No wonder they think we're s

I Like You the Best


It has been about 2 weeks now since I've seen any of the Beast members, they we're busy with their comeback. Soom was an amazing song with really cool choreography I liked it. The day it came out I sent a text to all the boys congratulating them and telling them how awesome it was.


I still texted Kikwang fairly often, atleast once a day. He would tell me the exciting things he was doing and I would tell him about work, I'm sure it was thrilling for him, but I never said I was exciting. I also would text Dongwoon a few times a week, we had actually grown fairly close, it was kinda strange.


"So how goes things with the y Asian boy?" Nikki asked excitedly over the phone.


"Alright I guess, I haven't seen him in a while he's been busy with the whole being a singer thing." I said to my best friend, she had called me around 3 in the afternoon my time, I guess she was staying up late and wanted to talk.


"Aw, sad day so nothing exciting?"


"Well I mean he hugged me a few weeks ago and I've been texting him." I said my cheeks heating up recalling the incident.


"A hug? Really Aim? Is that what excites you these days? We need to get you some action."


"Hey, a hug here is a big deal, you don't just go around hugging everyone. Plus it was oddly intimate." I said trailing off. The hug was one thing that never got brought up in conversation between me and Kikwang though I wish it did.


"Wait, if they think a hug is a big deal what is to them? The holy grail? Man by those standards no wonder they think Americans are s."


"I don't think they think we're s Nikki." I said laughing a bit at her crude language.


"I'd think we were s..."


I heard a loud buzzing sound from the front door at that moment.


"Hold on Nik I think there's someone at the door." I said getting off my bed where I had been sitting and making my way to the front door. I looked in the camera but all I saw was black, weird maybe it's broke. I opened up the door to have my face break out into a huge grin.


"Long time no see." Kikwang said simply grinning at me from the door. I picked up the phone again and put it to my ear.


"Nikki, I'm gonna have to call you back." I said motioning for Kikwang to enter my apartment, he obliged taking his shoes off and sitting down on my couch, I followed suit still talking to my friend.


"Wait, Aimee, what's up? Who's there? Is it the y Asian boy?" She said getting excited.


"Yes." I said my cheeks heating up at my friends words even though I knew even if Kikwang heard what she was saying he wouldn't understand it, ah the joys of speaking a language the people around you don't know.


"Jump him! Jump his bones!" I blushed harder as her suggestions kept getting more and more crude.


"Okay, I'm gonna hang up now Nikki." I said simply trying to end her suggestions.


"Fine but you better call me tomorrow and tell me about all the y things you guys did, along with how good his body is." I covered my head trying to hide my blush now as I heard Kikwang chuckle.


"Fine I'll call you tomorrow, k love you bye." I said hanging up before she had the chance to say anymore. "Sorry about that, friend from home." I said switching back to a language he understood.


"What was she saying?" He asked laughing at me as I still had half my face covered.


"N-nothing don't worry about it, wait I thought you guys were busy today?" I asked suddenly realizing that he was here and not at a schedule.


"Our schedule got cancelled so we're actually done for the day." he said simply grinning at me. "Why did you not want me here?" he asked playfully.


"No, no it's great to see you, I'm just confused, where are the others?" I asked curiously.


"They decided to go get some food, but I told them I wasn't hungry, I haven't seen you in a while so I figured it'd be nice to stop by." He said looking up at me grinning.


"So wait, I mean are you hungry? Cause I can make you some food if you are."


"No, It's okay really." He said laughing "You always make me food so it's okay."


"Well then how about we go somewhere?" I asked.


"I can't be recognized." He said looking at me as if it were a no brainer.


"Don't worry, I know the perfect place and we won't get you recognized. Gaja, go get changed if you need to." I said grabbing his arm and pulling him up from the couch. He looked at me like I was crazy but followed my orders going to get changed.


I quickly changed myself into some jeans and a flowy skin colored top. I put on some jewelry and put my hair in a low side pony tail to keep it out of the way. I did quick light make-up before grabbing my bag and slipping on some pumps. I'm kinda in love with heels but don't like to wear them often, they hurt.


I opened the door as he was about to knock, he changed himself into a white v-neck t-shirt with a jacket over the top of it and jeans. The jacket had a hood for him to pull up and he also had a beanie on his head and his large glasses on. He grinned once he saw me.


"You look nice, though you seem to have grown." He said laughing, I was almost his height with the heels on but not quite, which is good, I like taller guys.


"Yea, it's magic." I said laughing. "Gaja." I said grabbing his hand pulling him towards the elevator, he laughed at my eagerness. The elevator came quick as we stepped inside. As it started to go down towards the lobby I realized I was still holding his hand.


"Ah, mianhaeyo." I said letting go of his hand and blushing.


"Gwaenchanha." He said laughing moving his hand to his pockets. The elevator ride down was a little awkward but it got better once we stepped out on the street. It was a beautiful day, very sunny and not too cold which was hard to come by in October.


"It's so nice out." I said grinning spreading my arms out and taking in the sun. He smiled at me and laughed.


"It is, where are we going?" He asked curiously looking at me from under his hood that he had pulled up.


"You'll see." I said simply grinning back at him leading the way. It took us about 20 minutes to walk down to the small cafe, there was nobody around as always except for a few older couples.


"Chohee-yah, it's good to see you! Ah and you brought a friend with you! Come sit!" The ajumma said trying to lead me to my normal spot.


"Ajumma, do you mind if we sit in back today?" I asked wanting to get away from the window in case someone passed and recognized Kikwang. The woman eyed me excitedly and nodded.


"Ah, you want privacy! I understand, it's about time you brought a boy here Chohee-yah, I'll give you the table in the very back, privacy for the couple." She said grinning leading us to the back.


"Aniyo-" I started to deny what she was saying but she cut me off.


"He's handsome, you should be proud." She said nudging me as we sat down, I hid my head in my hand as Kikwang just laughed. "I'll bring you two the usual. Aigoo young love." She said laughing walking off. I dared to look up at Kikwang when I had finally got my blushing under control, he was looking at me amused.


"Sorry, she can be a little overbearing sometimes." I said laughing lightly rubbing my neck.


"No, it's okay she seems sweet, do you come here often? She seems to know you well." He said curiously.


"Yea, I ran across this place while looking for a job a while ago, been coming at least once a week ever since, she's always here too, I think she owns the place. There's never anyone here either and the food is really good." I said idly playing with the chopsticks on the table.


"Mmmm, why does she call you Chohee?"


"That's my Korean name."


"It's really pretty." He said grinning at me, I blushed looking down.


"Gamsahabnida." I said quietly.


"You should start speaking informally to me." He said more of a command than anything which made me blush more, I nodded at this.


It wasn't long before we had our food and ate. We went up to the counter to pay and I started to take out my wallet.


"Don't worry about it, I've got this." He said pushing my wallet away.


"I can at least pay for my half." I fought him trying to take money out again.


"Ani, think of it as payback for the times you fed me." I went to object again before I got cut off.


"Let him pay dear it's what men are supposed to do on dates."


"It's not-"


"Yea it's what we're supposed to do, now stop arguing." He said handing her his money. We said goodbye to the woman thanking her and telling her we would see her again. I huffed as we stepped back onto the street, we had been in there a while and the sun was beginning to set now.


"I could've payed for mine you know." I said quietly pouting.


"Oh get over it." He said playfully. "Are you cold?" He asked seeing me shiver. I should've brought a jacket, it gets cold at night.


"Ani, I'm okay." I said rubbing my arms for the warmth. He rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand shoving it in the pocket of his jacket with his own hand enclosing my arm between his arm and body. I blushed hard as I felt him intertwine our fingers.


Okay this is definitely not something 2 people who are just friends normally do right?


"Better?" He asked quietly his moth right next to my ear from how close we were.


"Y-yea, gomawo." I said quietly refusing to look at him. We walked hand in hand all the way back to the apartment his thumb caressing my hand every once in a while making me blush more.


Once we got to the apartment building he finally took our hands out of his pocket and let go. The lack of heat and of course his hand in mine made me a bit sad. We arrived back to my apartment both of us kicking off our shoes, me first running to the couch and plopping down and wrapping myself in the blanket.


"Hey, what about me?" I peeked out of my blanket cocoon an and stared at him.


"What about you?"


"Don't I get any blanket?" He said pouting a bit at me. I laughed at his face, he looked like a kid.


"Meh." I stated as he sat down next to me. "What do you wanna do?" I asked assuming he was staying since he was sitting with me.


"I don't know, you wanna watch a movie or something?" I thought about it for a second before unwrapping myself getting up and going over to my movies beside the TV.


"I don't think I have any Korean movies, all my movies are in English." I said making a face as I realized I was right.


"You could translate for me." He said laughing. "Plus I can understand a little English."


"Really then can you understand me right now?" I said switching over to English and staring at him as he looked at me funny trying to understand.


"Yes, I understand." He responded in broken English.


"Really, then how many movies do I have in my hands?" I said holding 3 movies in my lap. He just stared at me blankly at my question. "Exactly." I said switching back to Korean and smirking at him.


"Just put one on I'll figure it out." He said ignoring me. I rolled my eyes putting in the movie The Breakfast Club. I turned around to walk back to the couch stopped for a second. Kikwang had situated himself in the direct center of the couch and had the blanket placed over him. So basically no matter which side I chose I would be sitting right next to him and I would have to steal the blanket back. I rolled my eyes going over to the light and turning it off.


"I hope you don't mind, I like watching movies with the lights off, makes me feel like I'm in a movie theater." I said walking back over and sitting down on his right side.


"Nah it's okay, do you want some blanket? I'm willing to share unlike someone." He said poking fun holding the blanket up for me. I rolled my eyes at him but took the blanket happily snuggling into it but careful not to take too much from him.


I felt him shift around a little bit as he threw his arm over the back of the couch behind me, his thigh suddenly touching mine. I was really happy it was fairly dark so he couldn't see my blush.


We watched the movie for a little while me attempting to translate or explain what was going on to Kikwang but after a while we both gave up.


"Sorry, I'll have to get some Korean movies for next time so we both understand." I said laughing lightly. He grinned moving his arm behind me to pull me closer if possible laughing with me.


"Don't worry about it, maybe this will improve my English." He said trying to lighten the mood. He left his arm on my shoulder after his little sign of affection, not that I was complaining. "You know I was talking to Dongwoon the other day."


"Really? I thought you 2 just stared at each other all day." I said sarcastically.


"He told me something interesting." He said ignoring my comment. "Something about you." I stiffened at that... he wouldn't have, he promised.


"What's that?" I said trying to keep my voice calm staring at the TV but not really paying attention to the movie anymore.


"What do you think it is?" He asked amusement playing on his voice.


"I don't know what you find interesting so I'm not sure." I said still refusing to look at him. I could feel his chest shake as he laughed lightly I'm guessing at me.


"How about I give you a little hint." He said the amusement in his voice never faiding. "It has to deal with you," he said simply. "And me." He said a little quieter shifting closer to me as I felt his warm hand make it's way to my knee caressing it. "And feelings." He murmured quietly right next to my ear now his lips grazing the shell of my ear.


"He's so dead." I whispered to myself pulling away from the boy to face him, not really sure what to say. "I understand I mean if you can't accept my feelings." I said trailing off cheeks heating up.


"You're kidding me right?" He said laughing I looked up a him confused. "I thought I was pretty obvious with my feelings today, guess not."


I felt the heat move from my leg as he moved his hand out from under the blanket to my face cupping my cheek and pulling my face up so we were inches from each other, I could feel is breath on my lips. He stared in my eyes for a second before leaning down and capturing my lips with his own plump ones. My eyes instinctively shut as I slowly responded to the kiss, I could feel him smile against my lips feeling me respond.


His hand slowly moved from my cheek down to my neck as he tilted his head deepening the kiss slightly. I felt his tongue on my lips hesitantly asking for entrance. I obliged letting his tongue slip into my mouth as it gently caressed my own making my stomach do flips. Eventually we both ran out of air forcing us to break apart both breathing heavily.


"If that wasn't enough to convince you, I like you Song Chohee."


Holy long chapter, it's almost 3000 words, crap.

I'm curious do you guys like the long chapters or do you prefer shorter ones?

I myself am a fan of longer chapters, but I wanna know.

? Next chapter? Maybe?

Aimee's outfit:

Please please please, subscribe or comment or give feedback, gives me more motivation. Plus I love knowing what you think.

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iamcool #1
Please update soon!
half-pint #2
I'm sorry! I'll try and post this weekend! School is really kicking my right now!
alsdjalsdj i miss this story! ;A;
half-pint #4
Aww thank you, that just kinda made my day! I'll try and update sooner!!!
I've probably read this story 6 times in my spare time...
half-pint #6
Hmm, I didn't notice that, it does slightly, 3rd picture chapter, yay!
The pixture looks edited like the upper body part..
Fluffy is the best (I sound like an ad lol)
i can't see the picture D: lul.
Omg you didnt get my comment from yesterday D:
Oh well it was just "ehehehehehheheehhe ヽ(*・ω・)ノ"

Longer chapters of course! C: