Chapter 13

Better Together

Determined to help a friend out, Kyuhyun racked his brains in search of what he was supposed to do in this situation. He certainly is unable to change what happened in that distant past, but he could try to pull out Ryeowook from his darkness and show that he had friends that he could trust now. Although he could seek out for his other two friends, Kyuhyun felt like he had to solve this since he was partially responsible over what happened. Perhaps if he was able to remember the number correctly, things wouldn’t reach this point.

Instead of regretting, he reached for his cellphone dialing Donghae’s number – he didn’t believe Eunhyuk was capable of having any brilliant ideas to help out. “Hey” Kyuhyun heard his friend greeting him, interrupting the thoughts that cornered his mind.

“Hey. Want to hang out tomorrow?” Kyuhyun suggested without really thinking where they’d go, he just wanted Ryeowook to leave his house and also the invisible enclosure he created throughout the years they spent separated.

“Where to?” Donghae eagerly questioned, quite impressed that his nerd friend wanted to go out instead of staying home and playing games until night time. Eunhyuk was at his place at that exact moment, staring curiously at his boyfriend that was making a stupid expression.

“I don’t know, have any suggestion?” Kyuhyun shrugged as he had absolutely no idea of where they should head to – amidst this questioning, he actually wondered what kind of place Ryeowook would enjoy to go. They were young, maybe partying? But it was obvious how Ryeowook would detest that kind of place.

“Geez. You call inviting, but didn’t think of the place yet? You’re so stupid, can’t believe people actually drool over you and praise your brains” Donghae complained, mouthing to Eunhyuk what they were talking about. Unfortunately, his boyfriend wasn’t one to understand lip reading – all he could catch from that was that Kyuhyun wanted something, but that was about it.

“As far as I know, my looks have nothing to do with this matter. Also, I am thinking of a place to bring Ryeowook together with us” Kyuhyun retorted, failing to see how any of those connected to the fact he was in doubt to what kind of place they should go – he was being considerate towards a friend!

Donghae exchanged gazes with Eunhyuk that already put pause on the game he was playing before. The latter was simply watching his boyfriend chatting with mild curiosity. “Hm. Perhaps we could go to the amusing park?” a smirk adorned his lips as he winked at the other, a diabolic plan already being created inside his brain. He mouthed a: let’s prank him! But Eunhyuk only furrowed his brows unable to understand a word.

“Isn’t that childish?” Kyuhyun asked in doubt. He couldn’t deny they wouldn’t get bored and considering Ryeowook’s past it was quite obvious he hasn’t been in the amusement park for a while. There were no friends, no girlfriend and going with his parents during adolescence was probably embarrassing sometimes.

“Well, can’t go wrong. I don’t know anybody that hates them. Plus, you asked for a suggestion and I gave you one” Donghae answered feigning innocence, hoping his proposal would be accepted

“Yeah, guess you’re right. Tomorrow after lunch?” Kyuhyun decided to give in as he also couldn’t find a reason to not go there. “Can you tell Hyuk?” he requested as he knew those two were often together.

“Sounds fine by me. I’ll tell him” Donghae grinned knowing his plan worked out just fine. “See you tomorrow, dude” he said his farewell, hanging up right after Kyuhyun also said bye. Eunhyuk just stared at him silently asking what Kyuhyun was talking about, also because his boyfriend looked like he was plotting something devious.

“I just set up a date for our dear Kyuhyun” Donghae announced proudly wearing a creepy smile never seen before by Eunhyuk. The latter tilted his head confused as what he heard was him seemingly combining something with the other. “With who?” he asked still unable to see the connection between the facts.

“With Ryeowook, at the amusement park. He invited us, but we will ditch them saying something happened” Eunhyuk thought it was rather scary how his boyfriend planned that so fast. “Just hope their ‘date’ goes fine otherwise you’ll have to deal with a fuming Kyuhyun on Monday” he pointed out, wondering if he was crazy to mess with their friend that was constantly mad at them for laughing at him.

“Don’t worry. I am sure things will go fine. Those two need a small push from a friend. In the future Kyuhyun will be grateful” Eunhyuk rolled his eyes as the other was way too confident about them having feelings for each other even though nothing pointed out to that suspicion of his. Considering the amount of time they spent apart, they were on the stage of getting to know each other before deciding whether they felt anything – pushing things in hopes to make it faster might even turn the situation for the worst.

“If you are alive until that future happens” Eunhyuk got slapped on the back of his head as he received a glare from Donghae that was overly confident about his plan.

“Why are you in such a rush to make them a couple? Have it ever crossed your mind they might not fancy each other in that way?” Eunhyuk snapped indignantly at the other that was abusing him physically as a way to oppress him – this or cutting their physical relationship for a determined time.

“They already wanted to be in each other’s pants before!” Donghae exclaiming causing the other to widen his eyes at what he heard.

“Are you sick? They were eight! At that age they thought was only our gender!”

“Subconsciously?” Donghae offered that as an option, causing Eunhyuk to roll his eyes with disbelief as his boyfriend was definitely going nuts with what he said – perhaps he should get a tape and shut it before he uttered more crap. Before they discussed that not very interesting subject further, Eunhyuk returned to play the game that was still on pause.

He just hoped this would improve their relationship and pray both of his friends wouldn’t be acting awkward once Monday arrived.




I am so sorry for neglecting this ;; I admit I am taking more works than what I can handle but hopefully I'll be able to rewrite more chapters since I am still on vacations. Trying to be optimistic perhaps by the end of the month I'll rewrite everything (?) Probably not since I still have to give attention to Checkmate. So I do apologize for this, my last semester wasn't really the best that was why I had to quit writing almost everything for a while. Hopefully the next one things will go more smoothly, but then again I can't promise anything at all since I am kind of lazy with my studies sometimes. This chapter didn't really exist on the original work so I hope you enjoy it even though it doesn't contain Kyuwook :) Hopefully (again being optimistic!) I'll update another chapter until the end of the weekend. Do comment though because any writer would love to receive feedback on their works <3 Do you enjoy the slow pace or would you rather for things to speed up a little?


Just so you know the original work had 20 chapters and was very close to its end. Since I am rewriting the number of chapters have increased just like in infinite nightstands. Hope you enjoy the extras! :)

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jesyuchiha #1
Chapter 16: Hi, I hope someday author-nim will return to continue with this story, I really like it a lot.
jesyuchiha #2
Chapter 16: No me canso de esto T^T espero que el autor pueda continuar con la historia <3
Chapter 16: Is it finish? I didn't the "complete" sign in this story.. will you continue this one, dear author-nim... pleassee..
jesyuchiha #4
Chapter 16: Al fin hace amigos Ryeok! Espero que puedas seguir actualizando este fic es muy bueno!
jesyuchiha #5
Chapter 16: Al fin hace amigos Ryeok! Espero que puedas seguir actualizando este fic es muy bueno!
Chapter 16: Aw, Ryeowook is finally making friends. Kyuhyun has every right to be worried about Key cause I would be too. He might corrupt Wook. I'm curious about who Donghae wants Ryeowook to meet with. The kyuwook friendship is just getting cuter and cuter.
Thank you for updating!
wintertmm #7
Chapter 16: Ah great that kyu hyun is helping him gain more friends
ryena87 #8
Chapter 15: Yeah... They are better together... Hehe... Still wait your Checkmate dear ^^
Chapter 15: Ohhh that's so so sweet^^
crisvl #10
Chapter 15: Oh god I'm in love with this fanfic