Temptations & Help

Forbidden Love


Man, she’s still here, was what he thought the moment he came back and peeked into his car. He pressed a hand to to see that she was still breathing, of course, he knew in advance that she was or he wouldn’t have brought her in the first place, but he just didn’t want his vampire instincts to take over, he wanted to feel her heartbeat, not hear it. Part of him wanted her to wake up and go away so that he wouldn’t get problems, but of course the immature vampire part just wanted to taste her blood. What was wrong with him? He had never wanted to drink human’s blood before, apart from his girlfriend but that was just his first urge. But this, this is weird, he felt a chill in his veins every time he took a second look at her, and it was not normal.


Calm down L.Joe, you’re just overthinking the important part of this, he said to himself as he entered his car and drove back to his house, ignoring and trying not to point his nose towards the human’s direction.  The blood on her right leg was still bleeding, and if not treated properly, would cause a serious wound, and he had to see that she gets cured.


Upon arriving at his house, he switched off the engine and stared at her for some time before shaking his head, ruffling his hair in the process. Aish! He thought as he got out of the vehicle and took her carefully in his arms. Hoping that none of the Teen Top members were wandering about in the corridor, he made a dash to his own flat and shut the door firmly, locking it twice so that no one would enter and take him by surprise, especially when he had a strange human girl with him.


He turned back and finally got a good look at her.


Ignoring her bruises all over her body, he decided to busy himself with treating that ugly gash on her leg that was still dripping slowly. He got some medicines and ointments from his cabinets and got to work, dabbing with cotton, cleaning it as much as he could and finally wrapping her leg into a cotton bandage.


He admired his work with quite some pride, and cleaned up her bruises and cuts over her body, his gaze averting as he cleaned her chest wounds and upper leg gashes.


He didn’t want to look at her face, for fear that he might lose control and pounce on her, drawing back his two little tiny knifes and sinking them into her skin, drinking in huge gulps. But no, he couldn’t do that, he had just fed, for god’s sake, and why would he even be attracted to any human’s blood anyway?


Okay, take a deep breath, and look. And he did. He lifted his head and his eyes got glued to her feminine and fragile face. It wasn’t that pretty, it was just normal, although, she did have beautiful eyebrows, well shaped and dark, - he could tell she didn’t have any makeup on- her eyelashes were long and curly, her cheeks were slightly rosy, - not from makeup, but it was her normal tint- her nose wasn’t pointy or anything, but it was small as well as flat (quite cute), and her lips, although small and not full, was a pretty shade of pink and matched her face perfectly. 


Gently. He held his breath as he held a cotton ball up to her bruised left cheek. He dabbed it softly and washed her face- pressing wet towels against her cheeks and forehead-so that she felt more comfortable. His forehead ceased when it hit him that maybe she would not wake up, maybe never. But he shrugged it off. I hope she does, but if she doesn’t.. Well too bad. I can’t do anything about it. She’s nothing to me.

Oh really? A small voice echoes at the back of his mind. He pushed it away forcefully and shook his head.


After washing her up, he gently lifted her, her paperish weight light in his arms as he gathered her up and laid her gently on his bed, since he didn’t have a spare one. She murmured something and snuggled up to him while he tried putting on the blankets. L.Joe blushed. Aish..so annoying. He pushed her away and watched as her head fell back against the pillow, snuggling into it. He tucked the covers around her and returned back into the living room, scratching his head.


‘Guess I’ll have to sleep on the couch’ He said to himself.



Light bathed her face as she blinked her eyes open, blearily looking at her surroundings with a curious look. She couldn’t remember this place, and wondered what she was doing here. Sunlight was streaming from the curtains and birds chirped happily outside. The morning felt so light and full of hope that she found herself smiling. Even though she didn’t know where she was, something inside her told her that everything would eventually work out and put itself right. I’ll e alright, she thought as she threw back her covers and moved her feet out, but then she winced.

Something was holding her back, stinging and hurting, it sent jolts of pain through her body.


She looked down to see her right leg and hissed as she saw the injured part wrapped inside a scarlet colored bandage. The blood had definitely oozed out from the wound.


But the question was; who had cured her? She thought to herself and scratched her head. And more importantly, where was she?
Shrugging and sure to find out if she’d just step out of that unfamiliar room, she slipped her feet into some soft velvet slippers that ‘the curer’ had placed at the foot of the bed last night and opened her door hesitantly, biting her lip when jolts of pain zapped up from her foot.


She slipped out of her room and proceeded to walk to the living room when a door was opened and there in front of her, was revealed a REALLY HANDSOME GUY.




‘Ahhh!!!’ She shrieked, jumping and covering her eyes with her hands as L.Joe cried in shock.


‘The hell?!’ L.Joe jumped in fright and covered his six pack abs with his arms.


‘Put on a damn shirt! Pabo!’ she cried, her hands still over her face.

He didn’t need to be said twice, he shut the bathroom door in her face and pressed his back against it, breathing heavily.


‘Gosh! And I thought she was still asleep, aish!’ he said to himself as he dressed quickly and efficiently into his clothes, opening the door again.


‘You can stop covering your eyes now’ He said to her. Shaking, the unfamiliar girl brought her hands down and L.Joe got a shock. It was true that she wasn’t pretty, but her strong features stood out and that quite surprised him. Not bad, he thought.


Aish, what are you thinking L.Joe? Seriously? 




Chapter 2 is up! ^^ Hope you like it and i hope that it's not too confusing for you guys !!! xD -dreamyme


by the way, if you guys are curious, this story has been made by BabyNoona, and is edited and added to by dreamyme! So we take turns in writing the chappies!^^ 

Omo! >< L.Joe's surprised! ;)-BabyNoona

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HanAnna00 #1
Chapter 13: Can u pls update ....plsss.... *puppy eyes*
Sweetie99 #2
heechul_sungmin13 #3
Chapter 13: please update soon author-nim:)
Chapter 13: Amazing! That part with Ricky saying he vote for Kim instead, cracked me up but I kinda dislike Hyuna in this. I imagine her as Victoria from twilight. XD
nutmeggu #5
Chapter 13: thanks for all your comments! They really make my day! khamsamidaaaaaaaa ;)
☺ love the story ☺
baddiebaddie #7
Update Soon^^