Chapter 7

Better Together


Kyuhyun was heading to the usual place: towards the refectory to meet up with his childhood friends that were on a different class now. Perhaps on his short words exchanged with Ryeowook he might have forgotten to inform that important part. Confusion was inside his mind, because he couldn’t understand why he exploded at Ryeowook without even waiting for a proper reply from the latter.

It was obvious he was slightly hurt from the lack of contact all these years only to have the boy suddenly popping up in front of him again, still looking as innocent as before. For an unknown reason, it was frustrating, how come the other managed to look the same? Kyuhyun might be cold towards some people, usually people that annoy him. However, he wasn’t sure why he was acting so harshly towards his first love.

Meanwhile, Ryeowook kept creating crazy theories of how Kyuhyun would beat him up, hesitantly following the latter. Why was the walk seemed so long? No single words were exchanged afterwards, mostly because one was scared and the other felt awkward meeting with an old acquaintance after so many years. Discretely, Kyuhyun paid a glance towards the quiet boy, wondering why the other was so quiet. Of course the situation wasn’t favorable, but there was definitely something different with the other.

Finally reaching the refectory, the great amount of people turned the place suffocating, but Ryeowook still obediently followed, staring towards the feet of his childhood friend. Kyuhyun headed towards the usual table he and his friends would usually meet, hastily taking a seat. There wasn’t anyone there yet, but Ryeowook stared at it nervously – was he supposed to sit down? With this doubt in his mind, he decided it was safest to stay in that position.

Kyuhyun narrowed his eyes somehow offended by such an act. “You must hate me quite a lot. You don’t even want to sit down beside me.” The boy accusingly pointed out, slightly hurt from thinking the other indeed hated him. Startled, Ryeowook’s gaze rested on his childhood friend. “S-sorry” the boy finally uttered occupying the seat beside Kyuhyun.

Such an ambiguous statement caused Kyuhyun to wonder if Ryeowook was apologizing for hating him or for not sitting down. It was frustrating for the younger. Were they really friends in the past? In the exact moment, there were absolutely no traces that signaled this anymore. They weren’t friends, just mere strangers. No secret hiding place, no laughs shared.

Suddenly, Kyuhyun quirked his eyebrows after he felt a light touch in his arm. It was nearly impossible Ryeowook's touch would be feather like, it was just too light. Once he bothered glancing, he immediately paled: it was a cicada. Nervously, he gulped his saliva trying to suppress himself from making a scene because of a small insect. “AHH AN INSECT!” he shouted pathetically moving his arm desperately.

Startled by the sudden shriek emitted from his old friend, Ryeowook turned to his side, wondering what the heck Kyuhyun was doing while moving his arm that had nothing on it anymore. “Is he schizophrenic?” the boy carelessly thought while frowning at the other who was finally calming down.

“I told you! It is still amusing, even after five years!” Eunhyuk managed to say between his laughter, as he hi-fived the person beside him. “Indeed. Somehow his reaction gets even more exaggerated!” Donghae was cracking up while Kyuhyun was obviously sending piercing death glares to his friends that were clearly pleased with his disgrace. Both occupied their seats, until they finally realized a fresh face among them.

Donghae’s features lit up forming a teasing grin. “Who’s that? Perhaps you finally lost your idiot fear of being in a relat…” he started to spoke, but was prevented from ending the sentence because Kyuhyun made sure to interrupt him. “Shut up” Kyuhyun snapped nervously as Ryeowook didn’t need to know about that particular matter about him. They were strangers after all.

“Hi. Nice to meet you.” Ryeowook shyly greeted the pair while staring down at the table, avoiding their gazes that were obviously on him. Kyuhyun was speechless due the fact Ryeowook was unable to recognize the other two. It’s not like they changed much, just some hormones acted and they grew up. The younger wondered for a split of second about that matter, because Ryeowook seemingly recognized him easily.

“You still didn’t introduce us” Eunhyuk growled impatiently as his fingers were tapping the surface of the table waiting for a proper introduction. Meanwhile, Donghae was tilting his head cutely trying to figure out why the person in front of him seemed familiar. “You really don’t remember him?” the younger questioned in pure disbelief, Ryeowook didn’t change much either.

“He is the one who left us behind!” Kyuhyun mindlessly said, only to kick himself mentally afterwards from regret. Why he had to be so unkind towards the other? Perhaps matching his words together with his feelings didn’t always provide a good outcome. “Eh?!” Both started glaring at the other continuously again, causing Ryeowook to grow uncomfortable from its sensation. Were they going to act like Kyuhyun?

“REALLY? WOOKIEE!” they immediately shouted, standing up from their respective seats in order to hug the smaller.  A small part of Kyuhyun was very jealous that he was unable to do the same. He wasn’t as forgiving as the others maybe. Why couldn’t he act like everything was fine and return to be friends? That was one of the moments when he wished he could be as dumb as his friends.

“I never thought we would ever meet again!” Donghae happily spoke while clinging to the boy who was obviously starting to blush from the treatment received from his other two childhood friends. “Oh! We have so many things to tell you, like Kyuhyun’s fear of ins…” Eunhyuk was excitedly blurting out the most embarrassing thing regarding his friend’s trauma.

“STOP RIGHT NOW BEFORE I PUT A DOZEN OF BANANAS IN YOUR MOUTH AND DIE BECAUSE OF IT, STUPID MONKEY!” Kyuhyun’s annoyance was on incredible levels today, especially because his friends enjoyed taking full advantage of his weakness constantly. Not only that, he did not wish to reveal those information for someone who was still a “stranger” for him. “You wouldn’t dare. But… why a dozen? It doesn’t even fit inside my mouth!” Eunhyuk protested, afraid the other would be indeed capable of doing such a thing as his sweet revenge.

“The market nearby is giving discount on them” Kyuhyun nonchalantly justified, evilly smirking as he indeed considered the idea now. “Fine, I won’t say anything. However, I bet Ryeowook probably found out from your scene.” Eunhyuk retorted referring to the ruckus made by the other a few minutes ago. Kyuhyun immediately frowned, cursing himself mentally from the uproar he made earlier.

The younger expected his old friend to join the teasing, but the latter simply kept his head low, very quiet only observing their interactions. It was easy for Kyuhyun to understand something was definitely wrong with the smaller, but that was just a suspicion for now. Somehow, the taller was able to worry despite the hurt held towards the fact Ryeowook didn’t contact them.

“So… mind telling us the reason for your lack of contact in all these past years?” Donghae gently questioned while eyeing Ryeowook still failing to believe they met again. “Didn’t Kyuhyun give you his number?” he hastily added, causing the smaller to shot up his head clearly surprised for the direct question made. “I-it di-id not… e-exist” Ryeowook stuttered as he eyed apologetically the taller, afraid of revealing the truth and receiving another cold treatment from him.

“What?” Kyuhyun confusedly asked, guilty increasing from remembering how coldly he treated the other earlier. He was such an idiot. “I knew it! And you still call us dumb, but you are exactly the same!” Eunhyuk contently pointed out, knowing this was always a possibility. “Shouldn’t you say we aren’t dumb instead of saying he is exactly like us?” Donghae groaned in dissatisfaction for being included in the ‘dumb’ part without his consent.

“Why would I lie?” Eunhyuk foolishly stated, causing Kyuhyun to burst in laughs and Donghae to roll his eyes in annoyance.

Finally the misunderstanding was cleared up, explaining why there was no contact after all those years. Obviously, Kyuhyun was regretting his misbehavior and also worrying about the new shy Ryeowook – he was a little shy at first when they first met, but not to the extent of being completely unable to look directly in other people’s eyes.

But that is a thing they would speculate about later.


Sorry for english mistakes, was too lazy to re-read it lol
2 tests already, 5 left OTL

Please do comment ^^ haha it kind of hurts to know the original one in some chapters barely had 2 comments OTL -kicks silent readers- XDD

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jesyuchiha #1
Chapter 16: Hi, I hope someday author-nim will return to continue with this story, I really like it a lot.
jesyuchiha #2
Chapter 16: No me canso de esto T^T espero que el autor pueda continuar con la historia <3
Chapter 16: Is it finish? I didn't the "complete" sign in this story.. will you continue this one, dear author-nim... pleassee..
jesyuchiha #4
Chapter 16: Al fin hace amigos Ryeok! Espero que puedas seguir actualizando este fic es muy bueno!
jesyuchiha #5
Chapter 16: Al fin hace amigos Ryeok! Espero que puedas seguir actualizando este fic es muy bueno!
Chapter 16: Aw, Ryeowook is finally making friends. Kyuhyun has every right to be worried about Key cause I would be too. He might corrupt Wook. I'm curious about who Donghae wants Ryeowook to meet with. The kyuwook friendship is just getting cuter and cuter.
Thank you for updating!
wintertmm #7
Chapter 16: Ah great that kyu hyun is helping him gain more friends
ryena87 #8
Chapter 15: Yeah... They are better together... Hehe... Still wait your Checkmate dear ^^
Chapter 15: Ohhh that's so so sweet^^
crisvl #10
Chapter 15: Oh god I'm in love with this fanfic