
My Mr.Mannequin

Nicole’s POV

“What is that girl taking so long?!” I said in an irritated tone.

“Did she forget about me?! Aisht!” I took out my mobile phone to see: no messages, no missed calls and time is twelve o’ clock.

“Twelve o’ clock! Ohh… That’s just great! How could she be so insensitive!” I said as I stomp my right foot on the ground and sighed after.

“The thought of it is giving me a headache” I motioned my palm and placed it on my forehead, for some reason I felt the need to eat before every inch of my stomach is filled with air. Hello! I’ve been waiting here for two hours! I continued waiting for her until - my stomach gave in creating a loud rumbling sound.

“I’m so hungry!”
Then a sudden slight of cold wind starts touching my bare skin; I rub both of my hands against each other then gave it a blow and embraced myself to feels its warmth.

“I should’ve brought something warm to wear.”


Author’s POV

Nicole continued waiting til’ she grew tired and decided to go and hitch herself a ride back home.

Then, a Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder suddenly stops towards her.



Dara’s POV

“Hey! You need a ride?” I said proudly as a huge grin formed on my face.

She opened the door and went it. I was about to say something to her when a pair of two hands grab on each of my cheeks, she was pinching and stretching it nonstop.

“Ouch! That hurts!” I said whining and trying to pull myself away from her grasp.

“YAH! THAT’S FOR MAKING ME WAIT FOR 2 HOURS AND 30 MINUTES! AND –“ When she was about to finish on what she was about to say her stomach growled, I guess that’s what she meant.

“I get it. I’ll treat you okay?” I said while chuckling quietly. She stopped and leaned herself on the chair.

“I guess this thing is the reason why you took so long.” She said while looking at the road.

“This thing you are talking about has a name you know. Don’t be rude!” I pout by the thought of calling Peggy a thing.

“You gave your car a name? How weird can you get?”

“I’m not weird okay? I just love the thought of giving them names.”

After a few minutes of driving we arrived at the V.I.P’s Central Mall. A mall famous for its stocks from renowned fashion lines. I held my hand on shoulder level and clenched it forming a fist.

“Is this from too much excitement?” I said as my face glow.

“Are we forgetting something here?”

“What?” I said as my attention diverted to Nicole.

“Like, I need to eat. And you may need to eat too. Because it’s already lunch time.”

“Oh… Right” I said hesitating.

“Clothes can wait alright? It’s not gonna go away.”

“But –“ Nicole starts to pull my hand towards the food lounge.


Nicole’s POV

“Here are your orders. Please enjoy!” The waiter bows in respect before he could take his leave, but was stopped by me.

“Wait!” He looks back and smiles.

“Is there anything else ma’am?”

“Call me Nicole.” I offered my hand for a handshake but he only looks at my hand and looks back at me.

“So?” I said as I rolled my eyes, gesturing him to accept my handshake.

“Well, okay.” He says this while holding and placing his tray on the left side of his body. He motions his hand towards mine but before he could come in contact with my hand. I held his hand with both of my hands and stared into his eyes.

“So, when will you finish your work?”


Dara’s POV

“Wha? W-why are you asking?” He was feeling a bit confused and scared from Nicole’s actions and words. The exact feeling I felt when we first met, I said to myself.

“Hey! Nicole, you’re scaring him.” Nicole quickly let’s go of his hand.

“I – am – not!”

“Yes – you – are!”

“Ask him yourself. Right?” Nicole looks back to where the waiter was standing and there was no sign of him.

“Where is he?”

“He ran off while we were arguing.”


Author’s POV

After eating they went to the first clothing line.

Dara who is now stared by other people, was sticking her face too much on the glass while her eyes showed a showering spark of admiration.


Dara’s POV

“Everything here is – just wow!”

“Dara, quit acting like that. You’re like a beast that escaped from its cage!” She warned me.

“Ahw… Don’t be such a kill – joy! I know you enjoy shopping more than I do.”

“At least I don’t act like that in front of people I don’t know.” Saying this as she looks towards my direction.

“So what are you planning to buy?”


“Don’t you joke around.”

“You can’t even tell which ones that just got release plus you’re helpless when it comes to remembering what you already have in your closet. Thus, buying the same thing over and over again.”

Here she goes again. I said to myself, I ignored her constant arguing and started to focus my attention on the clothes displayed on the mannequins. I’ve been fond of wearing oversized tops lately, so maybe I’ll start looking for a new oversized – SWEATER! As I was scanning the place, there was one mannequin that caught my attention; it was wearing a real trendy sweater. So I had to approach it and take it off so that I could try it out on myself. But somehow, I’m feeling a little nervous and my heart’s beating crazily fast.


“What do you think you’re doing?”
“Hhmm?” I was busy ing the sweater and was excited to wear it, so I didn’t bother saying anything else.

“I said, what do you think you’re doing?”

How annoying I said to myself, can’t you see what I’m doing? I was already finished ing the sweater and was shock to see such a – sight! This looks so realistic; I was really curious on how the mannequin was made so without second thought I started poking it.

“Only a genius can create something so realistic!”I said in amazement.

“That would be me.”

Why do I keep hearing a man’s voice? But this time why do I get a feeling that someone’s blowing air on my head. I look back to the Oh ~ so ~ realistic body. Did it just move?!

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bluefairy07 #1
Chapter 11: update please...
msdeathstalker #2
Chapter 11: sad its ending.. update please thanks
junnic18 #3
waa hahahaha 1st chapie is sooooooo funy
i love jaedy moment :)<br />
<br />
<br />
update soon please
nice~ another jaedy fic to feast at~<br />
keke..^^ well, wanting to be inspired ♥<br />
will be subscribing for sure~ keep it up!
lhady_khaori #6
OMO.. Please update soon....
triplesss-blackjack #7
Okay.. new reader here!,.I think Dara & Nicole could be a very good friends in real-life kekeke!.<br />
Dara is so funny hahaha! she has a pride to talked like that hahaha! i think Dara would be a good photographer if JJ was not the model lol. bec. aaaiiisshh.. you know what i mean xD, i hope for more JaeDy moments here! waaaah! xDD<br />
mine2love #8
thanks for updating!<br />
<br />
do well Dara!!! go for it!!!
Poor Dara -__- But the photography thingy is hard OO:<br />
I saw my uncle do it and complicated x33<br />
Thanks for the update ^O^<br />
P.S. Jaejoong's picture gave me a nosebleed XD
keke<br />
now i wonder how dara will take it,<br />
jaejoong help the poor girl please.<br />
she needs a boost and well... some lecture