Pain in my

I Like You the Best


I stared down at the name that was written in hangul in my phone contacts.
Lee Kikwang <3
I guess he had managed to put his number in my phone last night when he had my phone and was looking in it. I don't think he had mine though. That unfortunately meant it was up to me to contact him. 
I swear I had written out like 10 messages in the last hour before erasing them. Sometimes because I thought what I wrote was stupid, other times because I was just too nervous to press send.
"Aish!" I groaned ruffling my hair, I need to do this. He told me to text him, that's an invitation to do it. He wanted me to, so why did I feel so nervous?
I've never felt this nervous with a guy before, then again all the other guys I've been with or dated showed interest right away and they did all the work so I've never really had this turmoil. You can do this Aimee, it's just one guy, no big deal.
Hows the music video going?
I looked at it sighing before closing my eyes and hitting send. I groaned as soon as I did it though. Maybe I should've waited longer, it makes me seem desperate to text so soon, that's the last thing I want to be at this point.
Not that I wasn't desperate, it had been a while since I had a boyfriend and I was ready. Physically and mentally if you know what I mean. I'm not a by any means, but I have needs too.
I jumped as my phone vibrated from its place on my stomach. I'm surprised he responded so fast.
Who else? =P
It's good, I'm tired though, someone kept me out late last night =P
I take no blame for that, you chose to stay.
I know, I'm just kidding, hows your day going?
It's good, I'm not working today so I'm just laying around.
Lucky, wish I could be laying around, then we could lay around together =)
I stared at that message for a second. I'm not sure how to take that, it could be friendly, or it could be something I should be squealing at.
Yea right you just want more food.
That too.
So are you excited for your comeback? That's what you call it right?
Haha Yea, that's what we call it, and yea I am, we're doing something kinda new though so I'm just hoping it ends up well.
I'm sure it will, you and your members are very talented.
Did you listen to other songs besides Bad Girl?
What's your favorite song?
I really like Mystery
What's with the 20 questions? =P
I'm just curious, I'll be back in a bit, we're filming a group dance scene.
Okay, have fun.
I went and made myself busy with laundry and random cleaning thinking he would be busy for an hour or so. I was wrong, he didn't text back til close to 3 hours later. By the time he did get back I was watching reruns of Boy Meets World on my computer, I still freaking love that show.
K back
Holy Jesus longest dance ever
Hahaha you didn't even have to do anything and you're complaining.
The next day went the same way whenever either me or Kikwang had time we would text each other either playful bantering or asking questions. Most of the time if it was questions it was him asking me, which would turn into playful bantering, it was like a circle that never ended, I also learned he was really gullible, I told him fruitcakes grew on trees and he actually believed me for a little while.
I'm free!!
Was the first text I got the morning of the 3rd day. I couldn't help but literally laugh out loud. I knew he was tired, he never fully said it, but I knew he was, he hadn't slept but a few hours in the past 3 days.
That's exciting, you gonna go pass out now?
Okay, well let me know when you come back to life =P
I went back to watching videos on my computer, I wouldn't hear from him for the next few hours or day maybe who knows. I was trying to look at more kpop videos seeing as I was teaching a class on it, it may be good if I actually listened to the music and learned the choreography.
I heard a buzz from the door through the music but just continued to lay on the floor where I was watching the videos, I have a thing with floors, sue me. 
It buzzed again and I sighed turning over and looking at the ceiling hoping the noise would just stop. At that though the buzzing just came more rapidly, over and over and over again. I finally lifted myself up from the floor and roughly yanked the door open ready to hit the person there.
"Why do you take so long to answer the door?"
"Why do you insist on coming over unannounced?" I asked Kikwang as he stepped into my apartment ignoring my annoyed look. He slipped off his shoes and made his way to my couch collapsing on it. "I thought you said you were going to pass out?" I asked walking over and sitting next to the couch where his head was.
"Who says I'm not?" He grumbled closing his eyes. I took that moment to look at him more closely. 
He lay on my couch in loose fitting sweat pants and and a black wife beater that hugged his muscular chest and back. He seemed to have leftover make-up on his face which was kinda strange to be honest, I'm not used to guys wearing make-up. Oddly enough I found it slightly attractive, they made his eyes stand out more than normal which is good because they were probably one of the most attractive parts about him to me, though his full lips were a close second.
He opened his eyes to catch me staring and I looked away feeling my cheeks burn.
"Y-yah, don't you have your own couch to sleep on?" I said looking away even more trying to hide my face.
"But your couch is so much more comfy..." He said, I could almost hear the smirk in his voice making me blush even more if possble. "Plus there's the fact that our couch is buried under stuff right now." He finished nonchalantly. I sighed loudly.
"Pain in my ." I looked over at him and his eyes were closed again but a slight smile was etched onto his face. I couldn't help but smile with him as silence filled the room, I was almost convinced he was asleep and then he spoke up filling the silence.
"Aimee-yah, how would you like to meet Beast?"


Kinda a dissappointing chapter I think, but so is life.

Went to the doctor this morning, have tendinitis in my wrist, fun. What that means is the next few weeks I will be in a wrist brace, be taking anti-inflamitories and be icing it atleast 3 times a day, fun fun. I also had an x-ray done but won't get the results of that til tomorrow, heres to hoping for the best.

I have something I want to know from everyone. You see I'm not really sure in which direction I really wanna take this story. Since I've started it I decided that it will probably have some (I always told myself I would never do it, that ended up well). So what I want to know is where you all want to see this go.

Would you rather have mainly with some fluff put in where needed or would you rather see more fluff with the occasional fluff, or a good mix of both?

Please let me know!!!


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iamcool #1
Please update soon!
half-pint #2
I'm sorry! I'll try and post this weekend! School is really kicking my right now!
alsdjalsdj i miss this story! ;A;
half-pint #4
Aww thank you, that just kinda made my day! I'll try and update sooner!!!
I've probably read this story 6 times in my spare time...
half-pint #6
Hmm, I didn't notice that, it does slightly, 3rd picture chapter, yay!
The pixture looks edited like the upper body part..
Fluffy is the best (I sound like an ad lol)
i can't see the picture D: lul.
Omg you didnt get my comment from yesterday D:
Oh well it was just "ehehehehehheheehhe ヽ(*・ω・)ノ"

Longer chapters of course! C: