My Little Princess

Chapter 20
My Little Princess 
Two weeks after the incident, things got a little difficult for Jaeha. Jaejoong became frustrated over his bestfriend, which now, he doubts if they are still the best of friends. Heechul, being the over protective bestfriend, started a fight a week ago with Yunho, when he saw the man standing at the school gates obviously waiting for Jaeha. And that time was when Yuchun went to Japan with his parents to attend a seminar. 
Yunho was never the easy man to deal with since then. He would do anything he wants. He started to make his plans obvious to almost everyone... Except Yuchun. Oh, the poor guy. He doesn't know anything. 
The talk didn't go well a day after that dinner as well. Yunho didn't show up. But he made his presence known by sending Jaeha a bouquet of white lilies with a note saying he had an urgent business trip and would be back three days after. Jaejoong was ready to kill that man if he sees him. Jaeha was amused, to know Yunho as a brave person but too coward to face them that day. 
Jaeha frowned at the thought of what happened the past two weeks. Yunho sending flowers early in the morning, a few... no not a few, but a lot of sweet messages that would flood her cellphone's inbox. And it never stops. Until now. 
She's on her way to the school's auditorium to see Yuchun's piano rehearsal. She would be hearing his new piece today. And it excites her. 
Jaeha entered the school's auditorium. Sweet melody filled her ears that came from the stage. She smiled as she saw Yuchun playing the piano, feeling too much of the music that he didn't notice his girlfriend's presence walking towards him, his eyes close as his fingers were dancing gracefully on the keyboard creating sweet, melodious music. 
Jaeha stopped in the middle isle just a few feet away from the stage. She closed her eyes, smiling as she continues to listen to the music that is filling the whole auditorium. Just then, Yuchun started humming. Jaeha chuckled. She loves Yuchun when he's singing. The greasy voice of his makes her feel the goosebumps but she thinks it sounds y hearing those husky voice. 
The music keeps on playing until finally it ended. Jaeha and Yuchun both opened their eyes. Yuchun was startled when Jaeha clapped her hands and approached the stage. Yuchun smiled seeing it was her. His eyes followed her figure as she walked towards the stairs of the stage and went towards Yuchun and sat beside him. 
"That was beautiful." She said, smiling sweetly at him. "What's it called?" 
"Thank you." He gazed at her lovingly, making Jaeha blush. "Hmmm... My Little Princess. It's not done yet but almost." 
"I love it." She giggled making Yuchun chuckle. He reached for her hand and caressed it tenderly. "But I love you more." 
"Since when did you become cheesy?" Eyebrows raised, Yuchun smirked at her. Jaeha pouted. "But I love you too." 
Jaeha grinned at him then suddenly kissed him on his cheeks. "Since I met a guy named Park Yuchun." 
For a moment, the couple just sat in front of the piano, enjoying each other's presence. 
"Hey," Jaeha broke the silence surrounding them. "Sing that song to me again." 
"What song?" 
"The song you sang when you proposed. It was japanese but you sang it in english. Let me hear it again!" Jaeha's eyes sparkled in excitement. 
Yuchun groaned. "You'll never get over it, don't you?" 
Jaeha shaking her head no, her hand still holding on to Yuchun, the other hand tugging on his shirt sleeve. 
"But you're always laughing!" Yuchun pouted. "That time after I proposed to you, you laughed at my english." 
"Oh come on Chunnie, It was amusing! Now let me hear it. Please!" Jaeha beamed at her boyfriend and gave him the sweetest smile she knew he could never resist. Yuchun shrugged and muttered an almost whispering "fine" then Jaeha clapped her hands in happiness. 
The next thing was that the auditorium was filled with sweet music now accompanied by Yuchun's voice and Jaeha's hearty laugh hearing his boyfriend singing. 
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