Aquamarine 2/4

Love Notes at My Door


Aigoo, Xiumin's temper sure does get him in trouble, doesn't it ?

Xiumin released Woohyun's hand and glared with the intensity of a thousand suns. He wasn't going to back down, not from something as important as Chen. To an outside party, it would seem as if Xiumin was simply betting away the feelings Chen have for him, but really, he was trying to protect the beautiful male from Woohyun. Now until the tournament, Woohyun would leave them alone, and it would give Xiumin the time he needed, a week was hardly enough, to see if Chen was as serious as he seems. Woohyun shoved his hands in his pocket and turned away, walking away like the rich prick that he is. Xiumin stood there and watched him leave, still hearing that annoying voice in his ear. 


"I can't wait to hear Chen say my name. But I especially can't wait to see that look of heartbreak on your face." Xiumin took a deep breath and turned to head inside of the school grounds. He was beyond pissed, for feeling like a failure, for becoming so easily riled up, for betting ing Chen on a stupid game. How could he? Chen wasn't a game or some inanimate objecthe was a human being with feelings and a heart that would be broken if he found out what Xiumin did. He betrayed his trust and his feelings and it was so low of him. Xiumin closed his eyes for a brief moment and opened them again, his chest tightening as he saw him in the distance, talking animatedly with Kyungsoo and Suho. Turning quickly, Xiumin looked at Sehun and forced the water in his eyes to run elsewhere.


"D-Don't tell Chen about what just happened. I'm begging you." 


"Why? You don't want him to know he's yours. All yours?" Xiumin knew Kai was just joking around, but he didn't have it in him to laugh.


"Don't tell him I made that bet, that I'm a horrible person. Just don't tell him anything." Before anyone could say another word, or smart comment, Xiumin steered of to the left. He needed to be on that soccer field, it was the only place on campus that made him feel like he could breathe. His mind was in a whirlwind of thoughts and Xiumin was hopeful just being on the green field would help him come to terms with exactly he just did. There was a 15 minute interval before classes started and Xiumin was happy for it. He stepped down the stairs leading down the field and sighed. He could already hear his conscious shouting at him.


What the were you thinking!? You seriously just made a deal with that narcissistic Woohyun and you expect it to be easy? Your left leg is weak and you know it, yet you agreed! IDIOT!


Are you seriously willing to bet the guy you’re in love with on a soccer game? Did I already mention you’re in love with him? Did I? Because if I didn't let me say it now. YOU’RE IN LOVE WITH HIM!


And to make it worse, he's in love with YOU! And you knew that yet you . . . Why?


He's not a ing pair of shoes! And even if he WAS one, you don't let people borrow your shoes! NOT SHOES LIKE HIM! 


What does he even see in you? You're way too short, you have a terrible temper, and your cheeks are fat. 


If he finds out, there's no way he's going to want you anymore. He's going to be heartbroken that you took advantage of him and the way he feels about you. Didn't last night mean a damn thing to you?


I wish I could just hit you. Just once and I would be satisfied.


Xiumin dropped his bag by the bench and quickly ed his uniform sweater; the sun was much too warm for it in the first place. He tossed it aside and walked out onto the field. The grass shook in waves from the wind and Xiumin took a deep breath. Honestly, the misery had begun to set in. He felt like garbage. Finding the center of the field was an easy feat and Xiumin sat on the grass before falling onto his back and looking up into the sky.


"I just bet the guy I'm in love with away." 


"Tough break, who’s the guy?" Xiumin nearly lost his head if not for the familiar voice of the 'checking out ' Unicorn. Xiumin looked up to see Lay lying down beside him.




"Finally. Everyone was getting sick of waiting on you two. You're such a Princess." Xiumin sighed and looked back to the empty sky.


"So everyone knew he liked me, but me?" Lay raised his hands up in the air and began to spread and contract his fingers, enjoying his little game with the sun being either blocked or allowed on his face.


"Yeah, and he doesn't just like you Min. He loves you. I guess you’re just finding out, but Chen has been in love with you for a very long time, but he's shy, so he never had the courage to confess." Xiumin only felt worse, how inconsiderate could he be?


"Wait, did you just say you made a bet on Chen?" 


"Yeah, I did, and before you go off on me or kick my or make Tao kick my , I had a reason, a really bad reason and I already feel like , so please, spare me."


"Explain first, before I really do get Tao to kick your ." 


"It all started last night. . ."


Xiuchen Flashback~


Xiumin's hand felt warm to the touch, covered with someone else’s palm as they sat close to each other. His cheeks refused to stay normal, the color adorning his face flying between sweet pink roses and red velvet. Unconsciously, he scooted closer to Chen, wanting more of his unfamiliar warmth that made his heart beat faster the fluttering of a hummingbird’s wings. He liked it, feeling like he was suffocating and hoping he would stay that way if it meant he could stay this close to Chen. He could feel his body trembling, even with his coat on, and he knew it was from Chen's touch. Xiumin hadn't expected their meeting to be this profound, this groundbreaking. He could barely keep his breathing even when Chen peered down at him and smiled.


"Y-Your shaking," His voice, it was deeper than Xiumin had expected, came out soft and whispery, as if he was scared of Xiumin, scared of being alone with him.


"It's cold," Xiumin uttered quietly, his cheeks darkening as he fought to keep eye contact. Chen smiled, Xiumin thought the sun had risen, and suddenly looked away, scooting a few inches to the right and swiftly discarding his jacket. He quietly placed it around Xiumin with a face of determination, and smiled just as brightly when he was finished.


"There. No more cold." Xiumin could smell Chen's scent radiating from his jacket and in all honestly, he didn't feel so jittery anymore. He pulled Chen's jacket close to his chest and scooted closer to the darkly dressed male. He noticed the clothing and realized they were wearing the exact opposite color. How ironic. Again Xiumin scooted closer, until he had pressed into Chen's side, and he stayed there. It was on complete impulse, but Xiumin needed more warmth.


He needed more of Chen.


"Now there's no more cold," Xiumin said shyly, hiding his face in Chen's jacket. Chen didn't make any movements or an indication that Xiumin had overstepped his boundary, and for that Xiumin was glad. They both stared up at the stars, a new one twinkling almost every second and catching their attention. Somewhere along the line, Xiumin found himself resting his head on Chen's shoulder, it felt so sturdy. The wind picked up with the dark night, but neither really noticed, just basking in the moment they had created, their first, and hopefully the beginning of so many more.


"I like you," Chen said, "I like you a lot." I love you.


"I-I know." Xiumin felt like an idiot for saying something in violation of the Confession Act: Section 5 (whereas it is seen as treason to say 'I know' or 'thank you' when someone confesses to you. Not only is it a rejection, but it makes you look like a total ), but this was his first time dealing with a confession. 


"Good. I'm h-happy just knowing that I told you a-and you understand. I meant it when I said I was stubborn. Eventually, you'll l-like me too." Xiumin felt admiration bubble in his very core and inched closer, sneakily pressing a feathery kiss to Chen's beautifully arranged cheek. It was his way of saying he agreed and he hoped Chen would understand. Chen turned to look at him again and pressed a kiss to Xiumin's sensitive forehead. 


He definitely understood."


"So . . . what's your favorite color?"




End Xiuchen Flashback


"Woohyun likes Chen?" Xiumin finished relaying the events that unfolded the night prior and how Woohyun had tried to flirt with Chen before he came along. He hummed in reply to the question and his side to face Lay.


"Then why the hell would you bet him when Woohyun wants him? Were you that upset that you let yourself get played?" Lay had been perfectly correct. He had been so pissed he was willing to do anything to wipe that stupid smirk off of Woohyun's pretty face. Lay whistled lowly while shaking his head.


"So if you lose, what happens?" He would let Chen go. He would let Woohyun take him away. That was the basis of the deal, wasn't it? Xiumin groaned and turned away from his best friend. Why did he have to be so upset? If he had kept a clear head, Xiumin would've never made such a dumb bet that could jeopardize his entire almost-relationship.


"He said he's going to take Chen from me and I can't do anything but let him."


"You weren't ready to make a bet like that!" It was true and Xiumin knew it. It would be especially hard to even hope to win against Woohyun and his team, they were good and Xiumin knew it, and his overconfidence may have cost him something important. He knew that when he shook his hand, he had not been thinking with his head. When he sealed the deal, Xiumin had been using his heart.


"I know, but the only option I have left is to not lose."


"The only good thing out of all of this that Woohyun will back off Chen until then, then he'll rub it in your face after. You know how he is."


"Unfortunately, I do." Xiumin watched Lay stand and begin stretching, bending over and reaching his long fingers towards his toes. 


"Get up." Raising his eyebrow, Xiumin got to his feet and followed suite, feeling no pain from his stretching after years of training. When they were both finished, Lay turned to Xiumin and pointed at the net directly across the field.


"If we want to win, we need you in top shape, which means strengthening that left leg. I'm sure Woohyun pointed it out from our last game, but you depend too much on your right, so your left is nowhere near as good. For this week, you have to kick with your left, understood?" 


"Why the hell does everyone know about my left leg!" 


"Just start running and I'll go get a ball, we can skip first and start training early. You need all the help you can get."


Xiumin listened to Lay with no protests. He needed to work harder than everyone else from here on. He needed to win, he had to.











And he had to keep Chen from finding out he was a totally .

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Ughh, mian everyone, I had to take chap 18 down for some adjustments. but no worries, it'll be here soon! I promisee


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Chapter 24: This is good! so fluffy
Megane_senpai #2
Chapter 24: Ooh~~~ Sehuns pissed. OMFG Xuimin why!?!? Awww poor Baekhyun ;~; baby come Baek!!!!!.
Katira_Elise08 #3
Chapter 24: Wtf Xiumin?! How can you even CONSIDER feelings towards someone else other than Chen?! You ! And pfft got what ya deserved Luhan! :D omg what happened to Lay and Suho?! D: BAEKHYUN COME BACK SWEET BEAUTIFUL AMAZING CHANYEOL NEEDS YOU!! D:
Katira_Elise08 #4
Chapter 24: Oops for chapter 21 that was meant to be *amazingness*
Katira_Elise08 #5
Chapter 22: Poor Baekky :( and LOL go Lay and Suho!
Katira_Elise08 #6
Chapter 21: Whaaaattttt! You can't do that after that amazing eyes Xiumin! Now you HAVE to win!
Katira_Elise08 #7
Chapter 19: Ok. That. Was. The. Best. Chapter. Ever! OMIGOSH THAT WAS SO GORGEOUS LOVE YOU
Katira_Elise08 #8
Chapter 17: hahahaha omg stooopppp!! The endings are too much!!!!
Katira_Elise08 #9
Chapter 16: Hahahahaha the endings r always hilarious! Your amazing!
Katira_Elise08 #10