Are you going?

Best Friends and Break Ups

It's been 3 weeks since Mary and Taemin began dating.

It was the lest week of May. The school was planning an event called "The Fun Fair".

Minho, Taemin, Mary, and Annie were all hanging out afterschool at the park.

Mary asked "Are you guys going to the fun fair?"

"I am!" Taemin said and kissed Mary on the cheek. Annie just smiled and Minho tried to keep a blank expression on his face.

"I'm going if Annie's going" Minho said

"Uhh okay. I'll go" Annie said

"Awesome! This is great!" Mary exclaimed

"Is the fair afterschool?" Minho asked

"Yeah. At 7" Taemin said

"Ok. I can make it then" Minho said

"Well bye Taemin. I'll text you later" Mary said while she was getting up

"Bye" Taemin said. Then Taemin's phone began to vibrate.

'Damn it. I just got a text from ouyr manager. I have to go" Taemin said

"Ok. I'll see you later at home" Minho told Taemin

"Anyong!" Taemin shouted and left

"Wow. So it's just the two of us now." Annie said

"Yeah, Annie I'm sorry about-" Minho got cut off by Annie.

"It's okay. I know. You wish you had never have done that.I know."

"NO! I mean it's just that..."

"Just that what?" Annie said

"It's just that I couldn't control my feelings at that time" Minho said

"And you like  me but you didn't know what to do. I get it." Annie said


"It's okay. Soo..."

"So... what?" Minho asked

"So do you like Mary?"

"MWO! How did you know?"

"Come one! It's obvious! You couldn't even control your face when you saw Taemion kiss Mary on the cheek!"

"It's funny how you know everthing" MInho said

"Thanks. And guess what else I know?" Annie asked and Minho listed his chin

"You know they set us up right?" Annie said

"They did?" 

"Uh yeah! Let's leave!" Annie said while smiling

"Yeah" MInho agreed

- - -  Meanwhile - - -

"Ugh! They left!" Mary told Taemin 

"I guess they don't like each other" Taemin said

"Yeah. I think Annie knew something was up" Mary suggested

"Well she IS super msart" Taemin said

"Lets go" Taemin said

"I have to do my homework anyways. Bye"  Mary said while running off.

"Ok. Bye" Taemin said 

'I can't believe Minho doesn't like her! I thought he did! I wonder who Annie likes. Should I ask her? No. It's her business.' Taemin thought as he was walking back home all alone


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Chapter 1: QUICK QUESTION: did you intentionally spell brake that way XD ??
btw: i like the name mrs. lewis.
and it's not even because that's my last name.
or is it.
hi! new reader! sounds like a cute story so plz update soon!