What's the Password?

I Like You the Best


I woke up the next morning, threw on some sweats and a sports bra and began cleaning. I wasn't leaving anytime soon, what do I care what I look like? I had gotten the day off from the studio to prepare for my brother to come and cook.
What I really did til 3 o'clock?
Watch videos on Beast and listen to their music, was it a little creepy? Maybe. But I was curious. They had really good music and were good dancers, which was very attractive.
By the time I actually got to cleaning I had learned nearly all of the choreography for Bad Girl. It was one of my favorites along with Mystery, I'm a er for the rough and deep vocals in that song, sends chills down my spine.
I played their songs while I cleaned and began my cooking dancing occasionally and improvising when I couldn't remember the choreography.
I was still cooking when I heard a buzz from the box by the door. I ran over turning off the music before hurrying over to the box on the wall, through the screen I saw my brother and his wife.
"What's the password?" I spoke through the receiver. I could see my brother chuckle at this and a small confused smile show up on his wife's face.
"Yah! Song Chohee, let us in!" He yelled while laughing. I made a face at the name he chose to use.
"Not if you call me that." I said stubbornly pouting.
"Come on Aim, there's a breeze out here." He said putting an arm around his wife trying to warm her.
I gave in walking to the door opening it and grinning up at my brother before jumping on him to hug him.
"Good to see you too Little Foot." He said laughing, hugging me back and using my old nickname. He set me down after a second and I turned to his wife smiling sweetly.
"Annyeonghaseyo Gayun-unnie." I said bowing lightly. She smiled back and gave me an awkward hug. Awkward because of her large belly I had to lean over. They stepped into my apartment leaving their shoes at the front.
"So Aimee-yah how is your job going?" Gauun spoke as she followed me to the kitchen my guess is hoping to help me cook.
"Aniyo unnie, sit down I've got this, it's close to done anyway." I said waving her away from the food. She gave me an unhappy look before sitting down at the counter next to my brother. I could tell she was relieved when she sat down though, she looked tired.
"My jobs going really well, I'm still kinda in training I guess, but I think they're finally gonna give me my own class soon." I said happily scooping the rice out of the rice maker and putting the side dishes and pork into separate bowls.
"That's awesome Aimee, I'm happy for you." Austin said grinning at me. I put each of the bowls on the counter smiling at the smell. Everything looked good even by my standards. I even made some kimbap which I haven't done in a very long time. 
Once everything was set up I passed out chopsticks and made my way to the seat by Gayun, I had no table really so the counter would have to do.
"Aigoo, Aimee-yah everything looks so good." Gayun said happily. "Where did you learn to cook so well?" She said taking a bite and smiling brightly.
"My eomma taught me." I said smiling at the memories of sitting in the kitchen learning to cook with my mom. She seemed uncomfortable after I said that. She must have thought I would react badly.
My mom died almost 5 years ago now, it'll be 5 years in December. I was pretty good about it now. I was able to look back on my time with her happily rather than being sad. Don't get me wrong I miss her more than anyone can ever imagine, but I mean you can't dwell on things forever.
"Tastes like eomma's cooking." Austin said happily eating quickly shoveling the food into his mouth.
"Aw, gomawo Austin, that's one of the nicest things you've ever said to me." I said actually really touched. My mom was an amazing cook, so to even be compared to her was the biggest honor to me. "Eat up Unnie, you're only going to be able to eat for 2 for a little while longer." I said grinning,
"I wish it would go faster." She said laughing putting a hand on her large stomach. "I'm ready for this little one to be out of me and just to meet them." Austin smiled from next to her and put his hand on top of hers.
They chose not to know the of the baby deciding it was going to be a big surprise and I know it was driving Austin crazy, he hated surprises. But at the same time I knew he'd do anything for her, even if that meant keeping the of the baby a surprise.
The rest of the night went really well, we talked a bit and I was happy to catch up with my brother. I was closest to Austin out of all my brothers so it was hard being away from him.
"By the way Aim, what are you wearing?" He asked as we sat in the living room talking. I looked down confused before realizing I was still in my sweats and sports bra. How the hell did I not notice that? Better yet why the hell didn't they tell me.
"Aish, why didn't you tell me?" I said getting up and running into my room almost falling over in my mad dash. I put on a t-shirt to hide myself not that it mattered much anymore. When I came back in Austin was almost in tears laughing and Gayun was giggling. I pouted at them before taking a seat on the floor.
Before I knew it, it was time for them to leave. I was sad not sure when I'd see them next, but at least I was closer to them now then I was in America. We said goodbye quickly because they needed to catch a bus back to Ilsan and Austin promised to call me tomorrow to let me know they got home okay.
Once they left I sighed as I walked into the kitchen. I had so much food left that I didn't even know what I was gonna do with it. Guess I'll be having left overs for lunch and dinner the next few days. I showered and fell asleep quickly knowing that I had to get up early to go to the studio tomorrow.
I woke up the next morning to my alarm clock blaring, it had finally came in one of the most recent boxes. I made my hair look presentable and did some light make up before slipping on some shorts, sports bra, and tank top on. I was really warm for some reason so I threw my jacket in my bag knowing I would need it later. I left my apartment and made my way to the elevator pulling my shoes on, I was running a little late.
The door opened and I saw Kikwang standing there looking annoyed at the elevator doors not really noticing me.
"We've got to stop meeting like this." I said playfully while walking in hoping maybe to get him less annoyed. This seemed to shake him out of his state.
"Oh hey." He said laughing awkwardly and rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry, I'm late for, uh work." He said trying to cover up his annoyance refusing to look at me as his cheeks turned pink.
"Oh I'm sorry." I said looking down feeling slightly bad.
"Oh no no no, don't worry about it, it's my fault, I overslept." He said still refusing to look at me. "Hey how did the dinner with your brother go?" He asked seeming genuinely curious which was a little strange, shouldn't an idol be concerned about more important things?
"It went really well actually, I have so much food leftover though, you were right I did buy too much." I said admitting while laughing.
"Told you so." He said laughing making his eyes disappear, I couldn't help but grin at that. So cute.
"Yea yea, hey if you ever need a meal I'll have leftovers for days." I said joking and laughing. He laughed as well but wouldn't look away from the elevator doors his cheeks still pink.
"Well I'll see you later Aimee-yah." He said as we reached the main floor walking away quickly still not looking at me. Did I do something wrong?
"Bye Oppa." I said as he walked off towards a group of guys, guys I recognized to be Beast. Yoseob caught my eye and sent a little wave and a smile but quickly turned towards the group before I could wave back.
"Who was that?" One of them said curiously looking at me, I never took the time to actually learn their names besides Kikwang and Yoseob of course.
"Just some girl who lives a few floors down, now come on we're late." He said pulling the guys out the door and into a car waiting outside for them.
I couldn't help but think about his words as I went to the studio. Why did it hurt so much, him saying that I was just some girl? It was true I wasn't anyone special, especially not to him, he was and idol after all. Still it kinda stung to hear it out loud.


Another sorta filler chapter, took me forever to write, but it was necissary to the story.

You might be asking why Kikwang couldn't look at her? If you really read closr you might be able to figure it out. Or maybe I'm to kryptic so I'll give a hint.  She wasn't wearing as much clothes as normal, she has fairly big s for her body and KiKwang is a boy..... bahahaha, boys.

Midnight = amazing! I really like it, it's different but it's really good. Makes me even more excited for Midnight Sun, ONE MORE WEEK, Ahhhh!

So I've realized with every new chapter I get about one new subscriber, and that's amazing! I cannot explain how awesome that makes me feel, but still no feed back.

Please let me know what you think, I'd love to have some feedback!!


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iamcool #1
Please update soon!
half-pint #2
I'm sorry! I'll try and post this weekend! School is really kicking my right now!
alsdjalsdj i miss this story! ;A;
half-pint #4
Aww thank you, that just kinda made my day! I'll try and update sooner!!!
I've probably read this story 6 times in my spare time...
half-pint #6
Hmm, I didn't notice that, it does slightly, 3rd picture chapter, yay!
The pixture looks edited like the upper body part..
Fluffy is the best (I sound like an ad lol)
i can't see the picture D: lul.
Omg you didnt get my comment from yesterday D:
Oh well it was just "ehehehehehheheehhe ヽ(*・ω・)ノ"

Longer chapters of course! C: