He's a liar

I Like You the Best


"You know, the people I'm in a group with." He said an amused tone playing in his voice.
"I know that smart ." I said lightly glaring at him, he peeked his eyes open to see me glare before closing his eyes again laughing. "Why? I mean before you would make up stuff saying how you were going for a walk or something, why do you now want me to meet them?"
"They got suspicious when I was texting so much during the video shoot, kept asking me, then eventually Yoseob stole my phone and ratted us out." He said his voice kind of annoyed.
"Ah, so you don't want me to meet them, they're forcing you to introduce me to them?" I said almost disappointed. I thought he just wanted to introduce me to his friends.
"Yea kinda. Plus Yoseob was getting jealous, he kept complaining about how I got to see you and talk to you but he didn't, said it wasn't fair." He said chuckling to himself.
"Well then why didn't he come with you when you came over before?"
"I didn't tell him."
"Waeyo?" I asked confused.
"I guess I didn't wanna share." My cheeks heated up, he's talking about the food right, he didn't wanna share the food. "It's hard to come by people like you anymore Aimee, people who either don't know who I am or don't care who I am. You treat me like a normal person, it's a welcome change, I guess I just didn't wanna share that." He said his voice trailing off towards the end.
I looked over at him not quite knowing how to feel. He didn't want to share me. Did that mean he liked me? Or was just in it to feel normal? I mean it sounded almost like the first, but I didn't wanna get my hopes up for it to be the latter. 
"Kikwang-oppa?" I asked quietly. I got no reply though. I looked at him a little more closely. His breathing had evened out and his face was relaxed. He fell asleep. I smiled lightly at the sleeping man who looked more like a boy at this point. I got up quietly and went over to get the blanket that I had lying on the floor carefully placing it over him. Poor kid, must have been more tired than he thought.
I went back to my computer and plugged my headphones in, I needed to generally know the choreography for a few songs, me and Hyun were going to go over the choreography tonight for the class tomorrow, he never gave me the set song were doing though so I was just going over every video on the list he gave me hoping to retain a little from each. In a few hours though I had to leave, I got up quickly changing before going back into the living room.
"Oppa get up." I said nudging him a bit. He groaned snuggling into the blanket he had managed to wrap himself in. His once styled hair was now sticking up in all directions and it was really cute honestly, but I had no time for this. "Yah, oppa get up I have to go to work." I said shaking him a little harder this time. 
He finally opened his eyes looking up at me. I gave him a stern look motioning for him to get up. It looked like it took all his effort to get up and I felt a little bad for that but at the same time there was no way in hell I was leaving him in my house. He yawned widely keeping my blanket on him as he trudged to the door. I was gonna fight for my blanket but decided against it. He tiredly waved at me giving a small smile to me before leaving without saying a word. He's like a freaking zombie.
I laughed as I gathered all my stuff together and left to go to the studio ready to dance til late tonight.
The next day I spent at the studio preparing for and teaching my first class. We ended up teaching the song Gee by Girls Generation. With that I realized I'm not cute and look really awkward trying to be. Ugh.
The day after that was the day I was supposed to meet Beast, they had a free day that day I learned. It was rare apparently so I felt kinda bad I was taking it from but Kikwang kept telling me it was fine.
That morning I was running around my apartment trying to look decent. I wanted to look kinda good, I mean these guys see some of the most beautiful women in Korea almost everyday, I don't wanna look like a man compared to them.
I left my hair down and put mousse in it, my hair was cooperating today luckily so it made my hair look salon done, I was very proud. It was getting cooler so I put on a pair of jean shorts, a slightly lacy tank top and a dark green jacket over the top. It looked nice but not too overdone.
I was doing my make-up light and natural when I heard my phone go off.
You coming?
Yea I'm getting ready
How come you never got ready when I came over?
How come you never tell me when you come over?
There was no response after that. Maybe that will stop him from coming over unannounced, probably not, but I can hope. I looked in the mirror, I'm not normally very proud of my appearance but I looked damn good today. I grabbed my black satchel bag throwing my keys and phone in it and walked to the door slipping on some black short boots before heading down the hall to the elevators.
I went up to the 16th floor remembering their floor number from the first day I met them. Not sure if I should be proud of that or consider it creepy. I stopped once I got to the floor though, I don't know their apartment number. Crap. I fished my phone out of my bag finding Kikwang's number and calling it.
"Yeoboseyo?" I heard his familiar voice answer the phone sounding confused.
"Oppa you never told me which room you were." I said awkwardly standing in the hall. I heard him laugh through the phone then the line went dead and a door opened up down the hall and a head poked out.
"Aimee-sshi!" Yoseob said excitedly as he called me over. I laughed walking over bowing as I got closer.
"Annyeonghaseyo Yoseob-sshi! How have you been?" I asked grinning at the boy as I got closer.
"Pretty good, come in!" He said grinning opening the door for me. I stepped in barely having anywhere to move due to all the shoes by the door. How many shoes do these boys have? I found a spare spot slipping off my shoes, they looked tiny compared to the boys.
"Hey Aimee-yah." I heard from down the hall, turning I saw Kikwang, a few boys behind him. I bowed politely to the boys as they gave little bows back whispering to each other. Kikwang motioned for me to follow him into the main room where the boys were. 
"Annyeonghaseyo." I murmured politely bowing to the group of boys as we got the main room. Yoseob joined the boys in front of my while Kikwang stayed by my side.
"Guys, this is Song Aimee," he said motioning to me as I bowed lightly again. "Aimee this is Junhyung," he said motioning to a guy with small eyes, dark hair that almost fell into his face and a small smile that looked almost like a smirk. "Doojoon," He said motioning to a guy with strong bone structure and a warm smile, he was one of the taller ones of the group. "Dongwoon." He said motioning to the tallest of the group who looked almost foreign, more foreign than I did which I thought was funny. "Hyunseung." He said motioning to a almost blonde long hair bow with chubby cheeks and a blank look in his face. "And you know Yoseob." The child like boy waved excitedly grinning.
"Wait when did you meet her?" Doojoon asked smacking Yoseob in the chest.
"I only met her twice the first 2 times Kikwang met her." He said simply shrugging.
"So how old are you Aimee-sshi?" Junhyung asked curiously, his voice was fairly deep.
"Oh, I'm 20 years old, I was born in 1991." I said smiling lightly.
"Oh really?" Dongwoon said excitedly. "When?"
"February 14th." I said "Were you born in 1991?"
"Yea but I was born in June so I'm still the youngest." He said slightly sad.
"No way you're the youngest?" I asked surprised. "Whoa, that's crazy."
"Who'd you think it was?" Kikwang asked. "Yoseob?" I nodded rubbing the back of my neck.
"Ha I'm older than Kikwang." He said grinning. I looked from Kikwang to Yoseob confused.
"That makes us all your oppas besides Dongwoon." He said grinning making fun of me.
"Aish." I groaned hitting Kikwang lightly on the arm. The other boys watched the interaction with confused looks on their face besides Hyunseung who still had a blank look on his face. I smiled at him wanting to see if it would change. He smiled lightly back then went back to the blank face, weird.
"So what do you do Aimee?" Doojoon asked smiling. He reminded me of Austin in the way that he made me feel safe, basically he reminded me of an older brother.
"I'm a dance teacher, I teach at Studio 21." I said smiling, I finally figured out the studio name after they gave me a t-shirt, I feel like that's something I should've known before working there, but whatever.
"Oh you should dance for us sometime!!" Yoseob said excitedly.
"How long have you been dancing?" Hyunseung finally spoke up as we moved to the couch in the living room, I sat on the couch Dongwoon on one side of me, Kikwang on the other with the others sprawled out on the floor.
"I've been dancing since I was 2, I've done just about everything from ballet to hip hop." I said smiling, dance was the one think I was confident about.
"Oh ballet really? So are you like super flexible?" Kikwang and Doojoon both went to hit him but I just started laughing.
"Yea kinda." I said laughing. "Here." I said simply getting up from the couch and sliding down into a middle split, from there I turned into a right legged split leaning forward til my head touched my knee then backward til the back of my head touched the other leg. I got up from the floor grinning before sitting back down.
The boys around me looked at me surprised and everyone stayed silent for a bit which made me grin even more. Like I said dance was the one thing I was confident about.
"I can see why you hid her." Junhyung said smirking at Kikwang.
"I-it's not like that." Kikwang said stuttering which made me laugh.
"You did know that I danced." I said grinning throwing the boy under the bus. "I told you that day you helped me with my groceries."
"Y-yah" He said looking at me like I'm crazy.
"Wait wait wait... helped her with her groceries?" Junhyung said smirking. "I thought you said you just met her in the elevator and started talking? When did this happen? Did you go in her apartment?"
"Psh kid shows up uninvited all the time." I said rolling my eyes looking over at Kikwang. He glared at me as I grinned back at him.
"Yah! You said you never went over there! I told you to tell me if you were going that I wanted to go!" Yoseob said getting upset.
"He's a liar." I said simply from next to him. Doojoon laughed out loud at this as the rest of them laughed trying to muffle it, everyone besides Yoseob at least who looked like he was about to cry. I grinned at the boy next to me who looked like he wanted to kill me. "Its not like they wouldn't have found out anyway." I said to him simply, he sighed heavily at me.


So this was suposed to be one chapter, but it turned into 2... story of my life.

This is what I thought of to be what Aimee was wearing while she met Beast


Thank you to KK0330 and Mydoubleccookielover for actually responding to my question last time, you guys are awesome.

I'm gonna try and get the next part of this chapter out before I go to work tomorrow, no promises though. 

So I'm gonna ask the question again cause I'm curious and would like atleast a little more feedback.


I have something I want to know from everyone. You see I'm not really sure in which direction I really wanna take this story. Since I've started it I decided that it will probably have some (I always told myself I would never do it, that ended up well). So what I want to know is where you all want to see this go.

Would you rather have mainly with some fluff put in where needed or would you rather see more fluff with the occasional fluff, or a good mix of both?

Please let me know!!!

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iamcool #1
Please update soon!
half-pint #2
I'm sorry! I'll try and post this weekend! School is really kicking my right now!
alsdjalsdj i miss this story! ;A;
half-pint #4
Aww thank you, that just kinda made my day! I'll try and update sooner!!!
I've probably read this story 6 times in my spare time...
half-pint #6
Hmm, I didn't notice that, it does slightly, 3rd picture chapter, yay!
The pixture looks edited like the upper body part..
Fluffy is the best (I sound like an ad lol)
i can't see the picture D: lul.
Omg you didnt get my comment from yesterday D:
Oh well it was just "ehehehehehheheehhe ヽ(*・ω・)ノ"

Longer chapters of course! C: