
I Like You the Best


Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep
I groaned reaching to my phone which was my alarm clock right now, since my actual one was still in one of the boxes, or maybe it hadn't even come yet, who knows. Once the noise stopped I lifted my tired body.
I slipped on my glasses that we're sitting next to my bed before making my way to the bathroom, I cringed looking in the mirror. My hair looked like a mane framing my face, screw you wavy hair why can't I have straight hair like the majority of the Asian girls in this world?
I tried to smooth down my hair and make it look somewhat normal before brushing my teeth and getting ready to face the concrete jungle that was Seoul. I slipped on some black cuffed shorts a white tank top and white button up shirt, I had to at least look somewhat nice. I looked in the mirror again before sighing and pulling my dark brown hair up into a pony tail, it wasn't cooperating so this will have to do.
I kept the make-up simple just putting on a little mascara and some light lip gloss, my skin was clear right now so I didn't bother with any concealer or anything. I grabbed a black bag slinging it over my shoulder with my keys and phone already in the bag. I slipped on some black gladiator sandals before exiting my flat and walking towards the elevator. I tapped the button before straightening out my shirt and everything trying to look decent.
I heard a beep and turned towards the opening elevator, as I looked up I stopped for a second surprised. There they were the 2 guys from yesterday standing in the elevator looking as good as ever. They we're dressed up a little more than yesterday, but generally close to the same, the only major difference was the boy with chubby cheeks shirt was more fitting than the large shirt he had on yesterday showing he in fact had a pretty good body too.
"Well hello again." The chubby cheeked one said as they both smiled and bowed lightly, I bowed back slightly before making my way into the elevator blushing a bit. They remember me, seriously what are the chances to see them again, this building is huge and we just happened to be leaving at the same time. Plus it's like 7 in the morning, why the hell are they even up?
"Good morning" I said softly.
"Are you going to work?" The small eyed one asked.
"Um yea I guess, trying to find a job actually." I said smiling lightly before rubbing the back of my neck nervously. Damn boys. "Are you guys going to work? Do you work together?" I asked curiously. They looked at each other seemingly confused for a second before the small eyed one spoke up.
"Um, yea I guess you could say that." He said smiling, hiding his eyes from the world again. Gah, he's really freaking cute.
"Oh um, I'm sorry I don't think I ever got your names yesterday..." I said trailing off hoping they'd get the hint. They looked at each other again for a second seeming to be communicating through their eyes. Did they tell me and I just wasn't paying attention? Crap, now I'm gonna look like an .
"I'm so sorry! Did you already tell me and I forgot? I'm so sorry! I have a terrible memory sometimes. Things just seem to fly out of my head, my dad once had to tell me 5 times the name of his coworker we were having dinner with before I remembered, he was not happy..." I started trailing off mumbling before they finally stopped me laughing.
"No no no, you're fine." The chubby cheeked one said laughing at my rambling, I pouted lightly at their laughing. I'm honestly not sure the ones eyes could get any smaller, they we're just slits now, I couldn't help but smile at that. Once they finally stopped laughing the chubby cheeked one spoke again. " I'm Yang Yoseob, and this" he said motioning to the boy next to him "is Lee Kikwang." He bowed lightly at the mention of his name.
"Nice to meet you both." I said smiling.
"Tell me Aimee-sshi, do you listen to kpop?" Yoseob questioned his eyes lighting up with curiosity. I blushed a bit he seemed so sweet and curious, plus he remembered my name. It's the little things in life.
"Not really, I listen to English music mostly, a few of my friends back at home listened to kpop, but it's never really been my thing." I said shrugging slightly. You can live in Korea without listening to kpop... right?
They looked at each other again, this time with an understanding eyes. At this point the ding went off signaling we were at the lobby of the building. As the doors opened they signaled me to go first, I smiled bowing slightly.
"See you later Aimee-sshi!" Kikwang said smiling and waving as we went our separate ways, Yoseob jumping and waving behind him. I waved back smiling as my cheeks lit up. Why did my name sound so much better coming from his lips? 
I almost squealed once they were out of sight, but I held it back. 1) because squealing makes me cringe and 2) because it makes me look crazy, and I'd rather not do that, not yet at least.
I walked down the street wondering where to start. I decided I needed to get food in me before I went anywhere and stopped in a small restaurant, there weren't many people in there but it seemed cozy.
"Welcome!" I heard a voice say happily as I walked in, an older woman shuffled up to me looking to be in her 60's or so. "Just one my dear?" She said smiling, her eyes disappearing in the wrinkles surrounding her eyes.
"Ne, ajumma." I said smiling at the nice woman. She quickly sat me down at a table and handed me a menu.
"Aigoo! What is a girl as pretty as you doing out by herself, why don't you have a man with you?" She said grinning. I blushed slightly at the woman.
"I'm new to Seoul, I don't really know many people here and I don't have a boyfriend." I said smiling at the woman.
"If my son we're still single I would send him to you, you're going to have such pretty children!" She said grinning nudging me. "Do you know what you want to eat dear?" I looked down at the menu confused, there were so many options. "How about we make you the special dear? I'll make you that" she said grinning shuffling away.
I looked out the window watching life go by, people going back and forth from work, kids going to school, and people jogging to work out. I always loved the city because no matter where what time it is there was always someone out doing something, you never felt alone in the city it was impossible.
"Here you are dear." The woman said setting warm food down in front of me. I smiled thanking her before digging in to the food, it was probably some of the best food I had had since I came here. As I finished I walked up to the counter where the cash register was and where the woman was wiping down the counter.
"It was very good, gamsahabnida ajumma, how much do I owe you?" I said smiling pulling out my wallet from my bag.
"Don't worry about it today dear, it's on the house, just come back often, it's nice to have some youth here." She said grinning, looking around I'd realized it was mainly older people in the restaurant.
"Ne, ajumma I will." I said smiling and bowing to the woman before exiting to wonder the streets.
Hours later I had walked I swear nearly half of Seoul and only really applied to a few select places, I didn't really want to do any of them but at least they we're a job. I decided I would look a little more before finding a bus or subway that dropped off near my flat, all this walking made my feet feel like they would literally fall off.
I ventured into a new part of the city that I had not been before, or at least I didn't recognize the signs. I looked around at the shops, clothing stores, meh I was never good with retail. Coffee shops we're good but I had applied to a few of those already and they we're closer to my apartment. I looked around a little more before something caught my eye.
It wasn't much just a little red door in between 2 stores, above it was a sign that said dance studio. Nothing was special about it but when you looked above the store on the right of the door there was a long array of windows on the third floor, inside I could see people dancing, bodies flowing to from the looks of it hip hop music, calculated moves and steps as the group moves in sync.
I looked carefully before crossing the street to where the building was and opened the little red door. A simple staircase sat in front of me, as I climbed closer to the third floor I could hear the music booming, defiantly hip hop.
I opened the door peeking in slightly before slipping my whole body in watching the people move with the music.
"Can I help you with something?"


Couldn't decide how I wanted this to play out.... we'll see where I take this...

But hey the mystery was finally solved and at least 2 of Beast has offically shown up, that's good right?

As always feedback is much appretiated. Give me something pwease!

Bahaha, I love that picture 


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iamcool #1
Please update soon!
half-pint #2
I'm sorry! I'll try and post this weekend! School is really kicking my right now!
alsdjalsdj i miss this story! ;A;
half-pint #4
Aww thank you, that just kinda made my day! I'll try and update sooner!!!
I've probably read this story 6 times in my spare time...
half-pint #6
Hmm, I didn't notice that, it does slightly, 3rd picture chapter, yay!
The pixture looks edited like the upper body part..
Fluffy is the best (I sound like an ad lol)
i can't see the picture D: lul.
Omg you didnt get my comment from yesterday D:
Oh well it was just "ehehehehehheheehhe ヽ(*・ω・)ノ"

Longer chapters of course! C: