"It's okay"

Best Friends and Break Ups

Mary didn't want to see anyone. Not even Annie. Mary spent the whole day in her room crying.

"Mary? Do you want to eat dinner with us?" Mary's mom asked.

Mary quickly put the lighter away and opened the door.

"No. Can I eat my food here instead?"

"Of course sweety" Mary's mom said and closed the door.

Mary smokedone more time and then stopped.

'Why did I do that!' Mary thought 'I was SO STUPID!'

Mary threw her pillow against the wall and continued to cry.


- - - Meanwhile - - - 


Minho was mad at himself for what he did. 

'what the hell was wrong with me?' Minho thought

Minho was alone at his house.

'I'm lucky Taemin isn't here' He thought 

Minho walked to his room and glanced at his clock. It was already 6:30

'Where is he?' Minho thought

Minho put his shoes on and walked around the block.

"I really need to talk to Annie" Minho told himself


- - - Meanwhile - - -


"I can't believe my mom hasn't come from work yet" Annie said

"Yeah, what's her job?" Taemin asked

"She's a nurse. Sometimes she works overtime"

"Oh. What about your dad?"

"Oh...ummm...He and my mom are divorced"

"Oh I'm sorry"

"It's okay. My brother lives with my dad now"

"Do you like being an only child?"

"Of course!", Annie laughed, "I have no one that annoys me anymore!"

Taemin smiled and suddenly  the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it" Annie said

When she opened the door, Annie couldn't believe it.

"What are you doing here?" Annie asked

"I wanted someone to talk with" MInho said

"Oh. OKay. Come in"

"Thanks" MInho said and went into the living room"

"What are YOU doing here?" Taemin asked as he stood up.

"Why are you here?" Minho asked while facing Taemin up close.

Luckily, Annie came into the living room at the right time and stood in the middle of them.

"Guys! Just sit down!" Annie shouted and so they did.

"Good. Let's solve this problem. NOW" Annie said in a serious tone in her voice. Annie sat in between them.

"It's time to finish this. I want us to go back when we used to hang out all together NOT wanting to avoid each other", Annie took a deep breather, "Who wants to go first?"

Taemin and Minho didn't say anything.

"Fine", Annie said, "I'll pick"

Quickly, MInho said "I'll go first"

Annie nodded but Taemin just clenched his jaw.

"What you saw Taemin, it was my fault. I kissed her. Want to why? Because I LOVE her! I always did! But I couldn't control those feelings I have for her. I was cutting for a while, look!, MInho showed them and Annie sat there shocked, "I also liked you Annie but not anymore. Sorry. I'm SO sorry Taemin. I as so ing stupid"

Taemin just stared at MInho and got up.

"It's okay, I knew you since elementary school. We're brothers" Taemin said and they both hugged. Annie sat there, smiling.

When MInho and Taemin let go, Annie said "I'm glad you guys forgave each other but one question remains here"

Annie looked at Minho.

"Why didn't you wait until the right time?" Annie asked.

Minho took a deep breathe.

"Because Mary is leaving. She's escaping"

"Oh right.. She's isn't legal here..." Annie whispered

"Yes" Minho replied. Taemin sat back down.

"I hope she has a safe trip" Taemin plainly said

"So.. Do you like Annie or what?" MInho asked Taemin.

"Mwo?!" Taemin exclaimed

"Taemin! Just tell him!" Annie said

"Oh! I don't like her, I love her, Minho"

"Woah Taemin, Daebak"


"Minho?" Annie said


"I was cutting too" Annie told him

"You shouldn;t have never done that but-"

"It was the only thing I could do" Annie cut him off

"Exactly" MInho said

"I'm glad we all made up" Taemin said.

The trio spent the rest of the evening together.

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Chapter 1: QUICK QUESTION: did you intentionally spell brake that way XD ??
btw: i like the name mrs. lewis.
and it's not even because that's my last name.
or is it.
hi! new reader! sounds like a cute story so plz update soon!