One and Only Freak (유일한 쟁이)


          “Hello! Where are you right now? I’ve been waiting for forever!”

          “You should! Now I know why you suddenly called me out to eat!”


          Yejin’s eyes widened and she just realized that her friend knew of what she did. She started stuttering while taking on the phone with her friend.

          “Ah... s-so... Uhmmm... P-please don’t h-hate me, Jae Hee yah~ Mianhae...”

          “Wait ‘til I appear infront of you!” Jae Hee threatened her friend with a smile on her face.


          She was 10 minutes away from where her friend was and she used this time to gather all her thoughts as she walked the streets. She had never been this happy and though her friend allied with Jonghyun on that little trick, she just couldn’t constrain all the good things she can think. But amidst all these happiness she felt, fear started to creep in her thoughts. Fear of rejection. Again, she was thinking hard.


          It was that same feeling when she was ready to confess to the guy he liked who turned out to be fooling her by sending fake emails and stuff. Yejin told her that other guys aren’t like him but Jae Hee generalized this thought and started hating men, especially the handsome ones. Apart from this, her Dad also left her Mom and had a divorce; another reason she can’t trust just any man ever again. She let out a deep sigh and headed on Haewon Tteok, the new snack house. As soon as Yejin saw her friend, she knew she really is dead.


          “Jae Hee yah~ let me explain...”

          “Yah!!! Yejin ah~” Jae Hee began talking and suddenly embraced her friend.

          “Why? Park Jae Hee... Jae Hee yah... wae?”

          “I wanted to.... thank you for being there.”

          “Huh... uh yeah! Of course!”


          Yejin was still clueless even after Jae Hee told her what Jonghyun did for her. Yejin kept on asking questions and Jae Hee kept on answering them. Jae Hee also told her best friend the dilemma she has now that she’s opening up to Jonghyun like that. As they talked it through, they kept on ordering spicy rice cakes – their favourite.         Suddenly, Jae Hee’s phone started ringing and Yejin started teading her friend.


          “Yah… Mr. Kang’s calling you!” said Yejin doing the “…” actuation.

          “Huh?” Jae Hee said knowing which “Mr. Kang” Yejin was referring to.

          “I think you should just change his ID to “my boyfriend” or “honey”, that way you’ll not be confused…”

          “Who’s idea is it to trick me and make him “Mr. Kang” anyways?”

          “Not me, I just gave him your number, wait is it me?”

          “Whatever! Wait I’ll just answer his call…”


          Yejin was so happy it showed through her smile and teasing as Jae Hee stood up and went to somewhere quiet so she could hear Jong Hyun. She was happy for her friend and she hoped that she could be happy with someone who can really love her. Jae Hee is a great woman in Yejin’s eyes; intelligent, generous, ready to help and above all, manner-oriented, that’s why she also wished that a guy could see the Jae Hee that she sees. Yejin had been in a lot of failed love stories and could really advise Jae Hee in this department. Luckily, a guy like Jong Hyun came in the right time. Yejin only hopes that they can be okay, though not perfect, but still okay.


          “Not just because you serenaded me means you can call me anytime Mr. Lee!”

          “But can’t I call Ms. Park on a time like this when I want to hear her voice?”

          “How in the world did you get cheesier?”

          “Since I kissed you…” Jong Hyun said and Jae Hee suddenly laughed.

          “You really are something.”

          “Something? Only that?”

          “Yah! Lee Jong Hyun….”


          “Thank you.”

          “You’re welcome,” a smiling Jong Hyun said on the other line.


          After saying goodbye, Jae Hee realized that she wasn’t ready to say “I love you” to Jong Hyun that easy. There were 3 or 4 times that Jong Hyun had said that line a few moments ago but all she said was “Okay” or “Yeah, thanks”. She hoped that Jong Hyun didn’t take this to heart and just let her have her way.



          The next day was ironically similar to what happened yesterday – the only difference is that Jae Hee and Jong Hyun’s scripts are out to be critiqued. It mattered more to Jae Hee that Jong Hyun. But the latter was also curious.


          “Mr. Lee and Ms. Park, I want to congratulate you again for submitting worthy scripts. I knew you too were creative and it really showed on both of your works,” Mr. Jung said.

          “But Sir, you said our papers are now being evaluated?” curious Jae Hee asked.

          “Yes, that’s right. 3 board members from the Communications department are assessing the scripts and they will choose only one.”

          “And when will we know the results Sir?” inquired Jong Hyun.

          “Tomorrow morning. You cannot treat each other nicely now, it’s a competition. Unless you two are going out…”

          “No, Sir. We’re not!” Jae Hee suddenly exclaimed leaving Jong Hyun dumbfounded.


          Jong Hyun didn’t know how to react to this, he felt numb not by the nerve-cracking assessment but rather of Jae Hee’s words. As soon as Mr. Jung let them leave the office, Jong Hyun went out first. He didn’t wait for Jae Hee and headed to their room where he stayed for the next 3 hours, not looking or bothering Jae Hee. He wanted to let the anger subside but Jae Hee’s words still rang in his head, repeatedly… “No, Sir. We’re not!”…  “No, Sir. We’re not!”… “No, Sir. We’re not!”…         


          Last class finally ended and Jong Hyun still didn’t know what to do and how to act. His thoughts battled it out with his feelings. But his body sided with the little annoyance he felt and so he decided to leave school without any word to Jae Hee.








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im_sucks_LOL #1
wow nice ficcc!!!
chesmine #2
Chapter 17: love it!!!!!!!!!!!!
as always...

thanks for reading! ^^
and i just fell in love with JH even more! <3 ^^
Welcome and thank you for reading this~ Writing is really difficult so you need a big amount of inspiration~ Thanks to Lee Jonghyun who makes us all flutter... ^^
Thank you dear for reading this~
And Jonghyun is such one charming man, can't help falling over and over again right?
Thank you too for reading this ^^
DONE~~ I think i'm falling for you again. Lee Jonghyun.
thanks for this! <3
halfway finishing this. jonghyun's so funny. i can really imagine him like this. i envy you. whenever i write, i can't make the character appear like him. -__-
You made me fall in love with Jonghyun again :'D
This was an awesome fic.