualified in this profession, this is the only course I'm interested in." I said as I walked myself to the principals' desk and slamed both of my hand on it.

"I think you're misunderstanding something, Ms.Park."

"Misunderstand?" I said as I raise an eyebrow.

He sighed and stared at me.

"I'm giving you a special class and at the same time a vacation for you to enchance your talent Ms.Park."

"What vacation?"

After the conversation, I called Nicole to tell her everything.

"Lucky..." She said with a tone of envy.

"You may think that way, but the task the principal gave me is to carefully watch how photographers do their jobs."

"Not my problem."

"So mean! Anyway, do you want me to ask the principal to let you accompany me?"

"No can do."

"Eh? Why not? I thought you want to -"

Before I could continue, she cut me off and said.

"I have a job at exactly the same day. So I can't go."

"What job?" I asked curious.

"Oh... You won't believe it!"

"Spill it out!"

"I was hired for W Korea to become their photographer this month!"



"Oh my, I'm so happy for you." I said as a forced smile appeared on my face.

I'm really happy for Nicole but I can't help feeling that I'm being left out.

"Thank you."

"Sure." I said with a hint of pain in my voice.

"Err... I think my mom called me. Going to hang up now."

I can't believe I made her feel uncomfortable.

I slip my phone in my jeans and went home. 

"What should I do tomorrow?" I said as I gaze through the window of the taxi cab.

My so called ' Vacation ' is the day after tomorrow.

There's school tomorrow, so I'm pretty sure Nicole won't be available tomorrow.

Maybe I can ask her to skip school tomorrow.

I pulled out my phone and tried to dial her number then -

' Nah... ' I said to myself as I scratch my head.

But I'll try anyway, I thought to myself as I dialed her number.

' The number you dialed is not accessible at the moment. '

I sighed and looked at the road.

"Uncle, this is my stop." I said as I paid him the fee.

I got out and waited for the car to scoot away.

Then I turned around and went inside my house.

"I'm home." I said as it echoed in through the walls of the empty house.

I looked up to my wall clock and it reads 7:47.

"What to cook for supper." I said to myself as I run to the kitchen and opened the top cabinets for supplies.

Ramen! Easy to cook and only takes a few minutes to do so.

I slightly opened the lid of the cup noodles and tiptoed going to the water dispenser for some hot water.

After that I covered it and placed it on the table, waiting for it to be cooked.

I went to the living room and my TV.

"Coming up next! Is Freaky Friday's track 'Ultimate'!"

"One of my favorite songs!" I said and quickly went to my room to get my guitar which I barely play.

When I arrived at the living room, I quickly max the volume and waited for the song to be played.





I jump around the couch, singing along and rocking the guitar as I randomly moved my fingers on it.

And when it was about reach it's end, I jump off the couch and was on knees with my guitar then I did a hair flipping backward as the final blow.

I crawled to the coach and sat on the floor leaning on it as I catch one's breath.

Then my door bell rings.

I lazily dragged my feet to the door and my video door phone.

"Dara yah! You're not thinking of ignoring me are you?"




I opened the door for Nicole to come in, like any other girlfriend she rushes inside and placed some fast food take - out bags on the table of my living room then sat on the couch.

"Are you planning to eat here?" I asked her as I closed the door.

"I've just ate."

I stare at her as she comfortably watches the television.

Then I remembered "Supper!" I walked to the kitchen and was about to grab the ramen when Nicole appeared before me carrying the take - out bags.

"This is for you." She said placing it on the table.

"You're one hopeless girl." She said as she turned her back.


She walked herself out of the kitchen.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going home, it's already late."

"Why don't you stay her for the night?"

"Tomorrow's school, you know."

"Oh." I said as my eyes wander around.

She suddenly chuckles which made me confused.

"Don't worry about certain things."

"About what?"

"Oh, you know what I mean."

I was standing on my spot and was silent for awhile.

"I'm going now, do eat well." After what she said, she opened the door and closed it.

I'm really lucky to have her as my best friend.

Instead of a guy friend as my ultimate,

I have Nicole Jung as my ultimate.

She's it.



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bluefairy07 #1
Chapter 11: update please...
msdeathstalker #2
Chapter 11: sad its hanging...no ending.. update please thanks
junnic18 #3
waa hahahaha 1st chapie is sooooooo funy
i love jaedy moment :)<br />
<br />
<br />
update soon please
nice~ another jaedy fic to feast at~<br />
keke..^^ well, wanting to be inspired ♥<br />
will be subscribing for sure~ keep it up!
lhady_khaori #6
OMO.. Please update soon....
triplesss-blackjack #7
Okay.. new reader here!,.I think Dara & Nicole could be a very good friends in real-life kekeke!.<br />
Dara is so funny hahaha! she has a pride to talked like that hahaha! i think Dara would be a good photographer if JJ was not the model lol. bec. aaaiiisshh.. you know what i mean xD, i hope for more JaeDy moments here! waaaah! xDD<br />
mine2love #8
thanks for updating!<br />
<br />
do well Dara!!! go for it!!!
Poor Dara -__- But the photography thingy is hard OO:<br />
I saw my uncle do it and maann..so complicated x33<br />
Thanks for the update ^O^<br />
P.S. Jaejoong's picture gave me a nosebleed XD
keke<br />
now i wonder how dara will take it,<br />
jaejoong help the poor girl please.<br />
she needs a boost and well... some lecture