Top of hell

Hear me please!

Since their conversation was two months. It was a special day. Birthday Minho. He knew that every year he surprise Nicole arranged on this day. And today was not to be an exception. He liked what she did for him. After all, she was able to bring a smile to his face, even in the worst day. Today he turns 17 years old. Of course the girls notice him. And I must say he is popular among women. Not having to cross the threshold of the class, Minho heard the screams and squeals with congratulations it. All the girls on the interruption of trying to give him his gift, and he just smiled at him sweetly, trying to think how to escape from it all. Suddenly he heard the door opened into a class and reflexively turned his head. In the doorway stood a Key.

He was already familiar haughty glance went through all the girls standing around and only a snort, a guy walked by this noisy company. Minho tried not to pay attention to this idiot in his opinion, but this is not always of course worked. So today was no exception.

- Forgive me KiBum - Prayed for forgiveness girl from a parallel class.

She wanted to make a gift as a token of his feelings for Kibuma, but because of people crowding the entrance, followed him and one of the girls pushed her, and her gift, namely, chocolate and a card, flew back Key.
He turned toward her, and looking down at her his contemptuous glance, smiled and leaned over her face
- Are you at least imagine how much my form? - He asked, and smiled arrogantly.
- You can not dream like that. And you dare to soil her that? - He stood up and stepped foot on a box of chocolate, crushed her looking girl in the eye.
Tears flowed from her eyes and she can not tolerate the humiliation and public attention, got up and ran away. All this time, Minho stood silently, watching the actions of Key. But after a crying girl ran past him, he could not resist. After passing all the girls, he came from behind with a Key and deploying it, as he walked already to his seat, took him by the shirt collar and lifted up his toes.
- Listen to me, I promise you, if you do not stop to behave like God, I decked your face all the colors of the rainbow and will help me in this my fist, and the second adds - Key and Minho pushed sat down in his place. In this talk in the classroom at Key and Minho prisudstvuet ended.


At recess, there were rumors, and it seemed that everyone was looking at him. Minho was sitting on the windowsill in the hallway of school and thought about why that day was to emerge in this way. Suddenly it became dark before my eyes.
- Guess who! - There was a shrill female voice.
Of course he did not have to guess. He recognized the voice of Nicole from thousands of others.
- Let me think .. Maybe it's Yuki? Or Hara? Or maybe it Jessica? - Minho loved to make fun of her every time she tried to make him like surprise.
- Minho! - Nicole pulled a hurt a face, and had sent his eyes, stood in front of him hiding something behind his back
- Do you still have not learned to recognize my voice? - She is always angry at him for like a joke now, standing in front of him and keeping one hand on hip, Nicole was drilling him with his eyes.
- Of course I know your voice, but among my fans, I am lost - Minho laughed and took Nicole for a free hand.
- I beat you Minho! - Nicole protested, but her anger quickly gave way to grace.
- Happy birthday to you! - She cried and pulled out from behind a box with a bow.
- It's a bomb? - Again, joking and laughing Minho pretending to be frightened.
- Fool! Open up and see. - Nicole handed him the box and curiously watched as he opens it.
Minho carefully untied the ribbon and opened the box. Inside the delicious smell and lay something dark. Opening the lid, he saw that the inside of Minho are cookies and chocolate. In the chest flew butterflies and heart beat so fast that it seemed to jump on here now Rouge.
- You did it yourself? For me? - Asked Minho looked up at Nicole
- Yes. The whole evening cooking - The answer is quite Nicole
- You decided to poison me? - Again Minho was joking, but quickly decided not to provoke anger in the girl
- Thank you. Even if the poison, eat every last things - I said and laughed Minho looked at the girl
- You're a fool Minho! - Nicole showed him the language, but was happy that I was able to give what he liked
They stood looking at each other and smiling and seemed from the outside, they are a couple, but many talked about it. And very few people knew what was happening between them in reality. At least in the soul of Minho.


Suddenly he felt Minho on his shoulder a hand. Turning around, he was taken aback at the same time in the chest flashed an angry fire from those who stood behind him.
- Minho, congratulations on your birthday. To acquaint with his charming girlfriend? - Key and asked sweetly smiled Nicole.
In the shower Minho was ready to pounce on the Key and beat him right here and right now, but could not do it in prisudstvuet Nicole. He promised her not to fight anymore. And until their school Key copes with those that would fulfill that promise. It is generally very changed after a meeting with this girl and all of this notice.
Unable to even say the word, Minho was just looking at Key withering look.
- I Yong Joo, but you can call me Nicole - said the girl, and smiled at the guy
- You Minho friends? - It is translated from the view of Minho did not understand why he was not told about their friendship with Ki knowing that the one she likes and Key smiling and slightly embarrassed by his smile.
- Yes. We became friends, and even sit next to - and answered Key Minho walked away from passing close to Nicole, and taking her hand, leaned over and kissed her fingers.
- I did not know that the Minho, such a beautiful girl. He's so humble and says nothing about himself - in the eyes of Ki can be read clearly deceit.
- I'm not his girlfriend. He's my best friend. And I'm glad that he has friends there - Nicole said it with sincere joy and Minho realized that now he can not do anything with the Key. Nicole will not forgive him. And he tried to tell her about what he really is, just do not believe in thinking that he was joking.
It was a trap. The trap which he set Key and Minho which fell without the possibility of escape.
- What I've bred. Forgot to introduce myself.  I am Kim Ki Bum. Pleased to meet with so charming a special - the voice sounded like the hiss Key snake, enticing the victim and the Minho saw Nicole gets into its network. And what could he do? Nothing.
- Let me take you on a walk in the evening. And then Minho busy in training, but I'm here just do not know anyone. I could not really make friends with anyone in all this time. Maybe you can show me interesting places? - Asked Nicole Key and again smiled his charming smile.
- Of course! I'm happy. Here's my number. Call me when you decide to walk, and we agree, where the meet. - Reply to Nicole and took out a paper bag and a pen, he wrote his phone number.
- I have to go boys. The lesson will begin soon, and I have a class on another floor. Was glad to meet you. - Nicole looked at again and smiled Key
- Once again, Happy Birthday Minho - she said, and patted the sleeve of his jacket, gave him a smile and waved his hand ran off to class.
Minho seeing her look like a saw before his eyes as if she leaves him forever. The heart of the pain and all the muscles at once in the whole body tensed. He turned to the Key and looked at him with eyes full of anger
- You have humiliated me, and I'll take you for a most valuable - Key chuckled and turned around went off in class.
Minho hands tightened into fists, and so wanted to put this bugger in place, but he could not. He could not. He was unable to upset Nicole. He knew that he liked her. Shaking her head, hurried to class Minho looked before at the sky through the glass window. It was the worst day of his life.


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Chapter 15: Happy Christmas Eve ^_^
This is your present from me
First of all I will give this fanfic 8/10 stars
This story was fun and make me hate Key when I read this fanfic
Love it because of all the obstacles than Mincole have to pass to finally be together
Mincole relationship like "they are close together yet so far away"
I will subscribe and upvote too
miggykcy #2
Chapter 15: You're back....I thought that you will leave this story, thanks for completed it ^^ Really like the fire scene

If u have time please write more about them! kekeke'
pbcccc #3
update soon!!!!
miggykcy #4
Chapter 14: Nicole is coming!!!

MinCole Forever....^^
miggykcy #5
YAH!!! How can that girl be there on that time!! T^T
miggykcy #6
Although, Boy band that i love most is SHINee, But you make me start to hate KEY, LOL

MinCole Forever ^^ Update Soon
P.S. Don't make me wait for too long about an update,PLZ. Cuz most of the story that i like always gone...
Poor Nicole! Stupid key! I hope Nicole doesn't forgive him! Don't go back to him Nicole! If you do, you're stupid!
Thank you very much for updating! I'm happy to know that Nicole finally knows what kind of a person key is! It's about time! Confess your love to her Minho! Go for it! Please update soon!
i root for mincole..keke
Nicole needs a rival! Let her get a taste of her own medicine! Poor Minho! :( I feel so bad for him!