
Hear me please!

Minho opened his eyes and realized that he was again alone in his big house for him and it seems that it has become a habit. Loneliness became his faithful companion and colleague. Although sometimes he called friends to sit with them and have fun, but it quickly ended up on the pretext of early rehearsals and recordings. Recently, they rarely get together. Everyone was busy with his life at that not many free hours. After their concert, they were dvat pass very little, and every day in and out of the house was like a competition.  Who has time to run to the car, the young man. And who does not, he is late because everyone should be given aftograf and photographed. Of course it's sometimes tiring, but it's their job and thanks to their fans because they know it can be said throughout the world. Minho got out of bed, showered, had breakfast and bringing myself up, got dressed and walked out of the house. When they reached the car without incident, he sat in it and throwing the phone on a nearby seat, was ready to go, as his phone vibrated a heart-rending. SMS. Minho has decided that it was one of the boys, said he would come today and took the mobile and began to open the menu messages.


~  from Nicole"Minho .. We need to meet. Come on please. I need you. Do you know where. Nicole"
As the body ran cold. He had not seen what would come of her message. Quickly opened it and read it just speechless. The car started up immediately and took a meeting with one whom he could not refuse ever.
He had almost forgotten how beautiful here. Their place is not changed during this time. Going to a tree on a cliff, Minho had its rough bark on the hand and walked along it. It was so great Minho not immediately noticed standing on the edge of the precipice, Nicole. Bodies had grown cold. It was a half feet over the precipice and swaying from side to side. The wind was blowing in her face, revealing her red and wet with tears his cheeks. She was crying and drops of water blowin in the wind somewhere in the distance. Minho did not dare to approach afraid to scare her and waited for her to notice him. This happened after ten minutes.
- Thank you for coming - and Nicole said quietly to her voice, he shuddered.
- You know. Now I realize what a fool I was then. While still in school. He seemed so sweet and nice. Always smiling, and for that smile, I could give up everything. I believed him and could not hear you. Although you are not really too much to say. More specifically do you generally prefer to keep silent. And what does this all end? - Nicole turned her face to the Minho and the shock has mastered his body. That part of the face, which had not been seen, was almost blue. On his cheek was clearly visible traces of his hand. And the tears that ran on this track, though Nicole hurt because every time a tear ran down his cheek, his face tense reflexively.
 - And the most insulting, that I believed him, even when you still dare to speak. And I'm so ashamed. You have no idea. I was so blind Minho. So stupid and blind. - Nicole went on to say looking into the eyes of Minho, and her tears flowed more and more without giving it a chance for something that would calm down. Minho did not dare to come closer, but still held out a hand to her
- Nicole. Give me your hand. Please - he tried to speak as calmly as possible, and quieter, but her eyes were glassy eyes .... it looks like she passed him.


- Imagine. I caught him in our apartment last night in bed with a girl and the only thing he could tell me. This is what I blame myself. - The last words of Nicole's voice broke in a scream.
- Forgive me Minho. While I'm talking about. You're in my life will not be able to forgive me. You know, I have to ask - Nicole tried to smile, staring at the Minho, and wiped away her tears, but they continued to run down her face
- Of course. Anything. Just give me a hand, Nicole. I beg - begged her Minho slowly approaching her.
- Please, promise me you will forget me, and then forgive. I can not ask for more, and not a right. But please. Forgive and forget - Suddenly the wind blew in the opposite direction struck a strong gust from behind Nicole and she staggered start to fall towards the cliff ....
- Nicole! - Everything was in slow motion. He saw it falls and the fear in her eyes growing with every passing second. She was horrified.
He hugged her hugging her so tightly as he could. He had heard in the ears with which crash banging his heart, but only continued to whisper something in his trembling arms of Nicole that everything will be fine. He did not even remember how grabbed her arm and pulled out of the abyss. How hugged her and she was crying his face buried in his chest. Now he just felt that she was there and that she was alive. And more was not necessary. Twenty minutes later she finally calmed down. More precisely fell asleep in his arms like a baby. He did not know that she stayed here all last night and all last night and just decided to say goodbye in the morning with him, sent sms. He did not know probably never know. Nothing to it. Carefully picking up Nicole in his arms and carried her to the Minho machine and putting it in the back seat, got behind the wheel and slide the motor vehicle borne off to the side of his house
On reaching home, Minho as carefully pulled Nicole out of the car and went to her apartment. Now his little cared possible aficionados and reporters. He does not not think about anything. Just now she is with him, and she needed a rest. In the apartment, he put her on the bed and gently stripped by removing the jeans and sweater, covered with a blanket and left. Finding a bandage, he tore off not a big piece of cloth and moisten it with water back into the bedroom and gently wiped his face with Nicole which were traces of mascara and tears. After he returned to the living room and lay down on the sofa. He had only to lie down and shaking got to him. He fell asleep just before dawn.
Thank you what to read. TRY SOON write a new chapter. WRITE YOUR OPINION. TO ME IT IS IMPORTANT.


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Chapter 15: Happy Christmas Eve ^_^
This is your present from me
First of all I will give this fanfic 8/10 stars
This story was fun and make me hate Key when I read this fanfic
Love it because of all the obstacles than Mincole have to pass to finally be together
Mincole relationship like "they are close together yet so far away"
I will subscribe and upvote too
miggykcy #2
Chapter 15: You're back....I thought that you will leave this story, thanks for completed it ^^ Really like the fire scene

If u have time please write more about them! kekeke'
pbcccc #3
update soon!!!!
miggykcy #4
Chapter 14: Nicole is coming!!!

MinCole Forever....^^
miggykcy #5
YAH!!! How can that girl be there on that time!! T^T
miggykcy #6
Although, Boy band that i love most is SHINee, But you make me start to hate KEY, LOL

MinCole Forever ^^ Update Soon
P.S. Don't make me wait for too long about an update,PLZ. Cuz most of the story that i like always gone...
Poor Nicole! Stupid key! I hope Nicole doesn't forgive him! Don't go back to him Nicole! If you do, you're stupid!
Thank you very much for updating! I'm happy to know that Nicole finally knows what kind of a person key is! It's about time! Confess your love to her Minho! Go for it! Please update soon!
i root for mincole..keke
Nicole needs a rival! Let her get a taste of her own medicine! Poor Minho! :( I feel so bad for him!