
Best Friends and Break Ups

- - - Wednesday In the Evening - - -

Mary: Hi Annie


Mary: I need to tell you something

Annie: That you're leaving or that you had it with Minho?

Mary: Omo! How do you know?!?

Annie: Taemin told me and so did Minho. We all forgave each other on Monday

Mary: I can't believe I wasn't there! I feel so trerrible about this TT_TT

Annie: It's okay

Mary: Annie, I'm leaving. Tomorrow


Mary: Okay. Hurry up

Annie: I will Bye

Mary: Bye


"I cant believe my bestfriend is leaving" Annie said outloud.

When she got out of her house, she saw Taemin stopping in front of her house. Taemin walked towards her.

"Hey!" Taemin said

"Hi" Annie told him and they began to walk.

"Where are you going?" Taemin asked

"Mary's place", Annie said, "Sadly, she's leaving tomorrow"

"Really? I'm so sorry" Taemin said whilereaching for her hand.

"Thanks. And taemin, we can't hold hands, we're not offically a couple"

"Oh. Right. Sorry" Taemin apologized and took his hand away.

"It's okay"

"Thank God I only have to wait ONE more day so I can be your boyfriend"

"2 more days until school's over" Annie said with relief.

"I remember when you were introducing yourself" Taemin said

"Yeah, I was really nervous"


"Yeah! SHINee is such a popular group"

"We are. I didn't know many of our fans came from here" 

"Did other people recognize you?"

"Yep. I met 20 fans already"

"Daebak. but trust me, there's more"

"I know. I remember that flashmob the fans did. THAT was daebak"

"Ooh! I was part of it! It was soo much fun"

"So you danced?"

"Yeah! I loved dancing to Rind Ding Dong with other fans" 

"Everyone loves that song" Taemin said and rolled his eyes.

"The song and the dance is catchy. That's why" Annie pointed out.

"Can I ask you a personal question?" Taemin asked.


"Why do you like our music?"

"That's easy. Your music changes peopl's lives. I read on the internet that this girl wanted to commit suicide but she didn't becuase your muic gave her strenght. It's cool how not only your music but kpop helps people out"

"Wo, Annie. That inspired me to work even harder"

"I'm glad it did" 

"How did you learn Korean?"

"By watching korean dramas and taking a bunch of different classes online"

"Your korean is impressive thought"

"Thanks. I'm part hispanic so I can speak Spanish too"


"Yes. I think you should learn some Spanish words for the fans that you have in Mexico and other parts of South America"

"You're right..."

"I can already imagine them fangirl."

"A lot of girls like me. I've been on tumblr lately"

"Omo! Don't let the girls know! They'll go crazy" Annie said and Taemin laughed.

When they got to Mary's block, they stopped walking.

"Well, do you want to talk to Mary or what?"

It took Taemin a while to answer.

"No. I can't see her anymore. Just tell her I said to be safe" Taemin siad

"Ok. Goodbye" Annie said and Taemin kissed on the cheek.

"Bye" Taemin said and walked away.

Annie walked up the steps and knocked on the door. Mary opened the door. 

'Oh my' Annie thought as she saw Mary's eyes. Mary had really dark circles under her eyes.

"Hi" Mary said "Come in"

"Thanks" Annie said and followed Mary to her room.

When Mary locked the bedroom dorr, Mary looked at Annie.

"I saw you and Taemin"

"You did?" Annie said scared

"Yeah. I guess he likes you now"

"Are you mad at me?"

"Nah. Taemin likes you and you like Taemin. Perfect couple"

"Thank God you're not mad"

"Do you want to know where I'm going to?"



"But wont they-"

"No. They wont come and get us there"

"What if-"

"What if what? They'll look up my name? Even if they do, they wont find me. I have a fake one"

"Woah. What's your name now?"


"Nice. It's simple"

"I know but you have to go now. I have to do some stuff before I leave" Mary said with tears in her eyes.

"Ok. I'll always remember you Mary. You'll be in my heart. Alwyas" Annie said with a few tears rolling slowly down her cheeks. 

They both hugged for a long time.

"Goodbye" Mary said when they let go.

"Bye" Annie said and got up. They both looked at each other and Annie left Mary's room.

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Chapter 1: QUICK QUESTION: did you intentionally spell brake that way XD ??
btw: i like the name mrs. lewis.
and it's not even because that's my last name.
or is it.
hi! new reader! sounds like a cute story so plz update soon!