∞ Chapter 6 ∞

Can You Hear My Heart

Lee SunAh


"We're here already" Woohyun taps my shoulder and I open my eyes slowly. I rub my eyes and blink it numerous time before I really wake up.

And I just realize that I have fallen asleep on his shoulder. I quickly pulls back my head and clear my throat, "Y-Yeah. Let's get off the train." I stand up first and let him following me.

This is not the first time I fall asleep without hot chocolate. I ever did it once... Forget it. 

But this is really the first time I did it to the person I barely know. Although I know him, he knows me, and we've talked before, it doesn't guarantee that we have known each other. 

I know I'm tired after the long walk, but I never thought that I will fall asleep on his shoulder. Is his shoulder really that comfort me? Ah, maybe because he likes to excercises.

Yes, that must be it.

After we come out from the train station, we quickly heading to the bus stop and take the last bus. I didn't want to miss the bus and have to walked to get home. I get enough walking today.

Since it's the last bus, there are only a few people who takes it. Woohyun decided to pulls off his mask, he said it's not comfortable to wear it entire day. But I told him to still wear his cap. Althought there're only a few peoples, but we can't tell it was alerady safe, right?

On the way home, all we do is talking. I have to admit it, Woohyun indeed a bright person and easy going. We never run out of topic, mostly he asked me about my family, what I doing on that house.

From what Woohyun told me, while I was at my family house, he just waited outside. I feel pity for him. He waited outside with that open clothes. It's not useless I borrow him my cardigan.

Speak of it, I need that cardigan back. Maybe I'll ask for it if we arrived.

When you with him, you won't realize the time has passed. We already arrived at our stops.

Again, we didn't stop talking after we arrived. We talked about our hobbies, favorite, etc. He even tells me some jokes that could make me laugh freely. I also found out that Woohyun has the same hobby with me. Cooking.

"Ah. Ne" Woohyun suddenly stops. I stops my step too and looked at him. "What's wrong Woohyun? Did you forget s-"

I couldn't continue my words, because I was too busy to look at him who is removing my cardigan and twist it behind me with her arms caged me in the middle. But before he could put it on me, a cough grabs our attention.

We both looked at the cough source from behind.


I quickly step back from Woohyun's arm and push the cardigan back. He didn't see what just happeed, did he?


Kim Myungsoo



I looked down and kick the gravel which block my way. Actually this is Sungjong's task to looking for Woohyun, but I feel pity for him. Sunggyu indeed bothring him sometimes.

Sungjong is watching television while Sunggyu suddenly asked him to look for Woohyun. Woohyun hasn't come back since dawn he leaves the house, and his phone even can't be contacted. 

I take my black cardigan and my phone with me, then I told Sunggyu I'll look for Woohyun.

After around one hour, I started to feel tired. I have looked around the apartment building, park near here, or the coffee shop that we visited together last time. But Woohyun is nowhere could be seen.

I couldn't tell our managers about this. I don't want them to worry us, moreover they constrict our free time.

I decided to go back to the apartment. Maybe Woohyun has come back but the members forget to call me. Even if he hasn't comeback, I'm not going to volunteer myself again. 

Not far from the bus stop, I could see two a couple who is walking together. My mind suddenly wandering to SunAh. But I quickly shook that thought. I was the person who wants the break up, so why I still thinking about her?

I was walking not far behind the couple,I could even hear the girl's laughing voices. And my brain stop thinking for a while. 

It's SunAh, I could recognize her voices. I was thinking who is the boy beside her, then the boy suddenly stop his step and removing his black cardigan, about to put it on SunAh. 

I clench my fists to see the scene in front of my eyes. What are they doing? Why SunAh didn't tossed him away?

Before the cardigan reach her, I fake a cough, telling them that actually someone is watching them. Both of them looked at me, and I just recognize that the boy is Woohyun.

What is he doing here? With SunAh?

I approach them. I tell Woohyun that Sunggyu is looking for him, with that, he leaves me with SunAh and excuses himself to go back first.

SunAh and I just standing there for a moment without any greeting, when suddenly SunAh decided to leave first. I quickly grab her wrist to stop her. Without waiting her respond, I remove my cardigan and put it on her shoulder.

SunAh frowned as I put the cardigan on her, I know she is waiting for an explaination. But I couldn't give her an answer, I also didn't know why I did it. My intuition just told me to.

There it goes the round 2 of the awkward silent. SunAh just holding the cardigan on her shoulder and staring to the ground. Is that four years really a long time until we didn't have nothing to say?

Come on, Kim Myungsoo. Say something! Ask her something! Something! Anything! About her condition, her family, or anything else!

But what come out from my mouth is... "I should take my leave now, the members must be worry about me too."


I was about to walk away when SunAh slowly removing the cardigan, but I stop her hand. "No!" We both looking at each other. "Just... Just wear it, it's really cold outside. Don't stay outside for a long time."

I could see SunAh open to say something. but I pretend didn't see it and run inside our apartment building.

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Danieea #1
Chapter 12: Good story author-nim^^
Chapter 12: I Like it so much! Good job author-nim XD
Chapter 12: wow the ending come so fast ><
It's a little unexpected actually but still I like the story I think it's really cute :3
author-nim fighting ! :D
EpicPinkPanther #4
Chapter 12: ...I'm here for you Woohyun!...
Chapter 12: @boy1a4: aww! really? Thank you ! >_<
@rebellioustofu : Thanks for reading and commenting too T_T I hope you like my stories.
Chapter 12: Ohh it ended! TAT
I feel a bit sorry for Woohyun but I hope everything will work out between those two~! ^^

I love those moments between Myungsoo and SunAh~ full of sighs but still cute. ^^

Thanks for writing the story, author-nim!
hwaiting for you next stories~! ^__^
Chapter 12: this was really cute ahah xD
Chapter 9: @starduck : idk i can't reply the comment with the reply box, so I post it here . Anw, thank you ^^