~Walking home with the Gamer (I had no choice)~

Just Like Now

~“Yumi?” I looked back and saw, “Oh no~ not you!”~


The gamer smirked at me as he adjusted his bag strap on his shoulder.

“Oh please, I know you know that you are pleased about seeing me.” he chuckled.

“You wish that you know that I know I am pleased to see you.” I glowered at him.

“You are trust me, short .”

“I am not short.” I snapped.

“Compared to me and basically everyone in school you are.”

“Shut up. I’m not short.” I said through gritted teeth, “What are you doing here?”

“Walking home. Durh?” he rolled is eyes at me, “Aish, you are so pleasant to talk to, do you know that?” I ignored him and my heel and started to walk away from the kid. God he annoys me. I just wanna jsjfulwlhgih!!!! I suddenly heard heavy footsteps behind me and a sound going *Pew! Pew! Pew!* I turned around and saw him walking behind me.

“yah! Why are you following me?!” I screeched. He looked up from his PSP with one of his eyebrows raised at me.

“What? I walk home this way you fool!” he remarked. “Just walk will you! I don’t want to talk to you! Aish, yap, yap, yap!”

“I’m gonna slap, slap, slap you in a minute! Turn your stupid game down!” I ordered and began to walk again.

“Nope.” I heard him murmur behind me. I groaned in response and rummaged for my mp3 player. My very old mp3 player. I need to buy a new one. Maybe an Ipod this time to keep up with the new trends and gadgets. I took it out and started unwinding the headphones off of it when the gamer decided to speak.

“Man, that is one old music player! Are you poor?” I heard him snigger.

“I am so not poor! I just can’t afford it like some people!” I defended myself.

“Because you are poor aren’t you?” I spun around and aimed to slap him in the face but he dodged it away quickly, smirking with pleasure. “I hate you.”

“I love you too.” he winked and walked past me, bumping onto my shoulder really painfully only to make me drop my old mp3 player on the floor.

“Hey!” I shouted at it crashed onto the floor and the silver bit suddenly pinged off of the whole thing. “You broke it!”

“It wasn’t my fault!” The gamer lied.

“yes it was! You bumped into me! You stupid brat!” I started to yell at him as I picked up the remains of my mp3 player.

“Well you was on my way! And it was your fault you had butter fingers!” he snapped, “Aish!!!”

“Don’t ‘aish’ me!” I stomped over to him and aimed for a kick on his shin but nope. I ended up kicking a brick wall if so much force, my foot throbbed.

“OW!” I wailed at the top of my lungs, “You idiot! Look what you made me do!”

“Me? Can you stop blaming me for once?!”

“You are always to blame you bastard!” I hissed, clutching my foot. That hurt! A lot! Ahh!! I started hopping about on the spot and trying to keep a straight face but I just can’t help it. Stupid gamer! I hate him so much! The gamer looked at me angrily but then his expressions changed to worried and soft looking.

“Are you okay-”

“No, I am not okay! Just leave me alone okay, gamer?” I said spitefully, “You’ve broke my mp3-”

“It was old. Get over it already.” he interrupted me, putting his PSP in his pocket.

“And you made me kick the wall!”

“It was you fault you can’t kick people properly!” he alleged, “Come here, let me see your foot.” He tried to grab hold of my elbow but I pushed him away and tried walking on the foot but it throbbed in a mildly painful way, making me wince and fall back a bit.

“Damn it you idiot!” I hissed under my breath as I sat down on the pavement and pushed my bag away from and rested my head on my knees. “Damn it! Grr…” it hurts so bad I feel like crying. But then I don’t want to cry in front of the idiot standing before me. The gamer crouched down in front of me and grabbed my ankle but then *SLAP!*

“Yah! What was that for?!” he yelled at my face.

“You’re violating me!”

“I’m not you, you stupid idiot!” he rubbed the side of his face I slapped really hard on. Okay, maybe I do have a heavy hand and it really did hurt him but he deserves it. I think?

“Let go of my ankle!” I wailed, shaking his hand off but he kept hold of it.

“You hurt your foot, let me carry you.” he offered, ignoring my attempts to shake his hand away.

“No! I would rather have Yesung’s turtles carry me home that you would!”

“That would take you 5 millions years.”

“At least I won’t have you near me!” I glared at him.

“Stop you whining. You’re giving me such a bad head ache.” he moaned and before I knew it, he had picked me up bridal style just like that. I felt awkward and before he can walk, I quickly thumped him on the chest.

“What now?” he screeched.

“I don’t like the way you are carrying me.” I moaned. He put me down with a heavy sigh and bent down so I can get on his back, “Much better. A piggy back ride.”

“Just get on. I want to do and play on my computer.” he muttered as I jumped on. He hooked his arms around my legs and adjusted me on his back before walking off.

“Wait!” I stopped him. “My bag!” He groaned and went back to retrieve my bag which I hooked around his neck just to annoy him. He walked on, not saying anything so we were in silence. Until he spoke. *Grr….*

“Why are you like this?” he asked.

“What do you mean brat?” I spat.

“You’re so blunt, make snide comments at all of us.” he explained.

“Just say I’m mean.” I sighed, “It’s none of your business why I’m like this okay?” he fell silent again. Was he trying to understand me? If I told him it would mean telling him my past. And I don’t like my past. It’s all jumbled up. I can’t even freaking figure it out properly. Jesus this kid!

“Where do you live?” he suddenly asked, stopping at a corner where 2 roads was in front of us, one at the left and one at the right. (Basically like this _/)

“KangHee road thing.” I mumbled.

“Left then.” I can tell he rolled his eyes at me as he carried on walking. I’m surprised he is not about how I weigh. I’m wondering why he is not commenting…

“What house?”

“I don’t know. The pink one.” I muttered as I looked over his head of fluffy bed hair. I swear he doesn’t comb his hair. It smelt of apples. Wait- why am I smelling his hair? 0_o?

“Why are you smelling my hair?” he suddenly asked quickly. I don’t know! Don’t ask me! I kept silent and didn’t say anything as he took me to my new house. Well, the house which I rented a room for. This landlady called Mrs Kim offered it to me.

“Who you live with?” the gamer asked calmly.

“no one. My room is rented.” I said with no emotion in my voice as I bit my thumb, one of my many habits I do sub-consciously. “Over there. The pink house.” The gamer nodded back curtly and quickly walked over to the pink house. “Okay, now put me down now.”

“As you wish.” before I knew it, he had dropped onto a prickly bush, making me scream and jump up on my feet as quick as possible as he laughed his head off.

“I really hate you.” I hissed as he threw my bag at me, “You better get me a new mp3 player.”

“Merh…” he shrugged and walked off.

“Hey! I’m talking to you!” I yelled, brushing myself off. My mouth fell open a bit as he crossed the road and walked over to the huge house in front of me. A huge posh house! I watched him open a door with a key and he looked back at me and smirked.

“That’s right! I live opposite you.” he called and walked in the house. I was aghast. He lives opposite me! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A/N: Annyeong, hope you like the update <3 Omo, I lost 2 subscribers L Oh no please don’t unsub L huhuhu… :’( comment, comment <3 love you all! Kimjongjia xx 

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I really enjoyed this ^-^
That was AWESOME~~!! Waiting for new updates~
thatchinesegirl #3
“Kim Jong Yumi~” Chubs bounced over to me at lunch time, “Guess what?” <br />
<br />
“What?” I asked.<br />
<br />
“Siwon hyung-” <br />
<br />
“Wait!” I stopped him.<br />
<br />
“What?!” <br />
<br />
“CHEEKS!!!” I grinned and squished his face for a second before letting go, “Now carry on.” <br />
<br />
Chapter 34-<br />
Aw, yay!!!!<br />
She lives with her real family now!!!<br />
Haha! Yesung! What a clumsy person!<br />
Siwon is dating....<br />
By the holy water!<br />
HAHA!!! I'm glad that she's friends with<br />
Henry now! DONGHAE!!!!<br />
LOVE.<br />
ROFL oh Siwon met her by the holy water. xD<br />
Yay~ fishy finally gets his date with Yumi,you can only say no to him so many times before giving in.
CupcakeChoi93 #6
By the holy water xD <br />
Awww Yumi finally gave into Fishy Hae! <br />
aww thats so sweet donghae wont give up^^ cant wait to see how their date would go:)
Chapter 33-<br />
A turtle on a walk???<br />
AWWW!!! Donghae is SOOO sweet!<br />
I like how Sungmin wasn't even embarrassed<br />
by the fact that he was watching and a girl<br />
walked in...<br />
Yesung! Thats so cute!<br />
The mother deserved to know!
AsianAtHeart #9
AAAAAAHHHH!!! Umma! Remember Yumi!!!!!!! YESUNGIE LOVES ME!!!! <3 love the update, keep writing <3<3
CupcakeChoi93 #10
"-Monkey is not just a monkey, he is a dancer. A hot dancer!"<br />
Amen to that!! :)) <br />
<br />
Awwww Yumi finally met her Umma...again