Without you...

Hear me please!

The morning was gray and nasty. Each part of the body would not obey and treacherous ached. He ran for parkuts close to home most of the night. Trying to drive away these unbearable feelings of pain and indignation otoski. He wanted to kill everyone who caught my eye because, in each he saw that smirk and sneer. Understanding what this bastard Nicole because of it, it actually to blame for what happens to him, irritated in the extreme. Minho cursed himself for the fact that it happened, but otherwise he could not do that day. He had to put it into place. Which he did. And now paying the price. Going to school did not want to. Referring to the disease, Minho has convinced her mother that we should not go there today and it is believed, left him at home. Looking at the ceiling of his room Minho saw before him a face of Nicole. In general, all in the room reminded him of her.





Sunny summer day. Theme park and amusement, a great number of different cafes, shops and all of which may be wish to the soul of those who decided not to miss today. Minho Nicole invited here in the hope to lift her spirits after a bad day at school. At first she resisted, but soon they were laughing together riding a roller coaster, carousel and other things unimaginable transport. Standing in a booth Ferris wheel, Minho and Nicole looked at the city, which became more and more like a tiny model of a toy store.
- Nicole - I called her Minho
- M? - Nicole looked at the guy and smiled
- What do you think? - His question seemed to her strange, but it still responded
- I think the fact that despite all the problems and sorrows, I have you, and you have me. And while we are together, nothing in this world is scary. - Nicole looked at the Minho, and embracing him put his head on his shoulder.
His heart sank at the time and it was then that he realized how much he needs it. How much he will suffer if it will not. And how will his life is meaningless without this girl
On that day they did on almost every count on which the attractions riding.
Minho looked at the photo, where he stood arm in arm with Nicole around the ferris wheel and his face appeared smile
Minho's first birthday after their meeting with Nicole. She found him near the very tree where they met. He sat on his bag, his foot kicking the snow, and as always looked to the sky.
- There you are - she said a cheerful voice
- Why is the holiday you're sitting alone here? - The voice he heard genuine surprise and indignation
- I just do not want to go home. - Answered by Minho and again turned his eyes to heaven
- Then let me make you a present - she smiled and gave him not a big box.
Opening it I saw Minho there is not a big cake. On the cake was written "Happy Birthday Minho" He looked up at her in amazement, because no one gave him before such gifts. He did not even remember the last time he gave something to someone other than their parents. They sat in the tree almost until evening, eating cake, playing snowballs, and wallowing in the snow. Both returned home with wet, and a miracle is not sick. Minho clean the box and saved, then he does not realize why.


Minho got out of bed and going to the cupboard, opened it and pulled out a small box. That same box in which there was my first most memorable gift. Opening it was Minho consider the fact that it lay. Tissue from the cafe, where they were once before, and cognition in which Nicole wrote him a desire to find his destiny. Multiple disks, which she bought for him when they came across her eyes. Photos, valentines, postcards, pictures and much of it at least once linked with Nicole. It was fun to see these. Certainly it seems from what he is obsessed with Nicole, but it was far netak. Simply, it was his best friend, his only friend. He remembered each of her smile could look to see what the mood and she knew what to do what she was smiling. She, in turn, also could cause him to forget about everything and closer to this girl and dearer souls he just was not there. He remembered it after a while he admitted that at that cake, given to her she spent all her money cluster is a teddy bear. And after the Minho bought it specifically for her, trying my best. Earning money and the joy on her face that day when she received this gift. This was with nothing comparable.



- I love you - he whispered in her ear tenderly kissing and hugging her waist.
- For your sake I am ready for anything - He kissed her neck and shoulder, and pressed to her as much as much as possible
- I love you too - she replied to him in return and smiled a bright smile and a native look in his eyes. His happiness knew no bounds. He did not believe that this is really going on with it and that she whom he loves so much, finally said to him in return
Her delicate fingers slid down his cheek and she smiled again. What is the pink dress to yield a breath of warm wind, sat on it as if specially to get used to it. His hair was pink and violet scent of flowers enveloped his mind dope. He looked into her eyes and suddenly before my eyes start to darken
- Minho Minho .....! - Now it sounded as if somewhere in the distance, begging to hear it.
He turned in horror from looking for is sound and numb. The pair stood hugging and laughing at him. They kissed and he held her so tightly to him. His hand slid over her shoulder to the hips and almost laughed at it just to show his whole appearance that she likes it. Now she stood before him completely different. Cold, haughty, look after you. Dressed all in black and like a demon with fire in his eyes. Key hugged her and still smile proudly watched the Minho
- I said that you'll take the most expensive. - There was his voice and he laughed again.
Minho jumped on the bed, feeling the flow of perspiration temples, and in the lungs do not have enough air. This nightmare was so real that the heart would break from the pain and fear that now it is overflowing. Rising Minho walked into the bathroom and washed look in the mirror. The horror that he experienced, was still sitting in his eyes and thought that he sat down there now for good. As the body was trembling and mind are still reported to him how Nicole screamed, and then and its haughty laugh.
- It's just a nightmare - he said to himself, and wiped his face went into the kitchen. After drinking a glass of water Minho went back to bed, but sleep longer and could not.
The next day, Minho spent nearly as well as the previous one, with the difference that he went to the places where they liked to go out with Nicole. He missed her. In her laughter and defiantly positive. As to how she could be happy and surprised at the most ordinary things, whether it's interesting reflections on the water or a nice couple in the park. She was so pure in his eyes, that any deviation from this was to him simply unimaginable. The night of that day he was sleeping more or less quiet. The idea that in the morning he will see Nicole at the school, and it inspires the hope that it will be a nightmare and a dream, gave faith to the best.
Waking up, he quickly ate breakfast, going to school and bringing myself up, got dressed and ran out of the house. Going into the school building, Minho said whispering in corners and clear views of his sympathizers. Not realizing what had happened, he just threw these thoughts from you on further and went to class. Today there was a particularly noisy. The entrance was packed with people, but as soon as they see it as a passage immediately released. Not having time to go, he heard a familiar and beloved to come laugh and hurried into the room. What he saw there left him in shock. In its place, sitting next to Nicole Key. Her appearance was different. Hair became short and stacked differently than usual. The shape was different, darker and more open. This form were the children of wealthy parents. On the face of a make-up, noticeable normal and now it was like at that particular Nicole that he saw in a dream. By shiver ran down his back and the fear that he so desperately tried to hide and break, went up to the very throat. Noticing him, Nicole smiled and waved her hand
- Minho! - She stood up to him and hugged him and then looked into his eyes.
- I am glad to see you. - Her voice was different. Happier than usual. She was all aglow with happiness and joy. With him it was never like this.
- So I have to tell you. You have no idea how it was great. - Nicole talked and talked, but he did not hear it. He looked as if through her face ki. At this arrogance and insolence on his face. At the smile of the winner. Feeling as he is pulled by the sleeve, Minho woke up and looked at Nicole 
- Are you okay? Something does not look important - Nicole alarmed and looked at Minho


- All right, Nicole. I am also glad to see you. Can somehow tell me if you find the time - the last words of their own accord have broken from his lips, and Minho walked past her and sat down. She wondered why he had suddenly become so cold to her and what were his words, but someone said that soon the bell and waving his hand Key she hastened to his klass. Minho looked at my desk and did not understand what's going on with his life . Why now, everything is so expensive that it is crumbling before his eyes and he can not do anything.
- I told you that you'll take the most expensive - suddenly heard the voice of Key
- Your girlfriend is very sweet. It seems she fell in love with my ears. Do not leave a single step. And so funny embarrassed when I kissed her. But it starts to bother me. Do you think that would be if I stop it? - Key released an easy laugh person presenting Nicole.
This Minho was unable to withstand. Leaping from his seat and approaching the Key, he grabbed him by the collar and forcefully struck in the face. Another blow and rage overflowed Minho overshadowed his eyes. Letting go of his door and heard the cries of girls in the class, Minho took the bag and looked at the guy lying on the floor
- This scum like you deserve a charity. The only pity is soiled hands - he leaned over to the guy and held out her hand and wiped with a fist drop of blood on his white shirt. After that, he straightened up and walked out of class. Hearing all rushed to the poor, Key, Minho just winced and hurried off to school. When he got home he slammed the door of his room and closing, in a rage threw the bag away and fell onto the bed covering her face with a pillow. Understanding that Nicole will not forgive him this, killing him. But he just could not tepret it. This lies and impudence. This bad joke. Some time later he awoke from knock at the door. The mother asked through the door of his open and explain to her, but he did not want anyone to see. When her attempts to stop, Minho looked at the display of your phone. It was already evening. A few missed calls and SMS. It was Nicole. Putting the phone back to the place of Minho has covered the face pillow and tried to sleep. It did not work, but Minho so wanted to see what would this even in a dream then why be so missed. Their place. He, Nicole and all as it was before. Laughter, joy and happiness. His happiness.
Thanks for reading and feedback. Write what you like and what does not and I will take note of this
Will update again soon
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Chapter 15: Happy Christmas Eve ^_^
This is your present from me
First of all I will give this fanfic 8/10 stars
This story was fun and make me hate Key when I read this fanfic
Love it because of all the obstacles than Mincole have to pass to finally be together
Mincole relationship like "they are close together yet so far away"
I will subscribe and upvote too
miggykcy #2
Chapter 15: You're back....I thought that you will leave this story, thanks for completed it ^^ Really like the fire scene

If u have time please write more about them! kekeke'
pbcccc #3
update soon!!!!
miggykcy #4
Chapter 14: Nicole is coming!!!

MinCole Forever....^^
miggykcy #5
YAH!!! How can that girl be there on that time!! T^T
miggykcy #6
Although, Boy band that i love most is SHINee, But you make me start to hate KEY, LOL

MinCole Forever ^^ Update Soon
P.S. Don't make me wait for too long about an update,PLZ. Cuz most of the story that i like always gone...
Poor Nicole! Stupid key! I hope Nicole doesn't forgive him! Don't go back to him Nicole! If you do, you're stupid!
Thank you very much for updating! I'm happy to know that Nicole finally knows what kind of a person key is! It's about time! Confess your love to her Minho! Go for it! Please update soon!
i root for mincole..keke
Nicole needs a rival! Let her get a taste of her own medicine! Poor Minho! :( I feel so bad for him!