Chapter 15

Better Together

Ryeowook bit his lower lip nervously as he watched his friend seemingly disconcerted with the current arrangement. “Should we go back and come another day?” he offered as it felt strange to be mixed with a bunch of families and couples.

“I don’t see any problem” Kyuhyun shrugged off nonchalantly, refusing to give up on hanging out with Ryeowook – they were already at the amusement park after all, so they should enjoy themselves.

Ryeowook raised his brows as he stared skeptically at the other male. “Wouldn’t people assume you’re my boyfriend?” he pointed at the great amount of couples walking hand in hand. “Since this is a common place for dates” Ryeowook accused, still greatly embarrassed to be mistakenly considered as one of those. Although Ryeowook thought of just agreeing with the other like he would usually do, he felt nervous to be exposed that way. What if someone from their class saw them and assumed they were indeed an item? It would just give them a reason to bully him again.

“Or they could consider me as a great friend” Kyuhyun tried to show another perspective, even though he did not believe people would saw them as that. Still, he couldn’t let Ryeowook give up on hanging out just because he was bothered with the opinion of unknown people.

“Or great boyfriend!” Ryeowook snapped as he was getting angry for being put under such situation. Despite being shocked by the sudden outburst, Kyuhyun was actually glad Ryeowook was voicing out his opinion about that. However, he was too stubborn to change his plans.

“I am glad you’re telling me your thoughts. But we’re going whether you like it or not! Also, I am a great boyfriend material! You shouldn’t be ashamed if people thought this of us. You should be glad I am a great friend and don’t feel offended by your rejection.” Kyuhyun arrogantly stated, trying to enlighten the mood. However, this caused Ryeowook to frown at the other unsure if he should laugh at his words or be indignant that his opinion was invalid for the other.

Kyuhyun noticed the other wouldn’t say a thing anymore after being ignored. While watching Ryeowook nervously, he noticed a natural pout painted his features. Subconsciously, he reached for Ryeowook’s cheek pinching it. “That’s cute” Kyuhyun said, causing Ryeowook to drop his mouth open at the unexpected act, unable to say a thing about it – after debating mentally, he decided to say nothing.

After they bought the tickets, they walked inside getting one folder that contained the map of the park. “Which ride should we go?” Kyuhyun asked as he opened it showing to his friend that was suddenly quiet. The older of the two contemplated their options.

“Any, but the ferris wheel” Ryeowook answered pointing at where it was located, he analyzed the rest of the rides concluding they should be fine.

Kyuhyun wondered if the reason was related to them being mistakenly considered a couple. “Are you afraid to be alone with me?” he teased, trying to discover whether it was related or not.

Ryeowook lifted his gaze to stare at the other with a funny face. “I am already alone with you” he pointed out the obvious, causing Kyuhyun to chuckle. “I just don’t like high heights” Ryeowook admitted, trying to think where they should go first.

“What about the other rides like the elevator?” Kyuhyun questioned wondering why he refused to go specifically to the ferris wheel, if it was the less scary from all the rides.

“In those cases, I’d try to endure because it would be a fast ride. Unlike the ferris wheel that stops at the top. I’d faint from looking downwards for too long” Ryeowook explained his logic. It wasn’t very convincing to Kyuhyun, but he was quite sure Ryeowook was going to try to endure the other ones because those were the main rides from the amusement park – not going to them would cut half of their fun.

“What about the roller coaster?” Kyuhyun pressed on, thinking for a person with fear of heights it would be scarier to see the height you’re about to ‘fall’ from instead of looking at it slowly.

“I’d keep my eyes closed” Ryeowook assured, although he wasn’t sure he would be able to accomplish it through the entire ride. However, since they were already there, he promised to not spoil the fun for Kyuhyun even if it meant him trying to confront one of his fears. Kyuhyun frowned as he thought it might’ve been a mistake to bring Ryeowook to this place if he would be scared of all the rides – but hopefully his mind would change amidst having fun.

“Let’s try something that isn’t as scary as those rides at first then. Pirate ship sounds fine for you?” Kyuhyun choose, trying to take into consideration Ryeowook’s opinion, trying to avoid those rides for now. Ryeowook shyly nodded.

Amidst his excitement, Kyuhyun grasped Ryeowook’s hand to lead them to the ride – just like how they did when they were small. Gladly, Ryeowook didn’t seem to mind, but he was aware of it. Although he agreed, Ryeowook still froze watching how that ride nearly made a loop – it was enough to make him to stare at the other with despair. Kyuhyun noticed, squeezing his hand lightly to encourage the other of not giving up before trying.

This kind of reminded him of their past, suddenly they were just like two child enjoying simple things of life without any worries – although they were close to reach adulthood and had many worries saved for their present and future. For today, they decided to keep those aside though.

After the ride, Ryeowook was pale from it – he nearly died every time the boat went so high, because he thought it would indeed make a loop. Kyuhyun patted his back comfortingly, trying not to laugh at his pitiful state, but it was rather funny seeing how desperate Ryeowook screamed during the entire ride – this was his natural self and was a relieve at least in those moments he couldn’t keep up that wall between him and the world. “Let’s choose a peaceful ride now then we’ll keep intercalating the most radical ones with the calmer ones. What about river rafting now?” Kyuhyun suggested, seeing how Ryeowook might indeed faint if they went to the roller coaster now.

His features softened as he felt glad the next one was a lot more peaceful than the others – Ryeowook eagerly nodded as he enjoyed those types of rides. During all day long they kept going in the most diverse rides, to ensure it was fair for both – Ryeowook did enjoy even the rides he was scared of, though most of them he kept screaming like a coward. He wasn’t sure if he should be impressed with Kyuhyun not laughing or how much of a coward he was.

The day was nearly at its end, but they had time for the last ride of the day. “Are you sure you don’t want to at least try the ferris wheel?” Kyuhyun tried to coerce him into accepting, because he wanted Ryeowook to see how inoffensive it actually was. Ryeowook bit his lower lip, but immediately shook his head negatively.

“Well, we can also go bungee jumping they have it here over the lake”

“Can’t we just go home?” Ryeowook frowned as he noticed there were only scary rides among the options Kyuhyun gave him.

“Pick one” Kyuhyun stubbornly demanded, almost sure the other would have to end up picking up the ferris wheel.

“… fine. Bungee jumping” Ryeowook reluctantly answered, still not convinced he’d be able to willingly jump from that height. On the bright side, it would end much faster and in case the rope tore apart, he’d fall on the water (not that he knew how to swim, but it was still better than falling on the ground).

“Are you nuts? You’d rather jump from a high height instead of admiring the scenario from up there?” Kyuhyun failed to believe in his logic. It was more like Ryeowook was contradicting him on purpose, just to avoiding going to the ferris wheel. “We’re going to the ferris wheel, you’re going to see how your fear is really stupid” Kyuhyun babbled as he dragged the unwilling boy with him.

Once they arrived to the line, Kyuhyun realized a tad bit late that there were only couples waiting for their turn. Ryeowook watched it with both disbelief and shyness. “Are you sure you aren’t trying to create scenarios for us to seem like a couple just to laugh at me?” he questioned obviously suspecting the other that cursed inwardly for not thinking about the obvious.

The mood between them turned awkwardly all of sudden as Kyuhyun had to come up with something to enlighten the atmosphere. “Why would I do that? Perhaps is this a sign that you want me as your boyfriend?” he teased wearing a smirk, but deep down he was nervous because he was playing with something dangerous, hoping for the best outcome from this.

“No!” Ryeowook hastily denied, face blushing profusely – although he did have a crush on Kyuhyun in the past, he felt like that past crush was suddenly exposed making him feel embarrassed.

“Not boyfriend? Would you want me as your girlfriend then?” Kyuhyun joked, enjoying the many emotions he triggered on Ryeowook. He wanted to see more reactions, as each of them amused him. Ryeowook raised his eyebrow – then by this mention he remembered when they had inversed roles when small and Kyuhyun was dressed as a girl.

“Kyuhyuna” he whispered chuckling at the idea of the other dressed as a girl again – he was sure he’d look good though, since his features were soft and not too overly masculine.

“Wait. What?” Kyuhyun actually heard Ryeowook saying it.

“Erm. You know the singer Hyuna?” he explained where the idea from calling him that came from, although reluctant since Kyuhyun could be mad at him for that.

“Please don’t make this an official nickname to the others” Kyuhyun groaned, thinking how much of a hell he’d receive because of his other two friends. Ryeowook weakly laughed at his complains, relieved to know he wasn’t offended. Once they realized, it was already their turn to climb onto the cabin.

Entering it was an endless torture for Ryeowook, he grasped tightly the metal bar from the cabin. They seated across each other, but seeing how scared the other was, Kyuhyun stood up to sit beside Ryeowook. The ride started, and it was very slow. Ryeowook instead of staring outside, he kept watching the floor of the cabin. Kyuhyun sighed knowing it would be hard for him, but he should really enjoy the view.

Amidst his nervousness to grasp onto anything that assured him the cabin was firm, he ended up grasping Kyuhyun’s hand without realizing the other was beside him all this time. “Sorry” he quickly apologized releasing it. Kyuhyun chuckled, finding it adorable even though he felt sympathy towards the other.

“Look outside, the view of this place at night is breathtaking” Kyuhyun tried to convince him into staring somewhere else other than the floor.

“What if this suddenly breaks and we are stuck at the top. Or what if it falls down” Ryeowook muttered obviously scared to be at such a high place.

“Well, stuck at the top wouldn’t be a problem since I am together. I am a damn good company, admit it” Kyuhyun kept with his cocky attitude, trying to appease his emotions. Ryeowook rolled his eyes after hearing such a remark.

“Just take a peak and I will stop bothering you. I swear” Kyuhyun pleaded. Ryeowook stared at him, seeing an assuring smile plastered on his features. Although reluctant, he nodded and finally allowed his eyes to rest on the scenario. Since it was still growing dark, on the horizon was colored with a pink color, mixed with orange. The lights from the park were already making it bright. Ryeowook had to admit it was a very beautiful sight that he couldn’t avert his eyes from anymore.

“You’re right, it really is beautiful” Ryeowook admitted it out loud, making Kyuhyun relieved. Otherwise he’d have to endure the other mad with him for dragging him against his will. This might be the first step for Ryeowook to lose his insecurities and fears that were gathered through all those years apart.

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jesyuchiha #1
Chapter 16: Hi, I hope someday author-nim will return to continue with this story, I really like it a lot.
jesyuchiha #2
Chapter 16: No me canso de esto T^T espero que el autor pueda continuar con la historia <3
Chapter 16: Is it finish? I didn't the "complete" sign in this story.. will you continue this one, dear author-nim... pleassee..
jesyuchiha #4
Chapter 16: Al fin hace amigos Ryeok! Espero que puedas seguir actualizando este fic es muy bueno!
jesyuchiha #5
Chapter 16: Al fin hace amigos Ryeok! Espero que puedas seguir actualizando este fic es muy bueno!
Chapter 16: Aw, Ryeowook is finally making friends. Kyuhyun has every right to be worried about Key cause I would be too. He might corrupt Wook. I'm curious about who Donghae wants Ryeowook to meet with. The kyuwook friendship is just getting cuter and cuter.
Thank you for updating!
wintertmm #7
Chapter 16: Ah great that kyu hyun is helping him gain more friends
ryena87 #8
Chapter 15: Yeah... They are better together... Hehe... Still wait your Checkmate dear ^^
Chapter 15: Ohhh that's so so sweet^^
crisvl #10
Chapter 15: Oh god I'm in love with this fanfic