Special Guests..

You and Him.....

Yuri was a total disaster. Her face was covered with tears and her hair was all tangled and messed up. Yoona went to her house to comfort her, but it’s not really working.



Every time she tries to comfort her, Yuri starts to cry more.



Like, “its okay.” And then Yuri would yell, “IT’S NOT OKAY!”  And she continued to cry. Making Yuri forget about Minho is very hard. She like a baby making a parent stay up all night to keep the baby from crying.



“Yuri, just forget about him.”


“Yoona I can’t. He’s like permanently glued to my head and I just can’t get him out. I thought that he’s really the one….”


“Well, Yuri. He’s NOT “the one”. Now get your lazy fat up and go to the mall. I’m going to meet someone there.”


“Wait, Yoona. You have a boyfriend?”


Yoona blushed. She couldn’t really tell Yuri because the day Yoona met him is the day Yuri broke up with Minho .


Yoona is afraid that Yuri might start crying again because it reminded her of Minho. And Yoona for sure does not want to see Yuri cry over Minho again.




“Why didn’t you tell me?”


“Because! It was the day you broke up with Minho. So, I couldn’t tell you.”


Yuri sniffed. “I’m fine now.” Yuri rubbed her eyes.


“Are you sure?”


“Yeah, let’s go.”



Yoona was the one driving them to the mall. Yuri doesn’t have a driver’s license yet. Back then when Minho and Yuri are dating, Minho used to give Yuri a ride. Now, since they broke up, Yuri has no one to give her a ride.



They finally arrived at the mall and there were three friends waiting for them. One guy was the tallest one with spiky brown hair. He looked very muscular and had very good sense of style.



The other guy was the second tallest. Yuri thinks that he looks like a monkey. He has black hair and apparently he is wearing eyeliner. 



The other guy looked very familiar to Yuri though. He had blonde hair and he was the shortest one.



They both got out of the car and greeted the three friends.



The shortest one said, “Hey! I know you. You’re the girl at the café!”


“Is it you Sungmin?” Yuri asked.


“Yes it’s me! What a coincident! What are you doing here?”


“Oh I’m here to go to the mall with Yoona and her boyfriend.”


“Wait, you guys know each other?” Yoona asked.


“Yeah, I met him at the café and apparently he works there. He gave Key water because he was drunk and we found out that he goes to our school, but just in the lower grades.”


“Ah, hi nice to meet you. I’m Yoona, Yuri’s friend.”


“So you’re Yoona.” said Sungmin.


“Yes I am.”


“Ah-hem. Aren’t you going to introduce me to your boyfriend Yoona?”


“Oh yeah, I forgot. This is Ok Taeyeon.” Yoona gestured to the tallest one with brown hair.”


“So you’re her boyfriend.” Yuri thought that Yoona made a great choice. Taecyeon is tall and handsome. This reminds her of Minho…


“And who is the other guy?” Yuri asked.


“Yeah, who is the other guy?” Yoona doesn’t know either.


“Oh, I brought my two friends with me since you brought your friend with you. This is Sungmin.” Taeyeon gestured to the shortest guy.


“And this is Eunhyuk.” Taecyeon gestured to the guy that looked like a monkey.


“Okay, so let’s go.” said Yoona excitedly and she pulled Yuri along.



They went to lots of brand named stores. Like Abercrombie, Hollister etc. Yoona and Yuri apparently wanted to visit Victoria Secret. Taecyeon and Sungmin got really excited. Eunhyuk was the only one that is not very excited.



“Why are you not jumpy like them?” Yoona pointed to Sungmin and Taecyeon who is jumping up and down.


“Because I’m gay.”


“You’re what?”


“I don’t like women.” Eunhyuk said crossing his arms.


“Oh -um- okay. Who’s your boyfriend?”


Eunhyuk started turning into a softie and blushed.


“Donghae.” He said shyly.


“Okay I don’t know him but I hope you guys are happy.”


Eunhyuk blushed again. “Thanks.” He murmured.


“You can stay here with Taecyeon.”


“Why can’t he go in?”


“Because he will look at women in bras and underwears and I don’t like that.”




Yoona pulled Taecyeon over.


“Why can’t I go in there?” Taecyeon whined.


Yoona rolled her eyes.  “Because you will go in there and stare at women in undergarments.”


“No I won’t. I promise.”


“Nope, you have to stay here.”


“Why can Sungmin go in there then?”




“I won’t look. I swear.”








And Yoona walked away.


Yoona, Yuri, and Sungmin went into the store. Sungmin’s eyes were super wide and he scans the photos of women carefully. And all the customers and workers were staring at him.



Yuri nudged him, “Stop scanning the photos.”


“I can’t. I have to treasure this memory.” Sungmin replied.


Yuri face-palmed her face. “s.”


“I know right?” Yoona said.


Yuri bought some lip gloss and a pair of underwear and Yoona didn’t buy anything.


“Hey, where’s Sungmin?” Yoona asked.


“Aw . You pay for me.” And Yuri ran away to find him.


Yuri finally found him hiding under a table holding a pair of underwear and bra.


“Yah Sungmin! What are you doing?” Yuri yelled.


“This smells so good.” Sungmin looked like a mental person rocking back and forth.


“Hey, we have to go.”




“Do you want me to buy both of that for you?”



“Now get the heck out of there and I’ll buy it for you.”


“Okay.” And Sungmin got out from under table.



Yuri went to the checkout counter and she realized that Sungmin is staring at his precious bra and underwear the whole time.


“Thanks.” Yuri took the bag and gave it to Sungmin.


“My precious!” Sungmin then smelled it.


“Oh my gosh, can I take a whiff?” Taecyeon asked.


“Nope.” Yoona grabbed the back of Taecyeon’s shirt and pulled him back.


They went out of the mall and Sungmin still smelled “his precious”.


“Kay guys thanks for coming to the mall with us.” Yoona said.


“No problem. We gotta go. Problem!” Eunhyuk pointed at Sungmin.


“Okay thanks, bye!” Yuri said.


Both of them went into the car. Yuri and Yoona took a big breath.


“Sungmin’s weird.” Yuri said.


“I know right?”

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woah, I haven't checked on this story for a long time....and I lost some subscribers.....but you guys can check out the sequel to You and Him!!


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mo_mo_moana #1
Chapter 3: MINYUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MinYulYoonHaeSeoKyu #3
Chapter 24: nicee.. lovee iittt... MinYuL.. <3
Chapter 24: and all is a happy ending :)
Chapter 24: WOOHOOO! MINYUL! And OMG! TAELLI! I LOVE THEM! You're awesome ^^
IlOvEyOu121 #6
Chapter 24: YAYAYAYAYAYA!!!!!!!!!!!1 MINYUL FOR LIFE <3
Chapter 3: 2MIN !!!
psp1234 #8
Chapter 23: omg i love your strory update soon
Chapter 23: MinYul ;) Hooray :)
IlOvEyOu121 #10
Chapter 23: YES MINYUL IS ALIVE!!!
<3 <3 <3 <3