A Maybe

You and Him.....

Yuri woke up and she had a feeling.


A good feeling.


She felt new, fresh, free......


She happily walked to school without Minho beside her.


She forgot him.


She forgot that terrible jerk.


Yuri when to her locker to get her stuff and went to her first class.


She saw Kyuhyun waving hi to her and she waved back.


He wrote something on a piece of paper and crumpled it up and threw it at her desk.


The note said:



Do you like me now?


Circle Yes or No


This time, Yuri didn't crumple it up like she did last time.


Instead, she wrote something and then she circled it.


And she threw it back at him.


He uncrumpled the paper and it said:



                                               Do you like me now?


                                                   Circle Yes, ?, No


Yuri circled the question mark.


He was really confused.


What does that question mark mean? Is it a maybe? Kyuhyun thought.


Kyuhyun's smile slowly spread.


By the time it spread all the way, he looked like a ert thinking of something weird.


 And all his classmates were staring at him.


He quickly stopped cause it was getting weird and awkward.


 Yuri pretended to study but she was taking quick glances at Kyuhyun.


And Kyuhyun did the same.


Soon class was over and Yuri went to her locker to put her stuff back.


Kyuhyun followed her.


Yuri turned around and said, "What are you doing?!"


"Oh I wanted to ask something."


Yuri looked over Kyuhyun's shoulder and saw Minho staring at them.


There it is.....


The jealous face.


Yuri pulled Kyuhyun closer.


"Woah, what are you doing?" Kyuhyun asked panickingly.


"Kiss me." said Yuri.




"Minho is looking at us. Kiss me now."


"Well if you said so."


Kyuhyun moved CLOSER and kissed her on the lips.


And Minho quickly walked away.


The sound of Minho walking was really loud.


It was more like stomping.


Yuri grinned.


Then Kyuhyun asked, "Why did you added the question mark and circled it?"


"Because it was a maybe."said Yuri.


"So you like me?"


"No... well just....a little. Actually at first, I fell for you when we...you know. You made me forgot about any thing else and I was thankful. But then I thought about how I just got out of a relationship and I'm not ready to have another boyfriend. So I need some time."


"Okay, I can give you some time. Tell me if you made a descision."


"Okay got to go to my next class."


"Kay bye." As soon as Yuri left, Kyuhyun jumped up and pumped his fist and said, "SWEET!"



Minho's POV

I freezed when I saw Yuri and Kyuhyun right in front of me.


I paused for a couple seconds and then Kyuhyun made a move on Yuri.


They kissed AGAIN.


The fudge balls.... I felt fire burning in my head.


I couldn't take it anymore and I litterally stomped to my next class.


It was so embarrassing with all the people staring at me.


In class, I couldn't focus at all.


I kept thinking about that "move" Kyuhyun made on Yuri. And I know that she doesn't like to be rushed.


 That .....


Wait hold up.


I love Taemin, not Yuri.


Yuri is just an ex...


Later, after class was done, Taemin jumped behind me and got on my back.


"How's your day oppa?"


I let Taemin call me oppa.


"Hehe fine. How are you?"


I said trying my best to sound happy.


Taemin put his arms around my neck and kissed me~~


"What was that for?" I asked.


"Just cause..."


I smiled. He's so adorable.


"I LOVE YOU MINHO!" Taemin yelled and quickly ran out the exit.


I laughed.

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woah, I haven't checked on this story for a long time....and I lost some subscribers.....but you guys can check out the sequel to You and Him!!


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mo_mo_moana #1
Chapter 3: MINYUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MinYulYoonHaeSeoKyu #3
Chapter 24: nicee.. lovee iittt... MinYuL.. <3
Chapter 24: and all is a happy ending :)
Chapter 24: WOOHOOO! MINYUL! And OMG! TAELLI! I LOVE THEM! You're awesome ^^
IlOvEyOu121 #6
Chapter 24: YAYAYAYAYAYA!!!!!!!!!!!1 MINYUL FOR LIFE <3
Chapter 3: 2MIN !!!
psp1234 #8
Chapter 23: omg i love your strory update soon
Chapter 23: MinYul ;) Hooray :)
IlOvEyOu121 #10
Chapter 23: YES MINYUL IS ALIVE!!!
<3 <3 <3 <3