We've got ourselves a foreigner

I Like You the Best


"Can I help you with something?
I quickly looked to my left where the voice came from and bowed quickly. A girl stood there, she was taller than me, her black hair pulled up into a bun with black baggy sweat pants and a tank top covering her thin body. Her face looked stern and she made me nervous.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I just saw people dancing from the street and wanted to see... I guess..." I said trailing off not really sure how to explain myself. "You guys wouldn't happen to be looking for a dance teacher would you?". She looked at me a little hesitantly.
"Maybe, what type of experience do you have?" She asked still hesitant, her face relaxed slightly.
"I've been dancing since I was 2, so that's about 17 years now. I've been doing lyrical, jazz and a little ballet since I was 2. I started hip hop when I was 10. Back at home I started teaching a few classes when I was 17." I said, hoping it would somewhat impress her. She nodded approvingly.
"Okay that's good, well here's the thing, the owner of the studio is out today so I can't really say anything." I nodded understanding, of course it wouldn't be that easy. "But he does have a class tomorrow at 5, why don't you come to that and talk to him? Maybe he can work with you, no promises though." I nodded and bowed again to her.
"Gamsahabnida." I said happily.
"What is your name so I can tell him who's coming?"
"Oh, I'm Aimee, Aimee Song.... ah Song Aimee, sorry I'm used to saying it the other way." I said laughing lightly and awkwardly. She nodded and gave me a small smile that I felt was almost forced.
"Good, good, just remember tomorrow at 5." She said turning away and going into a few offices behind her that I hadn't noticed. "Oh and Aimee-sshi, don't forget to bring clothes you can dance in." She yelled without turning around. I took that as my cue to leave and turned around slipping back out the door, down the stairs and back to the street.
Luckily there was a subway stop about 2 blocks away and it led to a stop about 3 blocks from my apartment, which is a lot nicer than the probably 30 or so blocks it would've been. I'm gonna have to remember to get a subway pass if I get this job.
I walked into the lobby hoping that maybe I would get really lucky and see Kikwang and Yoseob again, I held my breath hoping they would come as I waited for the elevator. While the elevator came, they didn't. Oh well, one can only be so lucky.
The night went by quickly, I was tired so I fell asleep not long after eating dinner deciding I would shower in the morning. I woke up fairly late the next morning at about 10, you wouldn't think that would be late, but when you fall asleep at 10 the night before it is.
I showered quickly deciding to let my hair air dry. I spent the afternoon unpacking another 2 boxes, the last few should be coming soon, which meant I was almost totally moved in, yay! At 4 I changed into a sports bra, tank top and some shorts not knowing what kind of class I was going to, I slipped some sweatpants over the shorts and put on a little jacket. 
It was nice outside without the jacket but I didn't know what time I would be coming back. Plus I've found people tend to stare at me when I'm just in a tank top. I was blessed with a fairly big chest for an Asian girl and was also blessed with a tiny waist. You don't see that combination a whole lot here, so I generally try to hide it.
The majority of my looks and body came from my mom, she was Korean, Thai and Filipina. My dad was Korean, Chinese and Japanese. The only real thing I got from my dad was my small waist and fair skin. But even my skin could get a little dark if I tanned due to my mom's genes. Luckily though I was mainly Korean and looked it, so I wasn't called a foreigner here, at least not right away.
Growing up there were always different languages getting yelled through the house, me and my brothers all knew at least a bit of each language so we were yelling back. Sometimes you would start to talk to someone in one language and they would switch to another when talking to you. It was interesting to say the least. Not many people came over to our house cause they would get confused and aggravated by us.
I grabbed my bag, my keys and slipped on some tennis shoes before leaving my apartment walking down the hall and waiting for the elevator, hoping again to see the boys, but again nothing. Oh well.
I took the subway and got to the studio about 20 minutes early hoping to see the man I was supposed to meet. I walked into an empty studio, confused I looked around. I finally got a look at the studio, it was clean, the wood floors looked like they had just been washed recently along with the floor to floor windows that covered a whole side of the studio looking out into the city. There was a wall of mirrors on one side, a regular wall where the door came out of and on the last side there were 2 offices, one of them that the woman came out of yesterday.
Inside one of the offices sat a man, he seemed to be lost in thought listening to some music on an ipod. Feeling someone watching him he looked up then jumped a foot up before putting a hand on his chest. He got up quickly ripping the headphones out of his ears and walking out quickly.
"Holy you scared me." He said laughing, I couldn't hold back a laugh either. He was probably a foot taller than me, you could tell he had a dancers body under the baggy shirt and shorts. He had black hair that was spiked up and even had a red tuft in the front. Basically he didn't look like someone you would want to mess with and here he was freaking out because of me.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to." I said stifling my laughter. "Um, I guess you are who I'm meeting, I was told to come yesterday. I was wondering if you were looking for another teacher?" I asked hoping he was told about me coming. Something seemed to click in his mind at this.
"Ah! Aimee right? Soojin told me you would be coming." He said smiling brightly, so that must be her name. "I'm Taehyun, but you can just call me Hyun, nice to meet you." He said reaching out taking my hand and bowing, I bowed back, happy that he was at least friendly. "So Aimee-sshi... is that your real name?" He asked curiously walking to the center of the big studio and sitting down. I followed suit sitting down in front of him.
"Technically my name is Song Chohee, but the only time I ever get called that is when I'm being yelled at so I prefer Aimee." I said laughing lightly.
"I understand," He said laughing, "Why do you think I go by Hyun? So where are you from Aimee-sshi?"
"I'm from the US, Chicago to be more specific. I've only been in Seoul for almost 2 weeks now." I said smiling, is he interviewing me?
"Oooo, that's exciting, we got ourselves a foreigner here." He said laughing his eyes lighting up. I laughed with him, his laugh was contagious. "Soojin told me a little about your experience, seems promising but we'll have to test you out." He said grinning.
"I'll do whatever you need me to do to prove to you." I said determined. This seemed to please him because his grin got even bigger.
"Good, I'm glad to hear that. How old are you?"
"I was born in 1991, so that makes me 20 in Korean years." I said remembering that they count years differently, in America I'd still only be 19.
"Ah, I was born in 1989 so I'm 22. That makes you my dongsaeng!" He said smiling ruffling my hair. I fake glared at him and he just grinned back.
Soon people began arriving, there looked to be about 15 people in the room by the time everyone arrived, they ranged between the ages of 13 to 25. I saw Hyun stand and go to the front of the room.
"Okay guys, we're gonna change it up today, I'm not going to be teaching the class today, today my friend Aimee-sshi is going to be teaching, treat her well." He said smiling me and gesturing in my direction. I looked at him shocked not moving as the people around me clapped. Eventually he came over and pulled me up. "It's a hip hop class, just do something short, you've got an hour, show me what you got kid." He said grinning me and pushing me to the front.
"Hi guys, I'm Aimee, um I guess I'm going to show you something real quick and then I'll walk you through it step by step." I hooked up my ipod and the song Me & You by Cassie came on.
About an hour later everyone had generally learned the choreography and it went really well, some people we're better than others so I did have to help some people individually, but it went well. Everyone seemed happy as they left. Hyun then came up to me grinning.
"You've got yourself a job kid."

Soooooo, I had a little bit of trouble writing this one.

Nothing really eventful happened and it was a bit longer but it was neccisary to the story so bare with me here.

The next one will be more eventful I promise

I found some choreography on youtube that I can see as Aimee's dance, You should check out some of this girls other stuff too, shes really an amazing dancer and choreographer


Thank you so much to the new subscribers and the comment, you make me happy!!


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iamcool #1
Please update soon!
half-pint #2
I'm sorry! I'll try and post this weekend! School is really kicking my right now!
alsdjalsdj i miss this story! ;A;
half-pint #4
Aww thank you, that just kinda made my day! I'll try and update sooner!!!
I've probably read this story 6 times in my spare time...
half-pint #6
Hmm, I didn't notice that, it does slightly, 3rd picture chapter, yay!
The pixture looks edited like the upper body part..
Fluffy is the best (I sound like an ad lol)
i can't see the picture D: lul.
Omg you didnt get my comment from yesterday D:
Oh well it was just "ehehehehehheheehhe ヽ(*・ω・)ノ"

Longer chapters of course! C: