
My Mr.Mannequin

Jaejoong’s POV


I turn to the person who was holding my arm.

"You! Why are you here?” I said while pointing at her then she let’s go of my arm.


Dara’s POV

“Yeah, it’s me.” I said giving him a death glare.

Who would be please on someone who calls you “YOU!” and points at you while doing so.
Without giving any thoughts I pulled his ear forcibly.

“Ouch!” He said while opposing to my grip and which made me gave in.

 “What was that for?!” He said while rubbing his ear.

“You were a bit rude there! People have names you know and you have no right to point at other people!” I said as I crossed my arms together.

“Whatever (As if you did not call me "YOU" last time).

"What did you just say?"


"Anyway, what actually did you came here for?”

“Ah! I almost forgot.” I looked at my surroundings and to my hands. Okay, I’m not holding anything and it can’t possibly fit in my pockets. I was turning pale –

“Where did I left them?”

“ What did you left?”

“Did I just say that out loud?”

"I wouldn't ask you if you didn't”

“Oh, well. I guess I’ll have to rewrite again.” I said as I sigh by the thought of it.

“Another thing.” I said as I look at him.

“While you were there at the office, I would like to remind you to show respect. The principal’s words are like blessings, everything he says will turn out good! So never say NO!”

“Um… What are you trying to say?”

“Don’t question him, just let his plans flow and everything will be alright.”

“Are you sure I’m alright with you?”

“Huh?!” I blink for like three times.

“With you?” I ask him to make sure that I heard wrong.

“Yeah, with you. Is there anyone else here?” He said while looking at his surroundings.

“No, there isn’t anyone else.” I said while my eyes wandered around the corners.

“Oh! Look time is running out! Going to rewrite the letter. Bye!” I said rushing off without looking back. God! How did it turn out like this?


Jaejoong’s POV

She rushed off without bothering to look back. I don’t get that girl – GAHH! I think all girls are hard to understand.

While having thoughts of my own, the principal’s office door suddenly opens.


“Yes sir?”

“Can I ask you to tell Sandara Park, that the apology letter has been delivered.”


“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Then the door closes and opens again.

“By the way, couples are restricted to fight in front of my office.”


Then the door closes again.

That answer wasn’t right.


Nevermind that! I need to look for her and tell her then after that go home!
As I was running through the halls I see a girl wearing pink up ahead.


“Excuse me!” I said while waving my hand to her.

“Do you know where – “ What was her name again?

“Dara is it?” The girl said.


“I heard that she needed to submit a twenty – page apology letter, so I’m guessing she’s in the library.”

“Where’s the library here by the way?”

She turned her back and points ahead.

“As you walk further, you’ll see two ways which is the left and the right. Turn right then after that turn left then the library is there.” After that she turned to me and smiled.

“Thank you.” I said as I bowed to her.

“No need to be formal with me and – “

“Sorry, but I’ve got to go.” I bowed to her again then left quickly.


Author’s POV

The girl looked at the guy and when he was gone.
“ – can I have your number.” The girl sighs after finishing what she was about to tell the guy.


Dara’s POV

“I’m sorry, I won’t point at someone ever again. I’m sorry, I won’t shout at someone again. I’m sorry, I just don’t like the guy. I’m sorry, but that guy gives bad vibes. I’m sorry, please accept my apology. I’m sorry, I’m such a bad photographer. So please, don’t let me be with that guy. Anything we’ll do as long as it doesn’t involve with that guy.” I uttered every word I was writing.

“Just when I was kind enough to pass you a message.”

I gasp and looked to where to voice was.

“What were you going to tell me?”

“I wanted to tell you –“ He said with a playful tone while he was nearing me.

“ – how beautiful you were.” He said as he caressed my face.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“You ask me? Didn’t you do the same with me?”

“I did NOT!”

“Except it wasn’t the face but – “

“WAAAAHH!!! STOP IT! I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

Jaejoong’s POV

As I went inside the library, I saw Dara sleeping with a pile of paper on her side.

She’s already done? What a fast worker.
I went near her and saw that her face turned reddish. Is she sick or something?

I placed my palm on her forehead to check her temperature.
Normal temperature. I think there’s no point in worrying. I sat across her and took an opportunity to read her apology letter – Uhgg! This girl is making me look bad.

“It wasn’t on purpose! I thought you were – “ I looked at Dara. She was only sleep talking, somehow that gave me a heart attack. I continued to look at the papers.

“Don’t let me take them off!” 

“This girl. What kind of dreams is she having?!”

I think it's better to wake her up.


"Hey!” I said as I place my chin on the table.

What was this girl’s name again? Dami? Da – Daro? Dara!

“Hey, Dara! Wake up!”


Dara’s POV

“Hey, Dara! Wake up!”

“Wh – what?” I said as I rubbed my eyes.

“It was only a dream.” I looked at the person sitting across me.

It was blurry at first but when my sight was now clear, I was stoned.
Did he just watch me as I embarrassed myself? MY GOD!!! Of all people, why does it have to be him!
Without hesitation I ask him if –

“Did I do something weird?”

“Hm… Maybe. Why?” He said showing a blank look.

Now that isn't the answer I'm expecting'. I think I really did something weird.
I looked at the paper he was holding and quickly snatched it away from him.

"Do you know what privacy means?"

"Well, yeah. But that apology letter you wrote points to me. So I have the right to know."

"Yeah, right. I'm leaving." I said as I quickly took my bag.

"By the way, the principal told me that he already received your apology letter."

"Where did he find it?"

"Must have slipped while you tried to drag me outside."

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bluefairy07 #1
Chapter 11: update please...
msdeathstalker #2
Chapter 11: sad its ending.. update please thanks
junnic18 #3
waa hahahaha 1st chapie is sooooooo funy
i love jaedy moment :)<br />
<br />
<br />
update soon please
nice~ another jaedy fic to feast at~<br />
keke..^^ well, wanting to be inspired ♥<br />
will be subscribing for sure~ keep it up!
lhady_khaori #6
OMO.. Please update soon....
triplesss-blackjack #7
Okay.. new reader here!,.I think Dara & Nicole could be a very good friends in real-life kekeke!.<br />
Dara is so funny hahaha! she has a pride to talked like that hahaha! i think Dara would be a good photographer if JJ was not the model lol. bec. aaaiiisshh.. you know what i mean xD, i hope for more JaeDy moments here! waaaah! xDD<br />
mine2love #8
thanks for updating!<br />
<br />
do well Dara!!! go for it!!!
Poor Dara -__- But the photography thingy is hard OO:<br />
I saw my uncle do it and complicated x33<br />
Thanks for the update ^O^<br />
P.S. Jaejoong's picture gave me a nosebleed XD
keke<br />
now i wonder how dara will take it,<br />
jaejoong help the poor girl please.<br />
she needs a boost and well... some lecture