Changmin's Confession



Chapter 7

Changmin’s confession


Changmin ran down the corridors, looking left and right through each hallway. He was panting as he kept looking for Chanmin. He has to find her. Now that he knows, he’s not going to lose the opportunity. He’s going to confess to her. ‘Confess. Yes. I’m going to confess. I’m not letting this chance pass by.’ He kept on running. ‘How could I be stupid? Why didn’t I know it all along? Mianhae Chanmin-ahh.”

He stopped running for a while. Sweat was covering his forehead. He wiped it with the back of his blazer. He was thinking. ‘If I was Chanmin, where would I go?’ his thoughts were racing as to the possibility of where she could be. Then he thought. ‘The computer room.’ Yes. Chanmin loves computer. She would never live a single day without doing web designing. Changmin smiled to himself and ran all the way nonstop to the computer laboratory.

Chanmin was sitting at the very far end of the computer laboratory, occupying the very last computer unit. She was so frustrated. She was typing furiously on her live journal. Everything she wrote at the moment was of how mad she was because of Changmin. Like ‘Changmin is such an idiot’, ‘Changmin is so stupid’, ‘Changmin only cares about his stupid food!’, ‘Why couldn’t Changmin realized my feelings?’. ‘He sure is stupid.’ She continued typing furiously, never realizing a presence on her back until…

“Was I really that stupid?” the presence suddenly spoke. Chanmin jumped from her seat and turned around. She saw Changmin leaning in on the screen still reading her live journal, his face looks confused and he was frowning. It took her a few moments to realize what he was doing. She pushed him off suddenly but not too forcefully. Just enough for him to back away and she shut down the monitor. Changmin straightened up and look at her with sad eyed. “I do look stupid, don’t I?”

She just blinked, but anger still etched on her face. And Changmin knew what he had just done. “You shouldn’t be invading with other people’s privacy.” She said, grimly. Changmin sighed.

“I’m sorry.” He looked at her straight in the eyes. “I’m sorry; I should’ve realized it sooner. I know I was being stupid. I didn’t know. I didn’t even felt to have the courage to ask you because I’m afraid you’ll reject me. And to think that you like me too, I was being a total idiot.”

Silence filled them. Chanmin bit her lip then finally spoke.

“Is that what you think?” she questioned him, disappointment filled her. “Changmin-ahh… Do you really think that way?”

He just kept silent. Chanmin sighed then said calmly.
“Maybe we’re just the same. I couldn’t tell you what I feel either. I think we’re even?”

Changmin looked at her. This time, his eyes were sparkling. He smiled.

“I like you, Chanmin-ahh. Since that day we met at the party seven years ago. It was love at first sight for me. I saw you entering the mansion holding your eomma hands as if you would get lost. And then I saw you near the table looking at all those foods. I was thinking that maybe you were thinking which ones to eat first. But, you looked so cute.”

Changmin saw her pouting. And he laughed, very softly. She laughed with him as well.

“I like you too, Changmin-ahh.” Chanmin blushed. He saw the blush on her cheeks then smiled. He took a step close until they were only inches apart, then Changmin reached for her hands then held it comfortably into his. They both looked straight into each other’s eyes. Chanmin held her breath. Not expecting what Changmin was about to do, she just stood still. He was getting closer. Chanmin was trying not to move away.

‘I like Changmin’ is what she was chanting in her mind. He leaned in very close to her until their lips touched. It was a soft peck on the lips until Changmin broke it. But for her, it was her first kiss… and her first kiss with the one she loves most in the world.

Outside the computer laboratory, four figures were whispering and nudging each other trying to get a better view of the new couple. Junsu couldn’t help but laugh, silently behind his palms. JaeHa was giggling and Heechul nudging Junsu to get a better view. And Yoochun was just standing behind JaeHa, strong arms wrapping around her waist, looking at the new couple over her shoulders. He was happy to finally see their dongsaeng happily in love.

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