That Night

The Mansion



Victoria's POV


I suddenly wake up after I heard a noise downstairs. Luna wasn't beside me either. I went down and saw broken pieces of glass on the floor. "What's going on?" Jonghyun ask with his sleepy eyes.


"I heard something." Yoona came down too. "Where's Luna anyway?" Kyuhyun appeared infront of us.


"I don't know, That's why I came down here." I answered in all their questions. Then, We heard another noise. "It's coming from the kitchen." Kyuhyun run towards the kitchen.


We followed himthere and saw the door open. "Who could possibly be the killer?" Yoona crossed her arms. "Let's find Luna first." Jonghyun suggested.



Kyuhyun's POV


"Let's split up." I suggested. "Yoona and Jonghyun will check outside the back door..." I was interrupted by Yoona. "Wait! I want to be with eonni." Yoona interrupted.


"But..." I lost words. "It's ok! We'll go outside the main door." Victoria smiled. "Ok" I sighed.



Author's POV


Victoria and Yoona went outside while Kyuhyun and Jonghyun stayed inside. "You like her don't you?" Jonghyun smirked. "What? No! Of course not." Kyuhyun snorted.


"Then I'll ask her out." Jonghyun grinned. Kyuhyun was about to answer when they heard a noise outside. "What's that?" Jonghyun raises his eyebrow. "Let's check it out." Kyuhyun runs.



Yoona's POV


The waves are really strong. Then, I saw something shiny, near the ocean. "Eonni! Look at that" I said while pointing to that thing.


"That's Luna's bracelet!" She shouted. She runs, near the ocean to get it. I went closer to her and find her crying "Are you alright?" I patted her back.


"She is the only family I have." She sniffed. "Her parents adopted me when I was young." She continued. I wipe her tears off and put my jacket around her. "I understand you, both of us lost the one we love." I smiled.


"Let's go inside now." I dragged her.While we're walking, she stopped for a minute and began walking again "What's the problem?" I asked.


"Jessica's body was suppose to be here" She stuttured. "Didn't you all buried her body?" I asked. "No" She straightly answered. "Let's talk to the boys." We run back to the mansion.



Author's POV


Both of them went inside and saw the boys in the living room. "What happened? Why are you crying?" Kyuhyun asked many questions. "Luna's dead." Victoria sniffed.


"There's still a chance that she is alive since we only saw her bracelet." Yoona patted her back. "Remember Jessica? We didn't take or buried her body right?" Victoria remembers.


"Yup." Jonghyun sighed. "Well! It's not there anymore." Victoria freely sits in the sofa. "What? How could that be?" Kyuhyun's eyes were big.


"We don't know." Yoona shakes her head. "I'll check if Key's body is still there." Jonghyun runs. "We'll come with you" They said in unison.


The four of them rushed into the library and saw it the way before they went to The Mansion. "Where is he?" Jonghyun asked, more likely angry.


"That's the question we need to answer." Kyuhyun sighed. "Let's talk in the living room". Victoria suggested. All of them went back in the living room to talk.



Kyuhyun's POV


"Key loves reading right?" I asked. "Yup." Jonghyun smiled. "I may say that Jessica loves making something out of the sticks right?" I raise my eyebrow.


"Yes, but how did you know?" Yoona crossed her arms. "And Luna loves swimming." Victoria interrupted.


"It's easy, Key loves books which is the cause of his death." I explained. "The same as Jessica, Donghae and Luna" I continued.


"Well, Let's all find it out tomorrow." Victoria ordered. "Can I sleep with you eonni?" Yoona asked. "Sure." Victoria smiled. All of them went upstairs except for Jonghyun.


"Aren't you going with us?" Victoria asked. "Maybe later." Jonghyun waved at them.



Jonghyun's POV


I went back to the library to check if Key's really not there. While I check the shelves, I saw a book that was entitled "The Mansion" When I open it, It was just a box that has a button in it.


I pushed the button and the shelves randomly opened . There was a secret room after all. I went inside the room and saw a sticky note in the wall.


It said:

"I was expecting you Jonghyun. Now that you have read this. You'll know that Key is still alive. He is somewhere hidden around the island.


There are alot of clues here for you to find him. The first clue is: Apple"


My brother is still alive! I'll do anything to have him back.



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I Updated! I Changed The Foreword Again! Kekeke


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Chapter 20: Yay to B.A.P~!!!^^
Coralia #2
Chapter 19: Authornim, I really love horror and I hope you are looking for a co-author because I'll be willing to. But if you don't, that's okay ^_^ and btw, I choose B.A.P
Chapter 19: Hmm! I kinda love TeenFinite but I choose B.A.P! Kya!! I love Daehyun~
Chapter 19: Maybe both B.A.P n TeenFinite would be good ^^.. I love all of them -,-
Chapter 19: 우리!B!A!P!Yes sir! Junhonggie-oppa~^^
xxsnowflakesxx #6
Chapter 19: For me, I choose BAP ^^
naringgit #7
Chapter 18: you don't need to ask since i give you all the permission to write it!
welcome back!
xxsnowflakesxx #8
Chapter 18: I think that's a good idea ^^
Chapter 16: Woah i love the part "No one can escape the curse of the Mansion."