Spending Time :)

You and Him.....

Yesterday was ridiculously crazy. And today felt like nothing. It's the weekend and Yuri does not know what to do. 


Maybe the mall, but went there already. 


Maybe the park, but she'll be a loner.


She was bored. She did not know what to do 


Let's go to the grocery store and buy some things that Mom needs to buy but doesn't have time. 


Yes, that's the best she could think of. That would probably be better than doing nothing. 


Yuri changed her clothes and went to the bus stop. 


God I need to get a driver's license. It's so friggin' inconvienent.


Waiting for the bus stop is also plain boring.


Usually when you have to wait in the bad weathers. It's like HELL.


The bus dropped her off at the nearest grocery store. She got a basket and went inside.


Picking which carrot is good, and picking which apples are not spoiled.


She is very good at that. Her mom taught her when she was just a little girl.


And suddenly, someone bumped her and made her drop her basket.


"I'm really sorry!" And the man picked up all the stuff for Yuri. Yuri looked up and saw a familar person named Minho....


"Oh Yuri. What are you doing here?" Minho asked.


"To buy stuff for my mom." 


"Me too. Got nothing better to do?" 




"Same here." 


Things were very awkward because they were still exes. Yuri really can't look at Minho in and eye when she talks to him and minho can't either.


"Do you want to go somewhere to get lunch? We both have nothing better to do." Minho asked.



“Sure.” And Yuri smiled.


After they finished doing all their shopping, they went to the nearest restaurant. It wasn’t really crowded in there because it was pretty hot outside and people probably went on vacation or something.


“So, what do you want?” Yuri asked.


“How about some cold noodles? I’ve been craving for that.”


“Me too.”


Yuri waved her arm up in the air so that the waitress could see her.


“Can I have two bowls of cold noodles please?” Yuri ordered.


The waitress nodded and took and menus away.


It was just like back then when they started dating. They went to this same restaurant and neither of even noticed. That one place was where they had their first date. All the memories have faded away….


The cold noodles finally got out and Minho’s face showed excitement.


Yuri thought that it was pretty cute and she started laughing.


“What’s so funny?” Minho asked not knowing that situation at all.


“You looked so cut- I mean, funny when the noodles came out.”


Saying that he is cute would be weird so she kept that to herself.


Minho started blushing without even noticing it. He quickly stuffed his face after that.


Yuri also stuffed her face in the cold noodles. She does look lady-like on the outside, but totally not on the inside.


Normally, she would NEVER show that side of her. Only to Yoona, her parents, and Minho…


She liked eating around Minho because she really doesn’t like to hide herself. It makes her feel, uncomfortable. Minho, back then, was the only guy that understood her.


That’s when she started to have feelings for him. They went on a couple dates and after about 25 dates, they wanted to make it official.


Boyfriend and Girlfriend.


That was the happiest day of her life. Being with Minho makes her happy. Being able to be herself and let her feelings out to the guy that she used to trust.


Do she trust him anymore though? After everything that had happen, she still does not know the answer.


Until “that” situation…


Apparently, Yuri finished her cold noodles first before Minho did.


Minho laughed. “Wow, you eat fast for a girl.”


“Hehe I remember when you first said that to me.”


Then everything was silent for a couple of seconds.


“Do you want to go to the department store?”


“Yeah sure.” Yuri answered.


The department store was just across that restaurant.


The location where Yuri and Minho live is so convenient. They have everything there. Department stores, grocery stores, plenty of restaurants, etc.


“You can go where ever you want Minho.”


“Nope, I came here for the bubble tea.”


“Do you want to get some now?”


“Yea, let’s go!”


They went to the bubble tea store holding hands.


They felt like they are a couple. It felt so real.


Yuri wished that they came be back together. 


The only problem is Taemin.



Yuri is not sure whether Minho and Taemin are still a couple.


She realized that Minho hangs with her more than Taemin.

What is happening?


Does he like me?


Should we get back together?


No we shouldn’t. Just move on Yuri.


Wait, do I like him too? DO I?


Why am I asking so many different questions?


Am I confused?


Yes I am confused.


Are we holding hands? 


Omg we are holding hands.


Oh god, what should I friggin’ do?


I think I’m falling for him…..again.



~So how did you think of this chapter! I promise that the next chapter will be better. I guarentee! Please like this on facebook and spread the word out on twiiter! Thanks everyone who read this fanfic, comment, and subscribed. I LUV U GUYS!! My goal is to reach 1000 views. I am almost there thanks to you guys! I really do hope you enjoy this fanfic. ;D







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woah, I haven't checked on this story for a long time....and I lost some subscribers.....but you guys can check out the sequel to You and Him!!


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mo_mo_moana #1
Chapter 3: MINYUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MinYulYoonHaeSeoKyu #3
Chapter 24: nicee.. lovee iittt... MinYuL.. <3
Chapter 24: and all is a happy ending :)
Chapter 24: WOOHOOO! MINYUL! And OMG! TAELLI! I LOVE THEM! You're awesome ^^
IlOvEyOu121 #6
Chapter 24: YAYAYAYAYAYA!!!!!!!!!!!1 MINYUL FOR LIFE <3
Chapter 3: 2MIN !!!
psp1234 #8
Chapter 23: omg i love your strory update soon
Chapter 23: MinYul ;) Hooray :)
IlOvEyOu121 #10
Chapter 23: YES MINYUL IS ALIVE!!!
<3 <3 <3 <3