Long Time No See...

You and Him.....

It's been weeks since Minho and Yuri contacted each other. And it starting to irritate both of them. Minho has Taemin but Taemin sometimes doesn't have what she has. Yuri has Kyuhyun and he's way too much of a ert. And Minho is not.



They both have something that they miss about each other but they can't seem to tell each other's feelings. Yuri thinks Minho is untrustworthy and didn't give him a chance to explain himself sometimes and Minho thinks Yuri is too impatient. Like, always irritated, cranky, and forceful.



What Minho doesn't understand is that Yuri's dad died in a plane crash while rushing home for Yuri's 11th birthday. And she has been like that ever since.



One day, they coincidently met at a cafe. Yuri had to stay up late to do her project so she went to the cafe to gets some coffee and alone time. While Minho appearantly is craving for their Strawberry Creme Frappacino.



Minho walked into the door and saw this beautiful girl with long black hair working on her project. Yuri looked up and was completely paralyzed. She putted her hand up as a sign to say hi. And Minho waved hi back.



He went to the front counter and ordered his usual. He started playing with his foot while waiting for his frap. Then he took his frap and went to Yuri's table.



"How're you doing." (Great way to start a conversation with your ex! I'm gonna gave Minho a thumbs up! Lol..) 



Yuri breathe loudly as if she was annoyed. "Great. Now if you excuse me I need to work on a project that I have to return tomorrow."



"But Yuri, I haven't talked to you for a while. It's been weeks."



"Not now but maybe later next week."



"Come on, can I help you then?"



Yuri thought about it for a moment. "Maybe."



"Well, what can I do?"



"You can revise and edit my writing. My teacher said that I can ask somebody but I decided to do it on my own. Since you wanted to help, you can do that." Yuri slided the papers to Minho.



He looked at the papers. "Wow, these are a whole lot of pages."



"Be a man. I thought you do this in your "special class". "



"No we don't." He said surprisingly.



"Huh! So you get special treatment in your special class."



"Uh-huh. Appearantly." Minho chuckled.



"You lucky .."



"Hey not my fault!" Minho said.



And Yuri gave Minho a light tap in the head.



They found themselves to be enjoying each other's conversations. Although it was awkward at first, they finally felt comfortable talking to each other.



"Hey, are you done?"



"Nope, on my second page."






"Hey, you write at least....A MILLION WORDS on each page!"



Yuri burst out laughing. And then she changed the subject. "How did you get into the special class?"



"Because of my awesome math skills."



"Well I at math."



Which is true. Yuri really hated math. She can do the problems but doesn't really do it with concentration. She usually gets help from Minho.



"Why are you such a slow reader?" Yuri asked.



"Cause I am. I just don't enjoy reading. I don't know why. That's just me."



"Huh so your just a genius at math?"



"Appearantly, yes."



Yuri had a secret and she didn't tell Minho yet. She was planning to tell him next week. Or be in "it".  Yuri was itching to tell Minho but she wanted it to be a surprise.



"What page are you on now?" Yuri asked again.



"Now? I'm on page five so only two more pages." 



Yuri laugh, "Wow you read pretty fast."



"Thank you, I tried my best." Minho said sarcasticly.



Then two guys suddenly came into the cafe.



"Jonghyun and Key! What are you doing here?"



"Well....well...luh-puh-luh." Key said.



"Excuse me what?" Minho asked.



"Sorry, he's drunk. We're saw Minho's car and we thought that you guys would be here."



"Okay, so what you're saying is that you need a ride." Minho said.



"Yes, exactly." Jonghyun pointed out.



"Kay, Yuri do you want a ride home too."



"Yeah, sure. I'm almost finished."



"Can I please get some water?" Minho asked the cashier.



The boy went to their table and gave Key some water.



"Thanks. Wait, don't you go to our school?" Minho asked.



"Yes, I'm Sungmin! And I'm a 1st year."



"Oh cause you looked familar."



"Yeah I have a night-time job here and its gonna close in about......5 or 6 minutes."



"Okay guys we better hurry so they can clean up."



Theyb all carried Key out to Minho's car.



"Thanks Sungmin for the water. See you at school!" Minho yelled. 



Sungmin waved bye. They finally got Key into the car.



"Man, what has he been eating? I thought he's on a diet."  Yuri complained.



"Well, we just ate from the restaurant across the street." explained Jonghyun. "And he did eat a lot." Jonghyun continued.



 "Oh so thats why." Yuri said.


Minho dropped Jonghyun and Key off to Key's house. Jonghyun needed a helping hand so Yuri and Minho helped him carry Key on the steps and the stairs in Key's house. It's relief that Key's parents aren't home. Wonder where they went? When they went into Key's room, Yuri and Minho litterally  drop Key into Jonghyun's hands.



"Oww." Key said in pain.


"Don't you dare hurt my baby." Jonghyun protested.



"Oh sorry." Yuri said.



The reason they dropped Key was of because of Key's room. It's full of pictures with him and jonghyun. The photographs covered the whole wall. All four sides. To them, it's creepy. And there were even pictures that should've not been taken.



"Uhh, Jonghyun. Why is there a picture of you and Key.......undressed?"



"Hehehe, we did a little something."



"Where?" Yuri asked.



"Don't look!" Minho covered Yuri's eyes.



"Kay Jonghyun. We gotta go. See you at school."



He pushed Yuri while still covering her eyes. They went into Minho's car.



"What was that all about?" Yuri asked like she has no idea.



 "You do not want to see that picture. Only us guys can "see" each other."



"Oh I get it. Yeah, it would've been gross." Yuri chuckled.



Yuri's house was not far from Key's so it only took like 2 minutes for Yuri to come home.



"Kay thanks for dropping me off Minho." Yuri grabbed her stuff.



"No problem." Minho replied.



"Bye!" Yuri said.



Minho waved bye and went off.



He had this feeling.



Like the feeling of Love At First Sight.



No, you can't love your ex. You can't!



~Warning: Farther in the story its gonna be really complicated. So prepare yourself. And they'll be plenty of surprises. So be on the lookout!

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woah, I haven't checked on this story for a long time....and I lost some subscribers.....but you guys can check out the sequel to You and Him!!


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mo_mo_moana #1
Chapter 3: MINYUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MinYulYoonHaeSeoKyu #3
Chapter 24: nicee.. lovee iittt... MinYuL.. <3
Chapter 24: and all is a happy ending :)
Chapter 24: WOOHOOO! MINYUL! And OMG! TAELLI! I LOVE THEM! You're awesome ^^
IlOvEyOu121 #6
Chapter 24: YAYAYAYAYAYA!!!!!!!!!!!1 MINYUL FOR LIFE <3
Chapter 3: 2MIN !!!
psp1234 #8
Chapter 23: omg i love your strory update soon
Chapter 23: MinYul ;) Hooray :)
IlOvEyOu121 #10
Chapter 23: YES MINYUL IS ALIVE!!!
<3 <3 <3 <3