Chapter 8

Better Together


The proper word to describe their relationship was “unexpected”. It might sound an unelaborated concept, but it was the truth in their peculiar case.

It’s been already ten years since their friendship began. When they first met, both were at the age of six. Childhood friends: it was probably a heartwarming term. From the very start, they would bicker about the most idiotic matters. Such a small fact never affected their precious friendship though.

One year later, Kyuhyun joined the group. However, the bond between them was more obvious, perhaps because both were neighbors, consequently, spent more time together. During the short time Ryeowook was with them, the group actually felt complete – Kyuhyun wouldn’t feel an outcast anymore, because he sometimes would be ignored during the two best friends’ bickering. Unfortunately, the petite boy moved out after a year and never appeared again.

It happened around 5 years ago, when Kyuhyun obtained his dreadful first kiss, while the other two haven’t reached that awful experience, summarizing, neither kissed yet. It was actually scary to think their time was bound to happen, especially after what happened with their friend. Donghae frequently worried about how his first one would be. Despite carelessly joking around about Kyuhyun’s bad experience, Donghae pitied him. Why wouldn’t he? The other lost a precious thing only because of annoying boys with no substantiation in arguments.

They were kids though, so it was expected to be ashamed if they couldn’t accomplish what others anticipated them to do. One particular thing bothered Donghae a lot: what were his feelings towards Eunhyuk? What triggered the youngster into wondering about that was the fact he wouldn’t laugh if it was Eunhyuk in Kyuhyun’s place. Thankfully, the monkey boy wasn’t popular like Kyuhyun.

Thoughs as: “Perhaps it’s because he is my best friend” or “Perhaps he is more pitiable than Kyuhyun”

Donghae subconsciously knew all of those were excuses. Eunhyuk still had him as a support and brother, unlike Kyuhyun who lost the one that probably completed his days. Why the heck would Eunhyuk ever be more pitiable than the other? Failing many times to admit what those feelings might be, Donghae made sure to push aside those thoughts – bearing such feelings towards his best friend would, most likely, have a bad ending. Why risk such a beautiful brotherhood with those?

In one particular morning, the dreadful day seemingly arrived: a girl approached Donghae. Her cheeks were displaying a light blush. Although relieved, because she was actually good looking, the boy couldn’t help but curse a tiny bit. His time arrived, so he should just accept it. The current situation was rather strange. A kiss was supposed to be a pleasurable memory, but lately every boy would treat it like an endless nightmare.

Her lips parted requesting for his presence in the rooftop, place she judged to be more secluded to confess – very far from curious eyes; she was a shy girl after all. His hesitation was successfully suppressed, but the anxious stare couldn’t be completely hidden. That tingling emotion made him refuse to lose that precious memory with a girl he didn’t even know. Donghae definitely did not wish to go.

Somehow, his classmates were informed about the unknown girl that was probably going to confess to him. Malicious stares were already placed on him, seeking for their beloved enjoyment in the “joke”. Donghae could feel them pressuring him into going out with the girl. In case he rejected, they would with those annoying remarks regarding his uality.

Donghae finally understood what Kyuhyun had to go through and it was indeed very nerve wracking. How he was cruel to even laugh about his friend’s disgrace.

“Stop guys, leave him alone. He won’t go” Eunhyuk butted in nonchalantly, which made the classmates to furrow their eyebrows in a questioning way – maybe Eunhyuk knew something about Donghae that they didn’t, since those two were best friends. “Just yesterday a hot chick left his apartment, I happened to cross ways with her when I was going to visit him.” Eunhyuk vehemently affirmed, causing the boys to look impressed.

Although slightly confused because the only girl that left his house in the day before was his cousin, but Donghae remained quiet – his friend was helping him out after all. “Really? Whoa. Lucky bastard! You could’ve told us earlier that you had a girlfriend already.” the boys patted Donghae’s back in a friendly way. Relieved flowed through his features for getting rid of the uncomfortable situation, even though it was a not-very-believable lie.

After politely declining the shy girl, Donghae was walking towards their respective homes. It was a silent walk the entire way, mostly because the boy was racking his brains in order to reach a consensus. “Thanks for earlier” he humbly said while his gaze remained on the streets. Not only Eunhyuk saved him, but it also provided a very entertaining sight: Kyuhyun’s shocked face. It was priceless.

“You’re welcome. We are buddies, of course I’d help you” Eunhyuk proudly informed.

“So Kyuhyun isn’t your friend?” Donghae tilted his head while teasingly smiling at his friend.

“It was a relapse” Eunhyuk defensively stated, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

“Don’t avoid me. It is very obvious already that you treat me distinctively from Kyuhyun and it isn’t as a brother” Donghae anxiously confronted his best friend about the matter that has been bothering him for a long time already. The faster he solved this particular conflict about his feelings, the better. A very shocked Eunhyuk remained quiet while emptily staring at nowhere specifically – anywhere was fine as long as he could avoid those piercing eyes that were waiting for him to reciprocate the stares.

“We agreed to never hide anything from the other, right?” Donghae weakly nudged his friend, hoping to receive some kind of answer from the silent boy. Annoyed by the lack of reply, Donghae started punching Eunhyuk’s arm and he would keep on doing that as long as the other refused to talk. “Stop it, annoying brat! I am trying to get my thoughts straight and you keep punching me!” Eunhyuk held the hand that was violently hitting him to avoid receiving another blow. “It’s just complicated” The monkey finally admitted while averting again his gaze – why it felt so awkward?

“What I meant is… maybe, just maybe, I might like you” Eunhyuk reluctantly confessed as his face had a light blushing, it was his first confession ever made after all. The floor seemed so interesting for both suddenly. “What?” Donghae asked a little bit dumbfounded by the revelation, wanting to know if he heard it correctly.

“You are twelve years old, I am quite sure you hearing is fine, so don’t make me repeat. Also, don’t hate me.” Eunhyuk hurriedly told his friend in a mix of nervousness and annoyance – why the other had to make things more difficult than they already are? Donghae innocently tilted his head, trying to sort out his feelings. “Let’s go out” the fish boy blurted out without giving more thoughts about the important matter – why should he bother about discovering his own feelings when going direct to the point might solve it faster?

“Are you nuts?” Eunhyuk exclaimed clearly flushed by the unexpected words his friend uttered – how could he decide it so easily? “No! We will discover together if we indeed like each other more than brothers” Donghae sheepishly smiled while hoping his friend would accept his suggestion, even though it might be a little bit risky. Eunhyuk nodded, still thinking it was an awkward decision to take so lightly.

“Let’s keep this as a secret for now, Kyuhyun included, because he has acquired an awkward trauma about relationships and he might react badly” Donghae wisely pointed out as their hands were innocently linked, just like how they would hold when they were small kids. “Thinking about him makes me conclude I failed as a friend, didn’t I?” Eunhyuk wondered with regret, if he had stepped in, maybe Kyuhyun wouldn’t have to go through that experience.

“Don’t worry, I am sure he’ll forget about it soon” Donghae calmly assured, placing a small kiss on his friend’s lips when the latter was distracted. Eunhyuk was completely caught off guard and stared questioningly at his childhood friend. “I was curious” Donghae admitted with a cute smile that would melt anyone’s heart, Eunhyuk’s included.

Five years passed by since then, actually, it didn’t take long for both to realize they were indeed in love. However, they still kept it as a little secret from Kyuhyun, because the latter’s strange trauma wasn’t forgotten like they expected it to be. Of course it was partly their fault, since they fully enjoyed taking advantage of Kyuhyun’s lame trauma of insects, but they couldn’t stop – his reaction was way too funny.

What great friends poor Kyuhyun has.


 I am in such a good mood today OTL hope you enjoy this update

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jesyuchiha #1
Chapter 16: Hi, I hope someday author-nim will return to continue with this story, I really like it a lot.
jesyuchiha #2
Chapter 16: No me canso de esto T^T espero que el autor pueda continuar con la historia <3
Chapter 16: Is it finish? I didn't the "complete" sign in this story.. will you continue this one, dear author-nim... pleassee..
jesyuchiha #4
Chapter 16: Al fin hace amigos Ryeok! Espero que puedas seguir actualizando este fic es muy bueno!
jesyuchiha #5
Chapter 16: Al fin hace amigos Ryeok! Espero que puedas seguir actualizando este fic es muy bueno!
Chapter 16: Aw, Ryeowook is finally making friends. Kyuhyun has every right to be worried about Key cause I would be too. He might corrupt Wook. I'm curious about who Donghae wants Ryeowook to meet with. The kyuwook friendship is just getting cuter and cuter.
Thank you for updating!
wintertmm #7
Chapter 16: Ah great that kyu hyun is helping him gain more friends
ryena87 #8
Chapter 15: Yeah... They are better together... Hehe... Still wait your Checkmate dear ^^
Chapter 15: Ohhh that's so so sweet^^
crisvl #10
Chapter 15: Oh god I'm in love with this fanfic