One and Only Freak (유일한 쟁이)

     "Have you heard the news?" Yejin asked.

     "What news? And why are you so excited about it?" Jae Hee being a bit irritated by her friend's sudden excitement. She knows that this "news" mainly talks about her new crush or new target for boy hunting. College life certainly is for flirting she thought, as she was fed up by the "news" through Yejin. 

     Yejin's eyes widened, "Mr. Jung will be introducing a new Literature student! You lucky girl, you can have the new guy all by yourself 'coz you have the same major!"

     "Then transfer to my department instead! My life's boring there. I definitely need your help! Please?"

     "You know I hate reading~ Eversince grade school, you're the one on that side and I do all the numbers and stuff on this side. Besides, I only know Shakespeare and nothing else!"  Both of them laughed while Jae Hee recites some of the lines from Romeo and Juliet. Yejin re-opened the conversation she wanted to have as she sat beside her bestfriend.

     "As I was saying, Mr. Jung's bringing in a new guy and I heard he's way too handome to even describe!" Yejin giggles.

     "Wow! What kind of guy is he? A god?"

     "Dunno. But I'm so curious! So let me sit in for Mr. Jung's class okay? I'll skip my 11AM class."

     "My pleasure!" Jae Hee agreed as they set foot to that much anticipated class. Thanks to Yejin, this day might be an interesting one for Jae Hee.


While they were walking, Jae Hee's thoughts were off to somewhere and this is because of the music she's listening through her earphones. Her iPod is her life, she never missed a day without plugging those earphones and browsing through the variety of her mp3s. She was recently hooked to Pop songs but she can go as far as Jazz and even a bit of Rock. She's so into music and that brings her happiness.


But now it's time to take it off her ears as Mr. Jung went in and enthusiastically greeted the students. 

     "This makes me so excited Jae Hee~yah! First you have a killer professor and now, maybe, a killer classmate as well!" Yejin whispered to Jae Hee.

     "Don't get your hopes that high. He might be....."

 Jae Hee was interrupted by a slight roaring sound which was heard throughout the room. All eyes were now set upon the new face of the class. She can hear her bestfriend jiving in that sound while giving out bits of giggles and smiles.

     "Class, this is your new classmate, Lee Jong Hyun," said Professor Jung. The slight sound was then replaced and dominated by girly giggles as Jong Hyun nodded and flashed his dimples while introducing to the class.

     "Hi everyone. I'm Lee Jong Hyun. 21. I studied music in Japan for a year and just got back yesterday so I'll be joining Lit. classes from now on. I hope we get along and enjoy each other's company."

     Yejin leaned over to Jae Hee and whispered, "I told you he's hot! I can drop my Calculus class and sit in for the whole semester Jae Hee~yah! I swear I can do that. I can't let you have all the fun in here!"

     "YA! Yejin! He's just a man! Compose yourself and think straight will you?"

     "I can't. He just makes me want to do bad things like failing a class or dropping the subject! I don't even know if I can unglue myself from this chair Jae Hee~yah!"

Noticing her friend's non-sense spazzing, she began to examine the source of this hallucination. She looked at him from head to toe, ignoring his smiles and nods as Jong Hyun interacts with his professors and some of their classmates in the front. There's really nothing special about him, Jae Hee thought. LEE JONG HYUN. First, he's tall. Second, he exudes that "spaced out" look. I have to admit, he caught my attention for a second he mentioned studying music in Japan. But apart from that, I can't see anything else that could make me be interested in him.  


     "So, see you guys tomorrow. Don't forget to submit your papers by Friday. And thank you Ms. Choi for sitting in, I hope you enjoyed today's discussion," said Mr. Jung.

     "Omo! He knew all along that I was here?" Yejin asked her bestfriend.



As Jong Hyun was also busy picking his notebook and shoving them in his bag, he looked at Jae Hee's back. Jae Hee and Yejin were already near the room's exit but Jong Hyun's gaze still reached that far. His curiousity grew as he thought, she's looking at me like she's going to eat me up alive. I thought they'll all be nice, it's not like we're in highschool or anything but she gives me the creeps. She's like the class' bully. I have to avoid that girl in ponytail. But it bothers me why was she staring at me like that, I was just introducing myself back then. 






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im_sucks_LOL #1
wow nice ficcc!!!
chesmine #2
Chapter 17: love it!!!!!!!!!!!!
as always...

thanks for reading! ^^
and i just fell in love with JH even more! <3 ^^
Welcome and thank you for reading this~ Writing is really difficult so you need a big amount of inspiration~ Thanks to Lee Jonghyun who makes us all flutter... ^^
Thank you dear for reading this~
And Jonghyun is such one charming man, can't help falling over and over again right?
Thank you too for reading this ^^
DONE~~ I think i'm falling for you again. Lee Jonghyun.
thanks for this! <3
halfway finishing this. jonghyun's so funny. i can really imagine him like this. i envy you. whenever i write, i can't make the character appear like him. -__-
You made me fall in love with Jonghyun again :'D
This was an awesome fic.