Chapter 14

Better Together

Once again Kyuhyun was taking the path towards Ryeowook’s house and this once the latter would certainly be at home since it was lunch time. Kyuhyun was supposed to walk slowly towards there, but anyone who saw him thought he was at least jogging. Not so long after, he found himself in front of Ryeowook’s house and without any second thoughts he pressed the campaign waiting to be received, just wondering now what he would do if the other didn’t eat his lunch yet. He was panting due to the run he made to meet up with Ryeowook.

The camera captured exactly his face and instantly he recognized the voice that answered. “Kyuhyun?” Ryeowook couldn’t suppress his surprise for seeing the other suddenly visiting him.

“Did… I interrupt your lunch? I… am… sorry” Kyuhyun answered immediately, needing to take a few breaks between the words as he realized he was more out of breath than what he expected. Immediately, Ryeowook rushed out from the house to open the gate for Kyuhyun. Once he did reach the entrance, he stared at his friend worriedly. “Are you alright?” the worn out boy nodded weakly as an answer.

He stared skeptically at the other that was nearly dying from being out of breath. “Are you sure you’re fine?” he asked again just to confirm it, brows furrowed at his friend that appeared suddenly in front of his house. Kyuhyun was about to reaffirm it, but his eyes met up with the sight of his friend still wearing pajamas – it had a plain pattern, which was awkward considering he expected him to wear something cute. This only confirmed the other didn’t have lunch yet. Heck, he was even wearing pajamas still!

Instead of returning later, he decided to rush the other. “Why are you still on your pajamas?” he demanded an answer causing the youngster to raise his eyebrow awkwardly. Ryeowook came into realization only now that he was still wearing that, the shock from seeing Kyuhyun today was such that made him completely forget about that. He felt embarrassed for being caught in his sleep wear.

‘Because if I wasn’t wearing them I’d be ’ He answered inside his mind, but he still didn’t feel close enough to the other to give such a daring answer. Instead, he decided to keep acting shy as he could not summon courage to give another reply. “Because I just woke up” Kyuhyun pushed him back inside lightly. “Get changed, ‘cause we’ll go out now” he finally announced his plan, causing the other to widen his eyes.

“Don’t I have any say in this?” Ryeowook whined as he enjoyed to stay home more than anything – he liked the protection it offered. In that place there was no one judging his every action and it was relieving.

“No, just go and I’ll ask your mother for permission” Kyuhyun was afraid that the other would reject the sudden ‘invitation’, but from talking with his mother the day before he was sure she would allow her son to go out with him.

Astonishment filled the petite’s features as he blurted out the following words. “Are you my boyfriend to ask my mother this?” once he uttered those words, he noticed he said it out loud. His face turned redder, showing he did not intend to do such assumption. Probably it was due to the mix of embarrassment and surprise that Kyuhyun caused by showing up and inviting (more like demanding) him to go out. The matter of him asking for the permission from his mother only added to the amount of things that were unexpected. Instead of discussing it further, he simply excused himself to change his clothes obviously avoiding the other’s eyes that were fixedly staring at him – filled with shock as well.

Ryeowook did invite him in, but the awkward silence between them showed how far they became through the years. Kyuhyun awkwardly sat down on the same living room as the day before. “Hi, you kept your promise” a voice interrupted his thoughts and he looked up to find it was Mrs. Kim smiling at him. “Will you have lunch with us?” she invited, but was immediately declined.

“No, you shouldn’t worry over me. I am here to bring Ryeowook out from this house. No offense, but I think he should socialize more” Kyuhyun knew Mrs. Kim probably was more aware than anyone of her son’s condition. The smile adorning the woman’s face said it all.

“Of course you can, that boy should see the sunlight more often.” She simply answered, Kyuhyun thought that perhaps he could talk to her about that subject someday, but was highly unlikely as it would be too strange to talk with Ryeowook’s mother about a subject that was probably very delicate for them. Suddenly, he remembered that it was from this room that he stole something: the letter. If Ryeowook noticed it was missing, he worried the other would find out he had it with him – he needed Ryeowook’s mother to keep it as a secret.

“Please keep a secret that I came here yesterday though, don’t want him to think that I am pressuring him to go out with us” he came up with the perfect excuse that made Mrs. Kim chuckle.

“Sure” as they ended their small talk, they heard footsteps nearby – soon Ryeowook reached the living room now with clothes changed completely. Since he did not know where they were heading to, he wore simple clothes. It was not like he understood much about clothes neither picked them carefully for each occasion – but he wished he looked adequate enough since he did not desire to attract attention.

“We’ll be heading out now, mom” Ryeowook muttered shyly – he had no doubts his mother would agree with him going out, even though he hoped she would act protective of him and keep him locked.

“Yes, hun. Just don’t eat too much junk food, you know you have stomachache easily!” she nagged at him, causing him to stare at Kyuhyun more embarrassed than ever – even more than being seen with his pajamas. Kyuhyun grinned at the scene. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure he will eat only healthy foods” he stood up from his seat, holding to not laugh at the other. But he found the scene more cute than funny, making it crack up a smile on his handsome features.

Both walked outside, Ryeowook still having no idea of where they were headed to. “Where are we going?” he inquired as the curiosity grew at each minute that passed by.

“Secret, not telling you” Kyuhyun teased as they reached a bus stop. Ryeowook frowned wondering if he was actually being kidnapped – should he run away while he still could?

“At least tell me which one we’re taking” Ryeowook pointed at the sign that contained the number of the busses they could take from there. However, no information was given as the route of the bus was written there. It did not take long for one to arrive. Ryeowook was pulled by Kyuhyun towards it. Unfortunately, he wasn’t paying attention to it as he wasn’t expecting it to arrive so fast.

“Can you give me a tip?” Ryeowook pleaded as he felt nervous for being dragged to some unknown place.

“I can only tell you it’s the last stop. If we have luck, the bus will be empty” he dragged Ryeowook to a seat. The ride went by, neither really speaking. This happened mostly because one didn’t think he had anything to tell the other, while Kyuhyun was focused on other matters – like Ryeowook’s past (but he surely couldn’t talk about it directly with him).

After about 45 minutes, they arrived at the destined place. Ryeowook looked flabbergasted as it was an amusement park. “Just wait a minute, I’ll call Hae and Hyuk to know where they are” Kyuhyun informed as he grabbed his cellphone from his pocket and started dialing Donghae’s number. Ryeowook nodded, following Kyuhyun towards the line of people to buy a ticket.

“Hey, where are you? I am going to buy the tickets” Kyuhyun stated once the other greeted him through the cellphone.

“Man, something came up. Our stupid families decided to make a gathering and we’re stuck in here. We didn’t even have lunch yet!” Donghae whined, trying to sound convinced enough that he was frustrated for not being able to go to the amusement park with them (he did enjoy that place, but he knew their families frequently made lunch on Sundays together).

“What? Isn’t there any way to escape?” Kyuhyun stared apologetically at Ryeowook that was oblivious to everything. Kyuhyun cursed mentally as this was supposed to make them all become closer – but it was already a failure since the other two couldn’t come.

“No, sorry. Enjoy there for both of us! Really have to go now, bye” Donghae rushed the talk before he spilled anything, hanging up before Kyuhyun could protest or say anything else.

Ryeowook tilted his head curiously at him, causing Kyuhyun to sigh in disappointment for not being able to do things right at once. “There are so many couples here” Ryeowook commented as he frowned watching how many of those were on the line waiting to buy their tickets. Kyuhyun finally paid attention to their surrounds and noticed the same. He cursed internally as he completely forgot that at Sunday this place was packed with couples wanting to spend some time together.

“Remember when you asked me if I was your boyfriend?” Ryeowook nodded although a blush spread across his features.

“Well, I am not your boyfriend… but it seems like we are on a date now” Kyuhyun informed in an unusual way about them being without the other two today – he tried laughing, but it was obviously an awkward one. This would certainly be a long day for them as they avoided each other’s eyes because looking would surely make things more awkward.




Enjoy! (and comment if possible ^^)

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jesyuchiha #1
Chapter 16: Hi, I hope someday author-nim will return to continue with this story, I really like it a lot.
jesyuchiha #2
Chapter 16: No me canso de esto T^T espero que el autor pueda continuar con la historia <3
Chapter 16: Is it finish? I didn't the "complete" sign in this story.. will you continue this one, dear author-nim... pleassee..
jesyuchiha #4
Chapter 16: Al fin hace amigos Ryeok! Espero que puedas seguir actualizando este fic es muy bueno!
jesyuchiha #5
Chapter 16: Al fin hace amigos Ryeok! Espero que puedas seguir actualizando este fic es muy bueno!
Chapter 16: Aw, Ryeowook is finally making friends. Kyuhyun has every right to be worried about Key cause I would be too. He might corrupt Wook. I'm curious about who Donghae wants Ryeowook to meet with. The kyuwook friendship is just getting cuter and cuter.
Thank you for updating!
wintertmm #7
Chapter 16: Ah great that kyu hyun is helping him gain more friends
ryena87 #8
Chapter 15: Yeah... They are better together... Hehe... Still wait your Checkmate dear ^^
Chapter 15: Ohhh that's so so sweet^^
crisvl #10
Chapter 15: Oh god I'm in love with this fanfic