Four Days Before the Fair

Best Friends and Break Ups

"School is almost over in 2 weeks!" Mary exclaimed as Annie and her were at their lockers.

"Yeah" Annie plainly said

"Are you feeling okay?" Mary asked worried

"Yeah, Uh I just have a lot of things on my mind" Annie explained

"Okay. Well if you need to tell me anything, I'm there for you. Just call me or text me." Mary told her.

"Ok. Bye" Annie said as she was leaving Mary. Annie took out her iPod from her pocket and put play on Juniel's "Everlastig Sunset".

'As if I can actually tell Mary what I'm deeling with right now...' Annie whispered and sighed.

Annie didn't want to go back home so early so she went to the twon's main street: Post Ave. Annie went into a cafe and ordered a cup of coffee. Annie sat outside in one of the cafe's little tables. 


Annie checked her phone. No missed calls and no missed text messeges. ‘Good’ Annie thought. Then she noticed a happy couple walking towards her. Annie smiled but then thought ‘Oh no’ and frowned. ‘Mary and Minho?!?’ Annie thought, ‘what the hell?!?’

Annie pretended to check the time on her phone (it was 4:50) and she left quickly. ‘She can’t be possible be cheating on Taemin!’ Annie thought as she was walking not back home but to the park. As she was entering the park, Annie remembered how this was the place it all started: Taemin and Mary. Annie went further into the park and sat in one of the benches that were on top of a bridge. Annie thought more and more about Taemin and Minho and suddenly, Annie was in tears.

“I can’t do this anymore” Annie said out loud. Then a familiar voice said “You can’t what?” Annie turned around. It was her cousin Alexa.

“Alexa? What are you doing here?”Annie asked surprised.

“I wanted to be in a quiet place” Alexa said

“Did you come here by yourself?” Annie asked

“Yep but don’t worry, I asked my mom to come here”

“Oh ok. Well do you still want to know what I can’t do?”

“Yes” Alexa said and sat next to Annie.

“Ok. I can’t do this anymore. I can’t handle my feelings anymore. I can’t express my feelings right. Also, I don’t know what to do. I like Minho but I like Taemin too! Taemin is dating Mary so I cannot tell Mary about my feelings about him. Plus, Minho likes Mary! Two guys like my best friend… I feel like I’m a third wheel to them.” When Annie was done, Annie had more tears strolling on her cheeks. Alexa stayed quiet for a while but then spoke up.

“You should do nothing, for now” Alexa said.

“Why? How is-“Alexa cut Annie off

“Trust me. Everything will be more confusing. I know something is bound to happen. Trust e Annie”

“Okay Thanks” Annie said.

“No problem” Alexa said and then Alexa started to run off.

“Where are you going?” Annie shouted

“At my house! I’m going to miss the new episode of ‘Gravity Falls’!” Alexa shouted back.

‘Such a wonderful kid’ Annie thought and smiled.

- - - Half Hour Ago - - -

Alexa noticed that it was 4:30 and knew that Annie wasn't going to visit her today.

'Well it IS a Monday and Monday's stink' Alexa thought. Alexa decided to ride her bike around the block. When she was in front of Taemin's house, Alexa saw vthat Taemin was thinking hard about something just by looking at his face. 

"Hey Taemin!" Alexa said and Taemin looked up.

"Hi Alexa"

"What's wrong?" Alexa said as she was going to sit next to Taemin.

"I think you are old enough to know what love is. It's just that I like 2 girls. I don't know what to do." Taemin told Alexa.

"Well why don't you just confess to one of them?"

"I'm dating one" Taemin said as he looked down tot he ground again.

"Brake up with her and date the other one" Alexa suggested.

"Ok but-"

"But what? Look at this way. Imagine if you picked the wrong girl. It might seem like you didn't but what about later on? Will thatm love survive on? You, right now, are deciding to keep quiet about your true feelings. It's better to be honest than to pretend to love someone."

Taemin nodded. "Thanks. Yeah, I will think about it".

Alexa started to ride back on her bike.

"Where are you going/" Taemin asked before Alexa rode off.

"The park! See ya!" Alexa said and rode off.

'I think Taemin likes Annie. I just know it/1 So Annie must be at the park! Her favorite place to be at!' Alexa thought.

When Taemin saw Alexa ride off, he thought 'Alexa is a very smart girl' and left out a short laugh.

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Chapter 1: QUICK QUESTION: did you intentionally spell brake that way XD ??
btw: i like the name mrs. lewis.
and it's not even because that's my last name.
or is it.
hi! new reader! sounds like a cute story so plz update soon!