One and Only Freak (유일한 쟁이)

Third day of classes and Jong Hyun seems to enjoy learning all about Literature history and disciplines. His inclination to music was even helpful when they were asked to write a sonnet of their own. He enjoys writing songs that's why it was hassle-free for him to submit one as well. 

     "Remember the sonnets you guys made the last time?" asked Mr. Kang, their Creative Writing professor. "Well, apparently, I was amazed at how great those turned out to be. But you know me, I only choose three of the best. You guys want to know who?"


The students chorused in agreement to what their professor asked. Mr. Kang then got the submitted papers and browsed through them, taking out the sonnets which appear to be with the highest marks.

     "Jong Hyun, you sure will get one of those spots," a classmate whispered.

     "Thanks. I hope so too!" Jong Hyun replied.

     Mr. Kang started calling, "Yoon Chaerin. Park Jae Hee and Lee Jong Hyun. Congratulations!"

Their classmates applauded as each of them got their papers from Mr. Kang. Jong Hyun was obviously happy receiving because his dimples showed and his girl classmates can't stop staring at him. 

     "Congratulations, man! Told you!" said one of his classmates!

     "Thank you."


As the class settled in, Mr. Kang asked who wants to volunteer and read their sonnets in front of the class. At this time, both Jong Hyun (sitting at the 4th row, left side) and Jae Hee (sitting at the 3rd row, right side) raised their hands to go first. 

     "Wow! Two volunteers! How do we settle this?"

     "Sir, it's okay, ladies first," said Jong Hyun.

     "No, it's okay, you can go first," Jae Hee answered.

     But Jong Hyun, being the gentleman as he is, insisted "It's really okay, you can recite yours first."

Okay, fine! Jae Hee thought as she went in front and recited her piece. Jong Hyun closed his eyes as Jae Hee started to recite. She was somewhat bothered by this but still continued on. Everyone was amazed at how great she delivered her sonnet. This made Jae Hee happy as well.


     "Mr. Lee, mind sharing yours to class as well?" Mr. Kang called on.

     "My pleasure Sir!" as he stood up and faced the class. He took a deep breathe and recited:

For as long as you're here, I'll be with you

My heart resounds and it can surely tell

you are my heaven though I may be your hell

It only knows you, the you that is true

The one I love, that color and that hue

I'll keep you in my mind, I'll always wait

Murmurs of you in my heart and thoughts too

breathing until you know I love, not hate

whispering that I want to share with you

Bliss is your name, my soul fathoms your smile

it seems endless and I'll wait for a while

with this emotions, it can reach a mile

thousands of hours, nothing but a moment

closer and closer, you're my life's present


The class was swooned by the sonnet recital of Jong Hyun as they applauded for him at the same time the bell rang. Jae Hee was also clapping her hands as she noticed something. Teardrops. Teardrops on her paper! How can this be? I cried? Why? She hurriedly wiped her tears to avoid attention from her classmates who, luckily, were already going out of the room, but she was shocked to see a handkerchief being offered to her.

     "Here," a familiar voice said.

     "I'm okay..." Jae Hee said. 

But before she made her move, the guy shoved the handkerchief to Jae Hee's hand, mumbled jja shik~ and walked past her. Jae Hee stared at the handkerchief.

     "Why on earth did I cry? It was just a sonnet Jae Hee! Lee Jong Hyun's sonnet. And what's this?"

     Jong Hyun was still in the room and replied to Jae Hee's sudden speech. "That's a handkerchief. Ya! Jae Hee, hurry up or we'll be late for Professor Lee's class!" 

     "Huh? Ah... okay!" she replied. What's up with him? And did he just call me by my name?


Jae Hee was both flustered and irritated. She doesn't know what feeling is it exactly but she knew it was new to her. But she herself is curious why was she crying over that sonnet, Lee Jong Hyun's sonnet to be exact. She shook her head and went on to her next class.







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im_sucks_LOL #1
wow nice ficcc!!!
chesmine #2
Chapter 17: love it!!!!!!!!!!!!
as always...

thanks for reading! ^^
and i just fell in love with JH even more! <3 ^^
Welcome and thank you for reading this~ Writing is really difficult so you need a big amount of inspiration~ Thanks to Lee Jonghyun who makes us all flutter... ^^
Thank you dear for reading this~
And Jonghyun is such one charming man, can't help falling over and over again right?
Thank you too for reading this ^^
DONE~~ I think i'm falling for you again. Lee Jonghyun.
thanks for this! <3
halfway finishing this. jonghyun's so funny. i can really imagine him like this. i envy you. whenever i write, i can't make the character appear like him. -__-
You made me fall in love with Jonghyun again :'D
This was an awesome fic.