A Little Fight

Best Friends and Break Ups

- - - Two Days Befor the Fair - - -

Mary: Hi Annie :)

Annie: Hey

Mary: I don't feel the same way like I used too

Annie: What do you mean?

Mary: I mean I like Minho more than Taemin now

Annie: O_e Hold on... Then why did you go out with Taemin?

Mary: Brcause he is cute ><

Annie: Wow. That's kinda low of you

Mary: Huh? What do you mean Annie?

Annie: I mean you don't even truly like Taemin! It ssems like it to me now

Mary: Hold on lets talk face to face

Annie Park in 10 minutes... k?

Mary: K bye

Annie: Bye

'What the heck Mary? Seriously?' Annie thought as she was putting her shoes on. When Annie arrived at the park, she saw Mary. Mary just smiled weakily.

"Hey" Annie said

"Hi" Mary said

"I'm sorry about what I said" Annie told Mary

"It's okay. I guess"

"Thanks. If you don't like Taemin that much anymore, then brake up with him" Annie suggested

"I know. What if he get's angry?" Mary asked

"Taemin? Angry? He barely frowns!" Annie said. They both laughed.

"Don't worry. He'll understand" Annie said.

"Ok. But in the end of the year I'm going to brake up with him. Ok?" 

"Fine with me if it's fine with you" Annie said

"Ok. Hug?"

"I feel like we're in a kdrama right now" Annie said and Mary hugged her. Annie hugged back. When they et go, Annie said "I have to go. Bye" 

"Uh ok. Bye!" Mary said

"Bye!" Annie shouted

When Annie got back home, she took of her shoes and stpped on the weight scale. It said "140".

"Yes!" Annie said and danced to PSY's Gangnam Style.

- - -  30 Minutes Later - - -

Taemin: Nice dancing

Annie: Thanks for watching me from my bedroom window you et

Taemin: Hey! Not my fault you leave your window wide open!

Annie: I'll close it the next time I dance badly

Taemin: Actually, you have nice dancing

Annie: Ohh.... well thanks? LOL

Taemin: Your welcome

Annie: Bye

Taemin: Bye P.S. You look more skinny. Don't starve yourself!

Annie: I'm not and bye!

Taemin: Bye :)

'Was he? Nope, Don't think about him' Annie thought.

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Chapter 1: QUICK QUESTION: did you intentionally spell brake that way XD ??
btw: i like the name mrs. lewis.
and it's not even because that's my last name.
or is it.
hi! new reader! sounds like a cute story so plz update soon!