A Rain Check and Minho's POV

You and Him.....

Yuri's POV


I woke up thinking that that Taemin kid is gone but then I snapped back to reality.


"Ugh, sombody please get rid of him from my life." I yelled.


I rolled out of my bed and I heard a text messege alert from my phone.


"Shut up phone!"


I grabbed my uniform and went to the bathroom and did my usual morning routine.


I quickly ran downstairs and this time grabbed a banana and ran outside. Minho was not there.


I check my phone and he sent me a text messege saying:




From: Minho<3

srry i had something to do so i counldnt pick u up :(




To: Minho<3

Oh ok. C ya at skool :)



So I ended up walking to school alone.


I arrived at school and I saw that Taemin kid and Minho walking together TO school.


I went up to Minho with anger. "So "this" is the important thing you had to do?"


"Yuri I can explain."


"Stop saying from movies."


"No, I-"


"I knew you liked him from the beginning."


"No I walked to school and coincidentally saw Taemin walking the same path as me."


"Wait, so you coincidentally saw each other walking the same path?" I, once again, felt so stupid.


"Yeah, I mean why would I like Taemin anyways. I'm a boy." I saw Taemin looking at him with hurtful eyes.


He looks like he's about to tear up.


"Oh really. Sorry about the misunderstanding Minho and Taemin. See ya." And I walked back to class.



Minho's POV


"I'm sorry Taemin. I had to lie. Now is not the right time." I told Taemin.


"But you promised."Taemin said.


"Now is not the right time!" I yelled at Taemin.


"Why are you yelling at me?" Taemin said about to cry.


"I'm sorry Minnie. I'll tell her sooner or later."


"Okay, I just really want to get over this."


"Me too Minnie." I gave Taemin a peck on the cheek.


I saw Taemin smile. Taemin is really cute. If I had to chose whose the cutest between Yuri and Taemin, it's totally Taemin.


It's really hard saying it to Yuri cause I know she has a bad temper but I have to go to the one who makes me the happiest.


Which isTaemin. I really love Taemin.


"Let's go Minnie."


"Kay." Taemin said


 And Taemin went to his class and I went to my class.... I focused on my work as usual and I get really good grades.


And I met Taemin at an Internet Cafe. He was really sweet and I started falling for him.


And everyday, I start to forget about Yuri.


I really don't how to tell her how I feel..

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woah, I haven't checked on this story for a long time....and I lost some subscribers.....but you guys can check out the sequel to You and Him!!


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mo_mo_moana #1
Chapter 3: MINYUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MinYulYoonHaeSeoKyu #3
Chapter 24: nicee.. lovee iittt... MinYuL.. <3
Chapter 24: and all is a happy ending :)
Chapter 24: WOOHOOO! MINYUL! And OMG! TAELLI! I LOVE THEM! You're awesome ^^
IlOvEyOu121 #6
Chapter 24: YAYAYAYAYAYA!!!!!!!!!!!1 MINYUL FOR LIFE <3
Chapter 3: 2MIN !!!
psp1234 #8
Chapter 23: omg i love your strory update soon
Chapter 23: MinYul ;) Hooray :)
IlOvEyOu121 #10
Chapter 23: YES MINYUL IS ALIVE!!!
<3 <3 <3 <3