So I still have a chance?

I Like You the Best


*Kikwang's POV*
I sighed getting into the van last, we had just finished our last schedule for the day, it was late almost 11 and I was exhausted. We had been getting busier lately getting ready with our comeback with Soom and things just kept getting busier with practices and all.
I stared out the window listening to my music, we were getting closer to the and I was just focused on getting home and passing out. We were getting closer to the dorm when I noticed a small familiar figure walking down the street with many big bags in her arms.
"Hey, manager-hyung, do you mind if I walk the rest of the way, I need some fresh air." I said just wanting to get out of the van, my exhaustion fading. He eyed me funny before agreeing.
"Fine, fine just don't get recognized." He said waving his hand for the driver to pull over.
"Kikwang-ah, isn't that Aimee?" Yoseob asked me quietly. I nodded quickly hoping nobody had noticed his question and motioned for him not to worry about it. I hoped out of the car calling her name while shutting the door hoping the noise of the door drowned out my voice. I guess it did because the van pulled away soon after I got out. 
"Hey Kikwang-sshi." She said quietly awkwardly waving with the bags in her arms. Why did she have so much stuff? I pulled my hood up quickly hoping nobody would notice me or what she said. Luckily not many people seemed to be out in this area.
"What are you doing with all of this?" I said laughing, she looked so awkward trying to balance all the stuff in her arms, it was cute.
"My brothers coming over for dinner tomorrow and I didn't know what to get." She said laughing.
"So you bought the whole store?" I said grinning, I couldn't help but make fun of her. She went to hit me at the comment but couldn't due to all of the bags, that only made me smile bigger. "Here let me help you" I said taking half the bags from her arms before waiting for a response. No doubt she could use some help.
"Oh, gamsahabnida." she said quietly her cheeks turning slightly pink at this. So innocent.
"So how goes the job searching?" I asked hoping to start conversation, she was oddly interesting to me.
"Really well actually, I got a job as a dance teacher at a little studio about 30 blocks from here, I take the subway down." I almost stopped at the comment.
"You dance?!" I said excitedly. I'm not sure why, maybe I was excited cause we had something in common? 
"Yea, I've been dancing since I was 2, do you dance?" She asked looking up at me quickly before looking back down.
"Yea, I've been dancing for a while now." I said thinking back to all the memories I had with the guys and before when I was AJ and even before that as a trainee. Dancing has kinda shaped me really.
"So how is work going? I haven't seen you or Yoseob around lately." My eyes widened at her question before looking down even more and hiding my face. Yoseob and I had decided she didn't know Beast when she didn't recognize us by face or name. Quite frankly I didn't really want her to know, well atleast not right away. She was one of the few people that treated me like normal Lee Kikwang, not the Beast idol that many people treated me like, it was kinda nice.
"Oh it's good I guess, we've been busy and it's only gonna get busier before it slows down again, but it's good. You said your brothers coming over tomorrow?" I carefully answered the question trying to not be too obvious of my nervousness while changing the conversation. If she noticed she didn't respond and answered my question without question, which I was thankful of.
"Yea, him and his wife are coming over and I'm going to cook them dinner." She said smiling proudly. "They live in Ilsan so I don't really get to see them much with them working, this is the first time since I came to Seoul that I'm going to see them, so I'm excited." She said grinning, you could hear the affection in her voice when she spoke of her brother, it was nice.
"I can tell you're close to him, do you have any other siblings?" I asked wondering if it were just because they were the only 2 kids around.
"Yea I have 3 brothers all together, Austin is 26 he's the one coming tomorrow, Stephen is 23 and my youngest brother Daniel is 17. Daniel and Stephen are still in America." She said, you could hear how much she cared for each one of them as she spoke. 
"Wow, big family." I said smiling. She's a family girl, that's always a good thing. I don't understand her, a family girl, who cooks, dances, is innocent and not to mention pretty attractive. What's the catch?
I looked over to see her staring at me, we locked eyes for a second before she looked down cheeks pink. Her dark hair fell around her face as she looked down framing her small face. No doubt cute yet mature, strange mixture.
"How old are you Aimee-sshi?"
"I'm 20 years old, I was born in 1991. How old are you?" She asked the curiosity in her voice mirroring mine.
"I'm 21, I was born in 1990." I said as we entered the building where we lived. I had hardly noticed we came up to it. I lifted my head being a little less cautious about getting caught but still aware of my surroundings. You really just didn't know who was around, fans can be crazy.
"Mmm, so you're older than me..." she said trailing off quietly. I peaked over and heard her quietly mutter "an oppa" as we entered the elevator. I couldn't help but grin and laugh a bit at her. She seemed almost unsure if the term was okay, but quite honestly it made me feel warm inside.
She pressed her floor and then went to press mine before I stopped her.
"Don't worry about that, I'm gonna help you with these to your apartment I'll get the elevator once I'm done helping you." I said smiling and pulling the hood off my head finally feeling safe enough to not hide myself. I looked over and she was looking at me, I smiled brightly hoping to portray that I wasn't a crazy man that was going to her or something, I didn't wanna freak her out.
Her cheeks were pink as she looked down. She sure gets nervous a lot, I don't wanna make her nervous. The ride up was fairly quiet as we got to her floor. She opened the door stepping into the small apartment.
It wasn't much, there wasn't much furniture and the room was small, but you could tell someone lived there. It actually felt homey. Which was a far cry from our dorm which was cluttered beyond all belief despite how big it was.
I followed her lead going into the kitchen and setting the bags down.
"I can put them away don't worry about it, it's late anyway." She said smiling. I nodded heading towards the door again, she must be tired. I stopped with my hand on the doorknob.
"You know if you want, you can call me oppa, you know since I am an oppa to you." I said poking fun at her as I stared down from over my shoulder. Maybe if she calls me oppa we'll be more friendly and then I can see her more. It's nice to have someone who treats me normal, an actual friend rather than someone looking for popularity. "See you later Aimee-yah."
"Bye Oppa." I heard her quietly say as I walked down the hall. I couldn't help but grin at it. I waved at her as I got on the elevator going to my dorm, she waved back smiling lightly as the door closed.
The smile never left my face as I entered the dorm walking into the kitchen and grabbing a glass that looked somewhat clean and filling it with water.
"So, what was that about?" I heard a voice behind me say, turning I saw Yoseob looking at me curiously.
"Nothing, just wanted some fresh air and Aimee happened to be there." I said grinning blatantly lying and knowing he knew that.
"Yea, yea, you just happened to need fresh air as we passed a pretty girl who lives downstairs, so what happened?" He asked rolling his eyes at my lie.
"Nothing we just talked, it's nice talking to someone who doesn't know who I am, you know?" He nodded understanding.
"So nothing happened?" he asked making sure. 
"No nothing happened I promise." I said rolling my eyes at the guy. Sometimes I wonder if he actually is older than me.
"So I still have a chance?" He said grinning and wiggling his eyebrows up and down. I rolled my eyes at him and went to hit him but he ran away giggling. For some reason though that statement made my stomach turn.
This is ridiculous, nothing could ever happen anyway even if I had those feelings.... which I don't. I'm an idol, she's a normal girl, it just can't happen for her sake and mine.  Right?


So initially I didn't want to make this a full chapter it was gonna be a half chapter, but I just kept writing and here we are.


Midnight sun video teaser just went up, not liking KiKwangs new hair, but maybe it'll grow on me? Either way I'm beyond excited and counting down the days til their comeback!! So excited!!!!

Thank you again to all the new subscribers, you all make my day brighter.

Now make my day even more.... brighter? Awkward. By leaving me some feedback. =D


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iamcool #1
Please update soon!
half-pint #2
I'm sorry! I'll try and post this weekend! School is really kicking my right now!
alsdjalsdj i miss this story! ;A;
half-pint #4
Aww thank you, that just kinda made my day! I'll try and update sooner!!!
I've probably read this story 6 times in my spare time...
half-pint #6
Hmm, I didn't notice that, it does slightly, 3rd picture chapter, yay!
The pixture looks edited like the upper body part..
Fluffy is the best (I sound like an ad lol)
i can't see the picture D: lul.
Omg you didnt get my comment from yesterday D:
Oh well it was just "ehehehehehheheehhe ヽ(*・ω・)ノ"

Longer chapters of course! C: