Unwanted Visitor

Forbidden Love



‘Where are you going hyung?’ Ricky asked as L.Joe got out of his flat. He looked back at the younger vampire, a surge of affection suddenly rising upon him. He smiled and scratched the back of his neck.

‘I’m going out, to feed’ he answered as Ricky’s face lightened.


‘Will you bring me with you?” Ricky’s face was hopeful, but his hyung just shook his head and chuckled, ruffling his dongsaeng’s hair. He wanted to, but he knew he couldn’t do it. When Ricky was in his full vampire-feeding mode, he couldn’t be controlled and always killed anything in front of him. Usually, he would drink off drunk es who didn’t know anything about it, but when going out with L.Joe, he followed his hyung’s diet and fed on animals. But that was the problem, animals weren’t enough, and so Ricky would always end up killing maybe two or more.

As much as L.Joe wanted to bring him, he couldn’t risk any more lives than this, what with all the global warming and all.

‘Ani, remember what happened last time you came with me?” L.Joe asked while slinging his arm around the maknae’s shoulders. Ricky immediately stiffened. He hated being reminded of this fact.


‘ Mianhae, hyung’ the maknae whined and L.Joe clapped his back.
‘Ani, you couldn’t control yourself, everyone understands that’


Leaving the dongsaeng at the door, L.Joe opened his car and backed out of the driveway, seeing the worried look flashing across Ricky’s face before he smiled and waved. He chuckled and waved back slightly. He usually wasn’t like this, he acted cool and aloof, but with his best friends, he found that he opened up more, and that made him happy.

While driving, his thoughts turned to how he had first become a vampire. Vampire families were found all over the world, and usually, the bloodlines would be passed down from father to son, mother to daughter, and vampires mated amongst them to continue their race. The first urge- which was a flash of red burning eyes at the prospect of smelling sweet blood - was indeed revealed at the age of 17 on the individual’s birth date, and so, L.Joe had been a vampire for almost two years. They had always lived in peace with humans, and had even made a pact with them; not to hurt any human that is unwilling to give his or her blood. Of course, there was always rumors and gossips about them being mosnters of the devil, but they weren’t, they had hearts too, it’s only that humans didn’t, wouldn’t believe it.


He remembered how he had wanted to bite out his girlfriend’s throat on their first date. It was the first urge he had had, and immediately, his leader, C.A.P., got the signal and in no time he had bashed into their date in order to restrain him from killing his own girlfriend. An idiotic smile came upon his face at the thought of his love, his only one, his everything (or so he thought). She, too, like him had transformed into a vampire one year after him.



Arriving at the edge of the forest, he switched off the engine and hopped out, smelling the sweet smelling air of animal life right before him. He took a deep breath, enjoying the smell of their life, the sense of fearless emotion he felt. Usually, unlike him, vampires would feed on giving donors that had no clue of what was going on, or usually drunk people who would forget everything afterwards. But L.Joe was different. Even though a population of his own kind surrounded him, he couldn’t help but feel out casted, lost and self-conscious of himself. He liked to admire humans, their usual carefree attitude always drew him in, and he would find himself staring at them enjoying themselves when deep down, he felt as if he would never feel that sense of freedom, that feeling, there was always that vampire oath- which every vampire has to make as not to betray the pack- to bind him down to earth, bring him back to reality, and although he knew that he was surrounded by good friends and had a wonderful, beautiful and sesxy girlfriend, something was telling him that his life wasn’t right, that there was something missing.


The problem? He didn’t know what.


Sighing, he walked along the plain before the forest, enjoying the wind blowing through his hair and the smell of freshly grown wildflowers lingering around. He could feel, even though he wasn’t barefoot, the soft earth that was warm and inviting, comforting and tender.

I really feel like sleeping on that hill, he shook his head, chuckling at himself. Listen to me, already thinking of sleeping when I’m supposed to hunt.


Standing in the middle of the field, he closed his eyes and let his sense relish at the limited freedom he had right now, and he stood, motionless as he let the natural life come to him.


He let his thoughts run around in his head; I can feel the soft whispering of the animals wandering around, enjoying their life…the sparrows at the top of the right tree just behind me, they’re in love with each other, so cute…the two fawns nearby are playing together…I can feel another scent, but it’s unfamiliar, it’s not one of a grizzly’s, not one of a panther… and it smells so sweet too, so endearing…I can taste it on my lips, the sweetness just like chocola-


His thoughts snapped him to reality and his eyes widened. This wasn’t an animal’s scent. It was one of a human’s.


The shock of wanting to taste it shook him to the core. Never in his life had he wanted to taste a droplet of human’s blood, and now what the hell was he thinking, wanting to taste it , savour it…

Stop it, L.Joe, he said to himself.


Shaking from head to toe, he made himself take one step forward, then another, then another one until he reached the body. His face was tilted forward, not daring to look down in case he might lose control of himself and just bite.

But he couldn’t.


Her scent was far too good to be ignored, and there was so much life buzzing from her. The blood mixed with her natural flowery and sweet smelling odour, and as much as he didn’t want to take a peek at who was right in front of him, lying down, his eyes were immediately drawn to it, like a moth drawn to a flame.


On the ground, with bloodstains and cuts everywhere over her body, was a girl. Not a pretty girl, nor a cute one, not a y one but an ordinary female that was covered in bruises from head to toe. There was a slash across her left cheek, and on her right foot was a deep gash that kept pouring that soft, sweet smelling and endearing red liquid that seeped nonstop.

Oh how he wanted succumb to that taste.


No, concentrate, Lee Byunghun, you should just leave her alone, she’s a human, you can’t mix with humans..


He turned his back on her, his breathing coming out deep and ragged. In his right mind, he would have left faster than you could say ‘human’, but now was not the case. It was something about her smell that made him want to stay by her side and help her.

Aish! Lee Byunghun, you’re such a softie! He scolded himself mentally and turned back, his gaze softening as he let his eyes roam on the human’s face. Gingerly, and gently, he took her into his arms and walked back to his car where he lay her down on the backseat. Taking a deep breath, he ignored his stained hands and ran back into the forest to feed. 


To clear this vamp story up: 

Vamps have been living with humans for hundreds and hundreds of centuries, making a pact so that the vamps would never take blood from an unwilling individual, and even if they can drink human's blood, they shouldn't drink to kill, they should drink tiny amounts so that the human has enough energy to sustain itself, and once you bound yourself to a human, you cannot let her/him go. It is a sort of bond you have so you cannot just change donors every now and then. 


hope that this info helps >
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HanAnna00 #1
Chapter 13: Can u pls update ....plsss.... *puppy eyes*
Sweetie99 #2
heechul_sungmin13 #3
Chapter 13: please update soon author-nim:)
Chapter 13: Amazing! That part with Ricky saying he vote for Kim instead, cracked me up but I kinda dislike Hyuna in this. I imagine her as Victoria from twilight. XD
nutmeggu #5
Chapter 13: thanks for all your comments! They really make my day! khamsamidaaaaaaaa ;)
☺ love the story ☺
baddiebaddie #7
Update Soon^^