Please, do not go!

Hear me please!


His whole life was like a fight. Every day he went to school in the hope that he would meet there, Nicole, and she tells him that Key has disappointed her, and she knew what he was selfish, narcissistic and insufferable. But it was quite the opposite. Every day, she spoke about what he is nice, courteous, caring and humble.
Minho knew it was only a pretense so to annoy him, but he could not explain it to Nicole. Did not find the words that would have opened her eyes to that devil with an angelic face. His whole body was willing to kill this bastard, but he is constantly spinning around Nicole without giving them even a minute to be together. Their daily meetings became less and less. Nicole apologized, but could not do anything with the fact that Key insisted on their meetings after school, explaining that it is very bored by it.
She has devoted all his time to it. Minho at the beginning of trying to drive a wedge between them, inviting Nicole on walks and movies, but it is increasingly found reasons for that would spend the evening with a Key, and not with him.
A phone call woke him up and sat on the bed Minho, looked at the dark room and glanced at his watch. The time was midnight. He found the touch my phone and looking at the display hastened to pick up
- Hello? Nicole? Something is wrong? - His voice was excited, because she had never called him so late for a reason.
- Minho ... - Answered by the male voice on the phone.
Minho was stunned to learn who the copyright of the voice.
- I know you're listening to me. You have a very dear friend. And what is trusting you do not even imagine. It was so easy to convince her that I can not go home because of rain. - Minho looked out the window. The street was not a strong rain and it is even more angered him. After all, he never stayed with Nicole home.
- She is so sweet that even offered to sleep in her room, because they do not have room for guests. - The voice sounded so annoyingly Key, Minho that hands involuntarily clenched into fists.
- Sweet dreams Minho. She then tells you everything - in tube sponges and heard Minho hand down to his knees in silent horror, staring at the photo, Nicole, standing at his bedside. He wanted to jump up and run to her, but that he would have said? How can he prove what actually KiBum pretending? He did not know. That night he had not slept tortured and tossing in bed.
Morning came reluctantly and slowly. Minho finally forced myself to get up and get out of bed. Dressed and had breakfast, Minho took his backpack and quietly left slamming the door behind him. On the way to school he thought that he could tell Nicole. And the horror experienced by them from the thoughts crept into his head was driving him crazy. He was afraid to meet with Nicole and the understanding that it relied Key annoyed even more. Day went on as usual. Kibuma in the classroom and the teacher was not explained by the fact that he had gone for a few days with her parents and will be back soon. Minho joy knew no bounds. But on the other hand, it meant something that Nicole wants him to share their experiences. And it is frightening. He did not know how can react and what it can do to tell him.
Lessons have ended, and Minho suffered from the fact that never saw Nicole in the school. Arriving at their place, he sat back on leaning trunk and head thrown back, staring at the sky.
- I knew I'd find you here - heard a female voice
Turning around he saw the familiar silhouette of the Minho. It was Nicole. All at once tense and nervous before your eyes for a moment grew dark. It melted the whole is incredibly easy if cloud beautiful pink rose in white dress, which he remembered how she wanted to buy during one of their walks, in the hands she held a bouquet of red roses and white and bright smile. My heart was torn to pieces by this splendor, but as soon as Minho see how it fits Key, the whole world seemed to collapse. It was only their place. They have agreed not to bring anyone here, and here she brought here to whom he hated so much. Fists clenched themselves so that even the knuckles turned white and his eyes seemed bloodshot. My heart was beating in my chest with such force that sometimes do not even enough air that would breathe. Nicole went over to him, but he was unable to rise. Downcast eyes, and pushing them aside, Minho turned his eyes to the first that caught my eye.
- Minho. I am glad that I found you. I wanted to have something to say. - Nicole's voice was so happy that this would become even harder.
- Key invited me to go with him and his parents for a few days in New York. Can you imagine? New York!. He even helped me to prepare all necessary documents. - She was so happy that all of the words of indignation and reproach that Minho picked up until she said she flew out of his head.
- I am happy for you Nicole. I hope you have fun - Voice treacherously let down, and one might have thought that he did not want to talk.
- What's the matter Minho? Are you okay? - Nicole wanted to get closer, but Minho stopped her .
- I'm okay. Do not worry. - He put his hand raised in a sign that Nicole should not be approached, and transferring her eyes smiled as he smiled at her usual.
- Well, then I'll run, and then Key is waiting for me - she leaned over and Minho kissed on the cheek went to the side where there was a Key. All this time he looked at Minho and arrogant smile.
- Nicole! - Called her Minho.
- What? - She turned and glance other
Please, do not go - he wanted to say something, but stopped short and just swallowing the remaining words, looked into the eyes of Nicole with the truth of sadness and despair.
Nicole did not understand why his eyes so much pain and points. She turned to him and smiled
- Minho. Well, I do not ever leaving. Spend a few days without me. Do not be sad. You're my best friend. I bring you out a gift - Nichol again smiled and waved his hand ran toward Key.
They were out of sight of his eyes and his heart stopped for a second Minho. It just did not want to fight. All around the collapsed Doing become black and white. It seemed easy do not want to gain air and forcing him to breathe. On his cheeks, he suddenly felt the moisture on the cheek and holding his fingers knew that it tears. He stayed there for two hours and all this time out of his eyes streamed with tears. Tears of pain and hatred. Another worst day in his life.


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Chapter 15: Happy Christmas Eve ^_^
This is your present from me
First of all I will give this fanfic 8/10 stars
This story was fun and make me hate Key when I read this fanfic
Love it because of all the obstacles than Mincole have to pass to finally be together
Mincole relationship like "they are close together yet so far away"
I will subscribe and upvote too
miggykcy #2
Chapter 15: You're back....I thought that you will leave this story, thanks for completed it ^^ Really like the fire scene

If u have time please write more about them! kekeke'
pbcccc #3
update soon!!!!
miggykcy #4
Chapter 14: Nicole is coming!!!

MinCole Forever....^^
miggykcy #5
YAH!!! How can that girl be there on that time!! T^T
miggykcy #6
Although, Boy band that i love most is SHINee, But you make me start to hate KEY, LOL

MinCole Forever ^^ Update Soon
P.S. Don't make me wait for too long about an update,PLZ. Cuz most of the story that i like always gone...
Poor Nicole! Stupid key! I hope Nicole doesn't forgive him! Don't go back to him Nicole! If you do, you're stupid!
Thank you very much for updating! I'm happy to know that Nicole finally knows what kind of a person key is! It's about time! Confess your love to her Minho! Go for it! Please update soon!
i root for mincole..keke
Nicole needs a rival! Let her get a taste of her own medicine! Poor Minho! :( I feel so bad for him!