Love...It Hurts

You and Him.....





Sungmin is a cute little teenage boy who doesn’t really love what love means. All he knows is that women are y. He kept the pair of undergarments that Yuri bought for him. He secretly tried them on at home but the bra cups are too big for him XD.


It’s Monday and of course, he has to go to school. People think that he is the cutest little freshman in the whole wide world. Everywhere he goes, people either say hi, give him a hi-five, or ruffle his head.


I should be getting a girlfriend. Sungmin always wanted a girlfriend. He prefers girls who are older than him for some reason. Maybe because they’re way more…..mature.


Sungmin was about to walk into his first period class until he saw this tall handsome guy. Sungmin’s eyes brighten like a little puppy.


He had never seen a guy that handsome before. The guy looked at him strangely. Sungmin quickly hid his face and walked away.


Sungmin felt his heartbeat. Damn, it’s beating really fast. What’s happening? No way am I falling for that ing guy.


He took a huge breath and walked into class.


Feeling his heart beat rapidly, he couldn’t really concentrated in class. All he heard the teacher said was blah ba-blah ba-blah ba-blah. His head was somewhere else. With that picture of that tall handsome guy literally stuck in his head. He so handsome…..and hot. Omg, I can’t believed that I just used that ing word!


Sungmin started hitting his head with his clutched fist. “Is there a problem Mr. Lee Sungmin?” the teacher annoyingly asked. “Nothing.” Sungmin pouted. I just wanna go home.


After his first period, he went to lunch. His really doesn’t make him lunch so has to buy the school’s. He grabbed the tray and went frozen. He turned his head just a light smidge and saw that tall, handsome guy again. Aw ! What should I do?


The tall guy started smiling at him. Sungmin felt his face getting heated.


Kyaaaa!!! He smiled at me. Snap out of it Sungmin!


Sungmin just gave him a simple, yet lovely smile. The tall guy nodded.


Sungmin got pizza for lunch and so did the tall guy “coincidently”. (Sungmin you’re such a copycat. -_-)


“Hey do you want to sit by me?” The tall guy asked.


“Why?” Sungmin tried to stay calm. Inside, he is bursting into flames.


“Just because. You’ve been staring at me the whole time. Plus, I think you’re kind of cool.”




My name’s Kyuhyun.”


“Sungmin.” He replied shyly.


And Kyuhyun walked Sungmin to find a seat. They settled down at an empty table.  “How many years have you’ve been here?” Kyuhyun asked. Sungmin lifted his index finger. “Oh, I’m a senior.” Said Kyuhyun.


Sungmin nodded cutely and ate his pizza. And there was pizza sauce on the corner of his lips. Kyuhyun chuckled. “Here.” Kyuhyun took his thumb and wiped the pizza sauce off. “Thanks.” Sungmin blushed. “No problem.”


Kyuhyun gobbled up all his pizza while Sungmin was staring at him like a piece of interesting artwork. Kyuhyun’s eyes went to Sungmin’s face. “Do you need anything?” Sungmin waved his hand. “No, no. Keep eating.” He then clutched his fingers on his palm and put it on his chin like he was daydreaming. Kyuhyun looked at him strangely once again. He felt Sungmin’s forehead. “Are you sure you’re alright?”


“Yeah, I’m alright.” Sungmin said in a soothing voice. Kyuhyun AGAIN looked at him strangely. “Okay, I gotta go to my next class. See you around.” And he left.




Sungmin pouted.


He was just too good looking. I can’t keep my eyes off him. Oh god, I need to go to the doctor. Is this what love feels like?


Sungmin shook his head. He doesn’t like the feeling of love at all. Especially when the feelings are for a boy. Usually, he just looks at women and only thinks that they’re hot. It’s much more different than the feeling of love. Sungmin wanted to pulled his hair out.


Hold on a second. Am I playing the girl part? He heard from people that girls feel like this. They go crazy over some boy and they can’t get him out of their head.


Is this seriously love? Am I playing the girl part? No, I am a guy, a super manly guy. Like superman. I like girls. Girls are hot. No, women are hotter. I’m not gay, I like s. I’m not gay, I like s. I’m not gay, I like s.


Sungmin kept on repeating that nonsense over and over again. To remind him that he is not gay….and he likes s.



The school bell rang. Sungmin ruffled his head with his left arm, telling him to wake up.


Am I….in love?




School was over and he kept on thinking of Kyuhyun. How he was tall, how he was handsome, and how he was a gentleman. He so hot….


When Sungmin was about to walk out of school, an arm pulled him into the janitors closet.


“WHAT’S…WHAT’S GOING ON?! IT’S NOT FUNNY!!” Sungmin yelled.


“Shush.” The stranger put his fingers to Sungmin’s lips. “It’s me…Kyuhyun.”


“Ah, it’s you. You scared me though!”


“You like me.” He said straightly.


“W-what?” Sungmin looked at him with fear.


“You like me…right?”


“What? No I’m a guy!” (Sungmin is seriously, the worst liar in the whole wide world. XD)


“Don’t lie to me!”

“God! I like you okay? You can make fun of me all you want!”


Kyuhyun chuckled, “You’re so cute.”


“W-wait, what did you just say?”


“I said you’re-“


Sungmin kissed Kyuhyun on the cheek.


“I heard what you said.” Sungmin quickly ran out of the janitor’s closet with both of his hands on his rosy red cheeks.


Kyuhyun laughed. “That kid is seriously cute.”


Sungmin’s POV


Oh my figgity god. Did I just kiss him? I’m so stupid! I hit myself in the head with my knuckle for making such a stupid move. You know, sometimes I do insanely stupid things. I like to let my feelings out because I can’t let it all be squished inside me. So, I just let it out.



“Oh god, he must be thinking that I’m really stupid.” If Kyuhyun shows his face to school tomorrow, I’m going to freak out. And by freaking out, panicking. Yes, panicking.


“Damn it! Damn it, damn it, damn it!” Sungmin was now at home hugging his little panda pillow. “Ugh!” He screamed into the pillow.


His sister heard him and went inside.  “What is it Sungminnie?” said Jiyeon, his sister. “I’M IN LOVE!” Jiyeon jumped on his bed, “What?! Who is she? Can I meet her?”


 “It’s a he.” Sungmin said with guilt.


“It’s alright, as long as you’re happy.”


“Really?” His eyes brighten up.


Jiyeon held his hands. “Yep! Tell me all your problems! I think I can help you. Well, one thing is, I’m not a boy.”


“That’s alright. I think I’m playing the girl part.”


“Aw! That’s so adorable! Wait, who is he? When can I meet him?”


“Well, now is not the right time.” Sungmin thought about it for a while. Kyuhyun and him haven’t been in a relationship yet. Plus, he doesn’t know if he’s straight or not. “I’m so crazy for making that move.”


“What move?”


“Kay, you’re asking way too many question!” Sungmin complained.


“I’m sorry! I’m just curious!”


“Well, you’re way too curious!”


“I know but it’s just so interesting!”


“Is it because I like a boy?”


Jiyeon frozed, “No, no it’s not that.”


“Save it! Get out of my room now!”


“Fine! I was just curious, sheesh!” Jiyeon went out and slammed the door.


Sungmin rubbed his eyes.
Ugh, why am I so grumpy! I guess I hate it because people buzz into my business.


That is not normal though. Usually, when people ask questions about his life, he doesn’t really care. Now, is a serious situation. It’s not normal.


“MOM? TAKE ME TO A DOCTOR!” Sungmin yelled.


“What honey?” His mom came into his room.


“Mom, I’m lovesick.” Sungmin started tearing up on his panda pillow.


“Jiyeon told me. You like a boy right?”


“Yeah and I feel embarrassed.”

“Don’t be! It’s totally fine with me!”


“But I don’t know if he likes me back or not!”


“Wait, how long have you met him?”


“Only today?” Sungmin said quietly.


“I think you’re rushing honey.” Sungmin did admit that he is rushing to much. He doesn’t even know if Kyuhyun likes him back. It’s only a peck.


“I guess you’re right.”


His mom rubbed his back. “You’ve got to think about what decision you are choosing.


“Okay.” And his mom left the room and gave him a warm smile.


His mom is the best. She only cares for her children’s happiness. She understands Sungmin and she gives him helpful advice.


Tomorrow, he has to deal with Kyuhyun tomorrow. And it’s going to be tough…



~You guys thought that I forgot about Kyuhyun right? BUT I DIDN'T! This is for suju fans. I hope you enjoyed it.








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woah, I haven't checked on this story for a long time....and I lost some subscribers.....but you guys can check out the sequel to You and Him!!


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mo_mo_moana #1
Chapter 3: MINYUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MinYulYoonHaeSeoKyu #3
Chapter 24: nicee.. lovee iittt... MinYuL.. <3
Chapter 24: and all is a happy ending :)
Chapter 24: WOOHOOO! MINYUL! And OMG! TAELLI! I LOVE THEM! You're awesome ^^
IlOvEyOu121 #6
Chapter 24: YAYAYAYAYAYA!!!!!!!!!!!1 MINYUL FOR LIFE <3
Chapter 3: 2MIN !!!
psp1234 #8
Chapter 23: omg i love your strory update soon
Chapter 23: MinYul ;) Hooray :)
IlOvEyOu121 #10
Chapter 23: YES MINYUL IS ALIVE!!!
<3 <3 <3 <3