∞ Chapter 2 ∞

Can You Hear My Heart

Lee SunAh


It has been two weeks since the door incident, and it has been two weeks I know my front neighbor is the rising idols, INFINITE.

I don't know wheter I should happy or not. I was happy that I was living with an idol group, since I am a fans of Korean's band. I really enjoyed their song.
But in the other hand, I just didn't want to...
Suddenly phone suddenly ringing, interrupted my random thought. "SunAh-ya. I didn't awake you, right?" I glance on the wall clock in front of my bed, above the television. 11pm. "No, of course not. I haven't sleep yet. What made you call me around this time, mom?" 
I know my mother is worry about my sleeping habbit, since I sometimes get troubled to sleep and I am a slight sleeper. 
My mother heaves a relieved sigh, knowing she didn't bother my sleep. "I just want to remind you about tomorrow. Don't forget it again, okay?" 
Ah! I almost forget about it. Souvenirs for my mother's sister. "Y-Yeah. T-Tomorrow. Souvenirs. Family. Right?" 
"You're not just remember it, right SunAh?" My mother caught it, What can I say now?
Before I could find an excuse, my mother already speak up. "I know I shouldn't trust your father. I can't just told you once, you're so forgetful sometimes." My mother could imagine now my mother gives laser eyes to my father and he quickly pretend to sleeping.
My mother indeed had told me since last week, but I always forget. Since I was arrived here, I was very busy to buy things and decorations for my own apartment.
"SunAh-ya. Are you sure you can live alone there? Should I accompany you?" I could heard a worry tone from my mother.
"No, mom. It's okay. I'm okay living alone here. I'll text you if I get troubles here. You don't have to worry, really." I try to ensure her.
"Alright. I'll trust you, but don't forget to text me if you get troubles. Okay? I'll hang up now, and you should sleep too." Then my mother bids me goodbye, and didn't forget the goodbye kiss. I also did the same. It was just to show our closeness.
After ended the conversation with my mother, I turn off my phone. I didn't want any call will distrub my sleep later.
I jump off from my bed and went out from my bedroom, heading to the kitchen. It has been my small habbit to drink hot chocolate to help my sleep. I open my kitchen's drawer to take out the chocolate. And I just realized I was run out my chocolate stock.
I close it again and sigh. My mother is right, I was so forgetful sometimes. How can I forget to buy something that I regularly drink?
Aish, I got no choice.
I walked back to my room and grab my black cardigan. I know a 24hours coffee shop near the apartment building, they must have hot chocolate too.
Nam Woohyun
We just finished our schedule when the time show 11pm o'clock. The last stop of our schedule isn't far from our apartment building, so we dicided to walk instead using our manager car.
Sunggyu has told our manager not to worry about our identity since we have covers and caps with us. Seven guys walking together at night is just a normal scene of teenagers, right?
When the other member was busy talking. I walked in front alone, my mind still wandering about our new neighbor.
After that incident, the rest of my member comes out because heard her scream. And I was quickly pulled off by Hoya and Dongwoo from the girl since I can't stand up by myself. I always want to apologize to her about the incident, but because of our strict scheduled, we barely passed each other since that. 
Sunggyu ever meet her twice when he was going to his personal schedules, and Sungjong sometimes meet her when he was going to throw the garbage bags at night.
Maybe I should try to throw out the bags, who knows I could meet her and I want to apologize too.
I kick a drink can randomly to wreak my dejection.
"Aw!" A voice squeal. I quickly looked up when I heard the familiar voice.
Yes, it's her. It's that girl from two weeks ago, our new neighbor girl.
"SunAh-ssi!" I heard Sungjong called a name. The other members also stop when they heard her squeal.
Now I can make sure her name is SunAh since she turned to our direction. She is wearing silk light pink with flower flower pattern and black cardigan on it. Somehow I thought I ever saw the same cardigan like hers.
She curved her long hair to her ear with her right hand and bow slightly to us. "Annyeonghaseo." 
"Anyyeonghaseo, SunAh-ssi. What are you doing outside? It's late already." Sunggyu asks her when we approach her closer. I also want to ask the same thing, but Sunggyu asked it first.
"Ah. I just want to go to the coffee shop around here to get some drink. I run out my drink stock." Saeri replies Sunggyu, but I can see her eyes seemed uneasy. Just like the first time when the Infinite members came out. She doesn't has allergy with boys, does she?
I have to 
Maybe I could accompany her to the coffee shop and made my apology there. Besides, it's late at night and she is alone.
"SunAh-ssi. Do you mind if I go along with you?"


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Danieea #1
Chapter 12: Good story author-nim^^
Chapter 12: I Like it so much! Good job author-nim XD
Chapter 12: wow the ending come so fast ><
It's a little unexpected actually but still I like the story I think it's really cute :3
author-nim fighting ! :D
EpicPinkPanther #4
Chapter 12: ...I'm here for you Woohyun!...
Chapter 12: @boy1a4: aww! really? Thank you ! >_<
@rebellioustofu : Thanks for reading and commenting too T_T I hope you like my stories.
Chapter 12: Ohh it ended! TAT
I feel a bit sorry for Woohyun but I hope everything will work out between those two~! ^^

I love those moments between Myungsoo and SunAh~ full of sighs but still cute. ^^

Thanks for writing the story, author-nim!
hwaiting for you next stories~! ^__^
Chapter 12: this was really cute ahah xD
Chapter 9: @starduck : idk i can't reply the comment with the reply box, so I post it here . Anw, thank you ^^