You better get on that before I do

I Like You the Best


I looked up from my spot on the floor noticing the bags on the counter. I sighed knowing if I stayed there much longer some of the food would go bad, and with how much money I spent on this stuff, that's not gonna happen.
I got up quickly putting the food away before dropping onto the couch in the living room and starting my laptop. Facebook was my first destination as always, not a whole lot going on. A message popped up on the right side of my screen with Nikki's name on it.
What up ho? Haven't heard from you in a while
I felt around looking for my phone before finding it in the pocket of my jacket before calling my best friend.
"That was quick, miss me that much?" I could hear the grin in her voice as I listened to the familiar English language. I had never gone so long with out hearing or speaking English in my life so it was almost comforting yet strange to hear it.
"I do, it's been too long." I said happily to her. We weren't normally sentimental but I missed my best friend.
"I missed you too Aim. So how's life? Did you find a job? Did you see those pretty Korean boys again? Did you finally get their names so I can stalk them and judge your choice in men?" I laughed at her as she said this.
"Life is great, yes I did get a job, yes I did see those boys, and yes I do know there names." I said answering each question.
"Well do tell, I want to know everything." I told her about the job, Hyun, Soojin and Miyoung telling her in great detail just to annoy her. I knew what she really cared about were the guys.
"Yea, yea that's great and all that you have washed the windows 6 times now but tell me about these boys." She said finally getting fed up with my rambling. I laid back on my couch and stared at the ceiling laughing.
"Well I saw them in the elevator again the day after I talked to you and we talked a little bit and I got their names, and then I met one of them on the street today and he helped me with groceries back to my apartment." I said already blushing at the memory.
"What did you guys talk about?" She asked as I could almost feel the excitement dripping off her words. She needs a boyfriend so she can stop living off my love life if you can even call it that.
"Not a whole lot really, we talked about work, and about family and my brothers... oh and he said I could call him oppa." I hesitantly said.
"What the hell does oppa mean? All I can think of is like the Greek party word or whatever it is, which that would be weird to call someone that." I rolled my eyes at her comment stifling my laughter.
"Its something a younger girl calls an older guy in like a friendly way I guess." I said not really sure how to explain it.
"Ooooo he wants to get friendly with you" she said laughing a bit and I rolled my eyes again. "Wait so he's older? How much older?"
"Not much, only a year, it's a bigger deal though here than it is there. Age is like a class ranking and he's higher than me."
"Weird, wait you said you got there names right? I wanna stalk!"
"They probably don't have a facebook." I said trying to get her not to do it.
"Then I'll google them, Come on Aim... What are you ashamed cause they're ugly?" She said teasing me.
"No." I said almost defensively. I sighed knowing I wasn't going to win this. "Lee Kikwang and Yang Yoseob."
"Can you spell that for me?" I rolled my eyes as I began spelling Kikwang's name for her. "Hey is this some kind of joke?"
"What do you mean?" I asked confused.
"The guy I'm looking at is apparently a singer in some group."
"Must just be someone with the same name or something, try Yang Yoseob." I said blowing it off and spelling Yoseob's out for her.
"This guy is from the same group." She said in a flat voice like she didn't believe me.
"Coincidence? That's what they told me their names were, but there's no way it's the same people, let me try looking." I said pulling myself up off the couch and grabbing my laptop.
I opened a google page and started searching Kikwang. What I saw sent me into a state of shock. There he was, the same man I was talking to not even an hour ago smiling in the little pictures below the first link. I clicked the images tab not believing my eyes. That only brought up more pictures of the man. 
Same eye smile, same perfectly styled hair same everything.
"This can't be happening." I murmured forgetting I was even on the phone. I looked up Yoseob next and the same thing happened. A million pictures of the chubby cheeked boy popped up on the screen. Some with the black hair he had now, others with bleach blonde hair but no doubt it was him.
In one of the pictures I saw the word B2ST in the background, figuring that was the groups names I looked that up. There they were, Kikwang and Yoseob, with 4 other handsome boys in many pictures.
"Aimee, hello? Earth to Aimee?" I heard in my ear as I stared at the pictures. I couldn't take my eyes of them, there was no way, this had to be a trick. "Aim what's going on?
"Nikki, I swear that's them, but this has to be a trick or something, I swear on my life that's them but I knew nothing about this. They told me they worked together, they told me they had been busy lately, but that's all I knew about their jobs. Kikwang told me he danced, I thought it was a hobby..." I said trailing off not contemplating what was going on.
"You're serious right now? Like no joke Aimee, you're not ting me or anything right? Cause I can and will kick your ." I heard her ask not sure how to respond.
"I swear on my life Nikki, those were the boys I talked to." I said as seriously as physically possible but even I could barely believe myself.
"Damn girl.... you've gotta get on that, those are some fine men. I don't even really like Asian guys and they're fine, did you see the one with Kikwang and his shirt off? His body is drool worthy. You better get on that before I do."
"I'm pretty sure they don't speak English Nik." I said laughing.
"Psh, sweetheart for what we'd be doing, we don't need to speak the same language." I rolled my eyes at my friends insanity.
"This just can't be happening, I don't understand." I said as I looked back at the pictures.
"Why are you complaining about this Aim? You just made friends with 2 very y Asian men who happen to be stars. I don't see how this is a bad thing. Oh god wait til I tell Leah, she's gonna flip."
"No don't tell Leah, don't tell anyone." I said stopping her as quickly as I could. "They obviously didn't tell me about their job cause they didn't want me to know. I don't think they want people to know. Come to think of it when we we're walking back with the groceries Kikwang hid his face the whole time. I think it would be better if we didn't tell anyone, for their sake." I reasoned with my friend.
"Fine." She said sighing into the phone, "I won't tell anyone I promise. But you have to tell me what happens with these boys, and if you meet them find out if one of them speaks English for me." She said making a deal.
"Of course." I said laughing into the phone receiver "But I have to go Nikki, Austin is coming over tomorrow so I have to wake up early and clean."
"Okay have fun and tell Austin I say hi, talk to you soon my dear." She said happily. I hung up and shut my laptop not bothering to shut it down or close the page. 
How I fell asleep is a mystery to me because all I could think about is Kikwang and Yoseob, about their group, about why they didn't tell me and most importantly dealing with the fact that they were in fact idols.


She figured it out finally yaay.

So I wrote this at like 3 in the morning cause I just couldn't stop, I don't wanna stop now but I feel like I could pass out at any second.

So if you find any grammer or spelling errors towards the end, lo siento.

Once again, please comment or subscribe, it helps me believe I'm not wasting my time with this


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iamcool #1
Please update soon!
half-pint #2
I'm sorry! I'll try and post this weekend! School is really kicking my right now!
alsdjalsdj i miss this story! ;A;
half-pint #4
Aww thank you, that just kinda made my day! I'll try and update sooner!!!
I've probably read this story 6 times in my spare time...
half-pint #6
Hmm, I didn't notice that, it does slightly, 3rd picture chapter, yay!
The pixture looks edited like the upper body part..
Fluffy is the best (I sound like an ad lol)
i can't see the picture D: lul.
Omg you didnt get my comment from yesterday D:
Oh well it was just "ehehehehehheheehhe ヽ(*・ω・)ノ"

Longer chapters of course! C: