~Learning Korean with The Fish.~

Just Like Now

“Let’s start, can you recite one to ten in Korean.”



“I don’t want to.” I said, closing my new Korean languages textbook The Fish bought for me.

“You will go nowhere if you don’t know Korean in Korea, Yumi.” The Fish warned me.

“Okay.” I shrugged, not really bothered. We was at his fishy house, trying to learn Korean but I was just being stubborn me again and not properly listening or co-operating. And it’s annoying him. I think I should carry on… *Evil smirk*

“Aish, Yumi-shiie,” he cried, “Let’s try a new topic, what do you call older sisters or girls who are older than you?”

“By their first names.”

“Anio, unnie.” he corrected me as I bit into an apple. “How about dads?”

“Daddy.” I said with my mouth full of apple.

“Appa.” he said through gritted teeth. Hehe, he is getting annoyed, “Mums?”

“Mummy.” I said in a childish voice, my smirk deepening as his face crumples up in frustration at me.

“For Siwon’s sake, Yumi-shiie!” he said softly, “Can you please co-operate me just this once? This is the first tutor lesson I have with you and you are being such a pain.”


“Sheeshus.” The Fish shook his head at me. “What do you call younger siblings?”

“Annoying.” I chuckled darkly. I saw his jaw tighten while I looked at him, feeling pleased.

“Okay… It’s dongsaengs.” he inhaled deeply, “What do you call me?” I smiled to myself at his questions.

“The annoying Fish.” I simply answered back, leaning back on the chair and looking at his VERY annoyed face. Ahh, I am loving this first Korean lesson.

“I am begging you Yumi,” he started to plead, “Please, please try to co-operate with me!”

“Why would I ? I don’t want to co-operate with a fish like you.” I stuck my nose in the air as I bit onto my apple again.


“Alright! Alright!” I put my palms up and looked into my text book and found a word to call him. “I know what I call you!”

“Go on.” he said, thinking I was finally letting myself learn and properly work with him.

“Ajushie.” I grinned evilly to myself. His half smile faltered.

“You don’t call me that! That’s for older men! Like uncles!” he cried, shaking his hair out in deep, DEEP frustration.

“Fine!” I snapped as I looked for another word I can find to annoy him more, “I call you hyung.” He looked at me with strain in his fishy eyes. So cute- Wait! So fishy!

“That is unless you are a guy!” he glowered at me softly, “You call me oppa, Yumi. Op-pa!”

“Nope. A-ju-SHIE!” I carried on teasing him, “Or Hyu-ng!” I watched his head fall onto his own Korean text book and started banging his head harshly while I didn’t try to stop him and just sat back and looked at my chipped nails. God, this is so fun. I never thought learning Korean can be this fun.

“Hey guys, how’s the tutoring going?” Monkey suddenly came in the kitchen. We were studying in The Fish’s kitchen which smelled of tuna. Such a fish! *Rolls eyes*

“Hey ajushie.” I smiled slyly at him. The monkey stopped and looked at me like he was badly insulted and looked at The Fish for answers.

“I didn’t teach her that! She’s being a pain!” The Fish cried.

“Fine if you guys are sooo touchy about me calling you guys ajushie, I’ll call you hyungs!” I muttered, putting my apple down on the table.

“It’s oppa, Yumi.” Monkey tried to get it through to me. “You only say hyung if you are a guy.”

“It’s either that or ajushie!” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Hyung is good. Hyung is good.” Monkey started to walk away. I looked at Donghae accusingly.

“What?! I Haven’t done anything..” he said.

“What is he doing here?!” I asked pointedly. Why the hell is the monkey doing in Fish’s house for? Monkey wandered into the living room bit and I heard the telly turn on.

“He lives here with me.” Donghae answered, opening my textbook which I closed again just to annoy him for the sake of it.

“How can he stand the smell in here.” I scrunched up my nose.

“It doesn’t smell of anything here!”

“Yes it does.” I smirked, “Tuna.”

“That’s because I had tuna for breakfast this morning!”

“Eww.” he shook his head at me and opened my book again but I closed it. We carried on doing that until I slammed the book shut heavily on his hand, squishing it really hard.

“Yah- Ow!” he pulled his hand away. I laughed to myself as he pouted like a fish and started to rub his hand. Oh my god, like that book slam hurts! Such a baby fish! He needs to sort himself out! If we were in the library I wouldn’t be able to have this much fun. Gahh, so funny. This Fish is so easy to annoy.

“So Donghae hyung,” I started, “What shall we learn next?”

Donghae’s POV:

Aish, why the hell is she so stubborn?! Did she have a bad childhood which turned her like this?!? So stubborn, blunt yet beautiful?! Aish, this girl! I need to be stern with her! I just need to! I need to think of a plan! And she calls me The Fish?! Do I really look like a fish?!

And it doesn’t smell so bad in this house! It’s only tuna! I like tuna! I looked at her and saw her smiling to herself, her lips turning into a cute cat smile which was supposed to be a smirk I think. Stubborn girl. Yet so pretty~ ARGH! ARGH! ARGH! Stop thinking like that Lee Donghae!


Back to Yumi’s POV:

“Are you hungry?”

“Non.” I said in French.

“We’re in Korea Yumi, not France so we speak Korean here not French, okay?” Monkey walked in the kitchen while The Fish took out something out of the fridge.

“Well, I don’t know Korean.” I shrugged back normally.

“Well, if you would just listen and let me teach you Korean, you would know all the basics now!” Donghae rolled his eyes at me.

“I know how to address you guys though.” I smiled to myself, “Ajushies.”

“What happened to calling us hyungs?” Monkey said through gritted teeth.

“Eh, it’s getting boring.” I chuckled darkly as The Fish passed me a cup of orange juice. I looked at it once and pushed it away at arms length.

“Let’s go over it again,” The Fish said, sitting back down in front of me, “What do you call mums?”

“Umma.” I said with no emotion in my voice.



“Older sisters?”


“Older brothers or boys who are older than you?”

Ajushie or hyung.” I winked cheekily.

“Aish… Younger siblings?” he sighed.

“ANNO-YING!” I said, drawing an invisible exclamation mark with my fore finger on my textbook. He looked at his Monkey of a friend and shook his head a little. Monkey smirked at him and left the kitchen quickly.

“What can I do to make you work with me properly?” The Fish asked.

“Let me go home~” I pleaded. I checked my watch and saw that it was already getting late. Another agonizing hour pass and we are still going through Korean language by a stinking fish! Such a painful thing to learn with a Fish tutoring you!

We’ve been going through all the numbers in Korean which I declined to learn and we have been going through for the past hour what I address people in Korean.

“Tell me what you call me?” The Fish pried.



“Fine, hyung!”

“Anio, jebal Yumi-shiie!” he started to plead.

“I don’t know what you just said.” I said putting on this face: o_0?

“No, please Yumi-shiie!” he translated, sounding more whiny. “If you say the right thing for once then I will let you go home.”

“Alright…” I sighed, “Oppa.” I made a face at the word and stuck my tongue out at him. “Happy now? Can I go? Please? PLEASE?!”

“Say Donghae oppa for me.” he suddenly smiled warmly at me. He’s… WEIRD! NEED TO GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE!

“No way! It sounds like I’m calling you babe or honey! Eww.” I scrunched up my nose.

“But your lips look so cute when you say oppa.” he suddenly chimed. I leaned over the table and flicked his nose, making it slightly pink.

“yah! That hurt.” The Fish rubbed his nose with his finger as he looked up at me with puppy dog eyes.

“Bye Fishy.” I scowled, grabbed my stuff and started towards his front door. “Bye Monkey ajushie!”

“YAH! “ I heard Monkey yell from the living room while I smirked to myself and walked out of the door. The door closed behind me and I began to walk down the drive and looked for my mp3 in my blazer pockets.

“Yumi?” I looked back and saw, “Oh no~ not you!”  

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I really enjoyed this ^-^
That was AWESOME~~!! Waiting for new updates~
thatchinesegirl #3
“Kim Jong Yumi~” Chubs bounced over to me at lunch time, “Guess what?” <br />
<br />
“What?” I asked.<br />
<br />
“Siwon hyung-” <br />
<br />
“Wait!” I stopped him.<br />
<br />
“What?!” <br />
<br />
“CHEEKS!!!” I grinned and squished his face for a second before letting go, “Now carry on.” <br />
<br />
Chapter 34-<br />
Aw, yay!!!!<br />
She lives with her real family now!!!<br />
Haha! Yesung! What a clumsy person!<br />
Siwon is dating....<br />
By the holy water!<br />
HAHA!!! I'm glad that she's friends with<br />
Henry now! DONGHAE!!!!<br />
LOVE.<br />
ROFL oh Siwon met her by the holy water. xD<br />
Yay~ fishy finally gets his date with Yumi,you can only say no to him so many times before giving in.
CupcakeChoi93 #6
By the holy water xD <br />
Awww Yumi finally gave into Fishy Hae! <br />
aww thats so sweet donghae wont give up^^ cant wait to see how their date would go:)
Chapter 33-<br />
A turtle on a walk???<br />
AWWW!!! Donghae is SOOO sweet!<br />
I like how Sungmin wasn't even embarrassed<br />
by the fact that he was watching and a girl<br />
walked in...<br />
Yesung! Thats so cute!<br />
The mother deserved to know!
AsianAtHeart #9
AAAAAAHHHH!!! Umma! Remember Yumi!!!!!!! YESUNGIE LOVES ME!!!! <3 love the update, keep writing <3<3
CupcakeChoi93 #10
"-Monkey is not just a monkey, he is a dancer. A hot dancer!"<br />
Amen to that!! :)) <br />
<br />
Awwww Yumi finally met her Umma...again