If You Want You Can Call Me Oppa

I Like You the Best


A week and a half had passed and I still hadn't seen Kikwang or Yoseob. It made me sad, but I mean hey what were the chances anyway.
The job was going well, I didn't have any of my own classes yet, Hyun wanted to watch me for a while longer before sending me on my own, so I sat in on his classes or the others.
There were 3 teachers at the studio besides me, Hyun, Soojin and Miyoung. They all had their own style of doing things.
Hyun who I was with the most was an amazing dancer. I learned he was a street dancer before he opened the studio with money from his parents. They were very supportive of his dream. I was jealous quite frankly. He was always bright and happy but became serious as soon as the music started. We got along really well because of that.
Soojin was the first person I met in the studio. I learned the reason she was so mean was because she thought I was trying to steal their choreography. She got friendlier once Hyun gave his approval but she still wasn't the friendliest. Hyun says shes just very serious about dance and that she'll come around, but who knows.
Miyoung was actually the one who's class I walked in on, SooJin was there doing paperwork. She's a small girl, smaller than me but with a really big and bright personality. She almost annoyed me at times cause she was so loud and hyper but she was still really sweet in the end.
I was at the studio almost every day, sometimes during the day cleaning and learning about the studio and it's working. Sometimes I was there at night sitting in on a class or teaching it while the actual teacher watched. Either way I loved it, these people we're beginning to be my family.
Speaking of family my brother Austin who lives in Ilsan called recently and is coming over for dinner with his wife, I had only met her once before but she seemed nice. I liked her and I liked her even more since I learned she was carrying my new niece or nephew.
They're coming over tomorrow and I still had yet to go to the store and get food considering all I had at my apartment was ramen right now.
I left the studio after teaching a class, it was me and SooJin tonight so she made me clean up the studio before we left. Soojin was a clean freak, even if she cleaned at night she would come in the next morning and clean again. Miyoung and Hyun would just wait to do it during the day and not worry about it at night.
We stepped out locking the door behind us. We bid each other goodbye walking in opposite directions, me toward the subway and her to where ever she goes, home I'm guessing.
I rode the subway down getting off at the stop by my house, there was a store neat the subway stop so I decided I would stop there and get food for tomorrow night.
I walked around trying to decide what to make, I had made Korean food with my mom before but couldn't think of what to make.
I bought pork, an assortment of vegetables, rice, seaweed wrap and some kimchi, that way I would have a little bit of everything.
I bought it and thanked the woman at the register before walking out with bags lining my arms, it was heavy but I could make it, I was only 3 blocks away.
"Aimee-sshi?" I heard a voice ask from behind me. I turned to look to see Kikwang getting out of a car. I bowed lightly to him as my face lit up.
"Hey Kikwang-sshi." I tried to wave but the bags were weighing down my arm so I just kinda half waved. He jogged up to me bowing a bit, the car he got out of drove off without him. He put the hood of his hoodie up, not sure why, it wasn't that cold out, I was comfortable in a jacket and shorts, but whatever.
"What are you doing with all of this?" He said laughing a bit making his eyes disappear behind the giant glasses sitting on his face, funny I don't remember him wearing glasses, maybe he had contacts.
"My brothers coming over for dinner tomorrow and I didn't know what to get." I said laughing.
"So you bought the whole store?" He said grinning down at me. I went to hit him but couldn't due to all the bags. "Here let me help you." He said smiling kindly grabbing a few bags out of my hand before I had time to react.
"Oh, gamsahabnida." I said blushing as he took my bags.
"So how goes the job searching?" He asked kindly looking down while we walked toward the apartment complex.
"Really well actually, I got a job as a dance teacher at a little studio about 30 blocks from here, I take the subway down." I said smiling staring down at our feet as we walked, careful cause I knew if I looked at him my cheeks would light up.
"You dance?!" he said excitedly almost stopping totally turning and looking at me.
"Yea," I said laughing a bit walking forward a little slower, wanting to prolong this as long as possible. "I've been dancing since I was 2, do you dance?" I asked smiling and looking up at him but when my eyes met his dark brown ones I looked down cheeks burning.
"Yea," he said and I heard the smile on his voice "I've been dancing for a while now." He trailed off and it was quiet for a while before I spoke up.
"So how is work going? I haven't seen you or Yoseob around lately."
"Oh it's good I guess, we've been busy and it's only gonna get busier before it slows down again, but it's good. You said your brothers coming over tomorrow?" He asked trailing away from talk of his work.
"Yea, him and his wife are coming over and I'm going to cook them dinner." I said proudly. "They live in Ilsan so I don't really get to see them much with them working, this is the first time since I came to Seoul that I'm going to see them, so I'm excited." I said smiling widely.
"I can tell you're close to him." I nodded happily. "Do you have any other siblings?
"Yea I have 3 brothers all together, Austin is 26 he's the one coming tomorrow, Stephen is 23 and my youngest brother Daniel is 17. Daniel and Stephen are still in America."
"Wow, big family." I nodded smiling looking over at him he was looking down with a light smile on his face, he was so cute, his eyes not quite as small as when he laughed but still a little sqinty. His dark hair fell into his face it almost reached down far enough to reach his glasses and it looked really soft.
He looked up from the ground to see me staring at him, we locked eyes for a second his dark eyes looking at me like he couldn't quite understand me. I blushed and looked down after a second of locking eyes.
"How old are you Aimee-sshi?" He asked curiously as we reached our apartment building. I was almost sad to see it come up so fast.
"I'm 20 years old, I was born in 1991. How old are you?" I asked curiously. I couldn't tell honestly, he had a young face but didn't seem too young.
"I'm 21, I was born in 1990." He said smiling lifting his head finally once we were in the apartment.
"Mmm, so you're older than me..." I said trailing off, "an oppa." I said quietly hoping he didn't hear it. I could hear him laugh lightly as we got on the elevator, I pressed the 14 button and went to press 16 but he stopped me.
"Don't worry about that, I'm gonna help you with these to your apartment I'll get the elevator once I'm done helping you." He said smiling as he removed the hood from his head. I couldn't help but stare all the times I had seen him before he had a hat on or like then had his hood up. His hair was dark brown almost black and was styled to a T.
He grinned brightly at me as he caught me staring I smiled at him trying to play it off that I wasn't staring but my cheeks betrayed me lighting up. I looked up as the elevator dinged. Kikwang gestured me to go first, I walked over to the door unlocking it and praying it wasn't too messy I didn't pick up before I left this morning.
I opened the door and the light, it wasn't too bad so that's good. I could see him looking around my small apartment as he walked in, it really wasn't much. The kitchen was on the right as you walked in, it was small and was only cut off from the living room by a counter. The living room had a couch and TV with a window on the far wall over looking Seoul, a view I loved. In the living room on the right wall there was a door that led to my small bedroom my queen sized bed took up the majority of the room and it too had a window with a view of the city, the one bathroom in the apartment was connected to my bedroom.
I set the groceries down on counter between the kitchen and living room motioning for him to do the same.
"I can put them away don't worry about it, it's late anyway." He nodded lightly heading towards the door. I walked with him trailing behind his larger figure. He stopped abruptly as he had his hand on the doorknob.
"You know if you want, you can call me oppa, you know since I am an oppa to you." He said grinning at me from over his shoulder. My face felt like it was on fire, he had heard me, crap crap crap. He laughed lightly at me opening the door, I held it as he left my apartment walking toward the elevators. "See you later Aimee-yah."
"Bye Oppa." I said quietly blushing, I know he heard me cause there was a huge grin on his face. He got on the elevator that was still on the floor. He waved at me happily while the door was closing, I waved back cheeks still on fire.
Once the door fully closed, I shut my door and slid down the back of it putting my hands on my burning cheeks trying to cool them. This boy is gonna be the death of me and he doesn't even know it.

That was by far my favorite chapter to write so far. Maybe cause something finally happened?

I don't know, I hope you're happy with it, it should get a little more eventful from now on which means I will be excited about writing more, which is good and bad.

Good cause it's fun and I feel like the more chapters I have the more people will read this.

Bad because there goes my life.... bummer.

Anywhoo, comments and feedback is much appretiated, and thank you to everyone who has subscribed, you all make my day brighter.

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iamcool #1
Please update soon!
half-pint #2
I'm sorry! I'll try and post this weekend! School is really kicking my right now!
alsdjalsdj i miss this story! ;A;
half-pint #4
Aww thank you, that just kinda made my day! I'll try and update sooner!!!
I've probably read this story 6 times in my spare time...
half-pint #6
Hmm, I didn't notice that, it does slightly, 3rd picture chapter, yay!
The pixture looks edited like the upper body part..
Fluffy is the best (I sound like an ad lol)
i can't see the picture D: lul.
Omg you didnt get my comment from yesterday D:
Oh well it was just "ehehehehehheheehhe ヽ(*・ω・)ノ"

Longer chapters of course! C: