Mr. Smiles

I Like You the Best


I sighed heavily before turning on my stomach and stairing intently at my computer. I was procrastinating on Facebook, typical. It didn't matter none of my friends we're awake anyway, stupid time difference. 
I should be looking for a job. I've been in Seoul for about a week now and haven't gotten any closer to finding a job, or unpaking for that matter. The computer is just too tempting for life.
I scrolled through my newsfeed trying to find anything of interest to keep me from starting my job hunt. Kitten picture! Score! Yes I'm a freak like that but they're just so damn cute! I quickly googled a site for kittens and began scrolling through the pictures.
I jumped suddenly feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket. I my side trying to pry the large phone from my sweat pants pocket, why my dad insisted on such a big phone still boggled my mind, but at the same time hey, it's a free phone who am I to complain?
"Yeoboseyo?" I answered the phone quickly.
"Is this Ms. Song Chohee?" A deep voice questioned in Korean. Well that knocks out atleast 3/4 of the people I knew.
"Yes this is her."
"Ms. Song I have a package for you, I'm in the lobby of your building right now but the apartment number didn't come on the package." Damn it! This is what I get for letting Daniel address my stuff. I've slowly been getting more and more stuff shipped to me from home, unfortunately though my dad let my little brother ship them but as much as I love my little brother he forgets stuff so easily, this is the 4th call I've gotten about my stuff not having the apartment number on it.
"Ah, yes I'll be down in a second, gamsahabnida." I said, then hung up. I got up quickly shuffling around my small flat looking for my keys, I know I put them somewhere around here. I shuffled through the clothes and assorted boxes on the ground. "There you are, man I've got to clean up and unpack..." I said looking around at the bigger mess I made searching for my keys. I sighed walking to the door, I slipped on some shoes I had laying by the door before exiting and going to the elevator. I sighed waiting for one of the 3 elevators to arrive.
I began shifting impatiently wiggling around as I tried to keep myself entertained, if someone was in the elevator as it opened they would surely think I was crazy, but at this point I really don't care. I heard a ding from behind me signaling the one of the elevators came, I spun around quickly making my way into the small box and starting my descent down to the main lobby. Luckily I made it down without it stopping on any of the other floors. Being stuck with people I don't know in elevators makes me nervous.
I stepped out into the main lobby and saw the man right away, he was the only man in the lobby plus the package was almost as big as my torso, this is gonna be fun to get upstairs. 
"Annyeonghaseyo." I said quietly bowing to the man, he quickly bowed back staring at me for a second before smiling widely.
"Ms. Song Chohee?" He asked grinning, I cringed a little bit at my Korean name, nobody at home calls me that, only my dad when he's mad at me. I smiled lightly at the man and nodded. His eyes never left mine as he handed me a clip board "Sign here please.". I smiled lightly taking the clip board and began signing my name.
I felt someone brush past behind me as I finished, I took a step forward to get out of their way but that only brought me closer to the man who's eyes never left me he grinned even wider if possible at the closeness. I laughed awkwardly taking a step back again and handed the man the clipboard back to him.
"Do you need any help up with this?" he asked gesturing to the large package.
"Ah, no I think I'll be okay." I said smiling a bit wanting to get back to my flat as quickly as possible. He wasn't terrible looking, average really, black hair hanging down into his face, glasses, medium size eyes and a strong jaw, didn't look too much older than me either, but the way he stared made me uncomfortable.
"Are you sure? It's pretty heavy." He said grinning even more.
"Oh yea I'll be fine thank you though." I said quickly before bowing to the man and grabbing the package quickly making my exit as fast as physically possible. Psh, this isn't that heavy, who does he think I am? As I got closer to the elevator I noticed two people stepping inside. I ran awkwardly with the large package hoping to catch the elevator for fear of being trapped in the lobby with Mr. Smiles.
"Wait stop!" I called as I saw the elevator doors start to close. No no no no no!
They opened back up though as I got closer, I did a little happy dance in my head as I stepped into the elevator. 
"Gamsahabnida." I said relieved bowing slightly as I set my package down, breathing heavily from practically sprinting to the elevator.

First chapter = Sucess!!

No Beast yet, but they're coming, no worries. For the record the more feedback, good or bad that I get, the quicker I'll update. Even if you're like "your story , go take a long walk off a short peir" I'll be like, holy someone actually read this, and then post faster.

But really feedback is much appretiated, Alot about Aimee AKA Chohee will be reveiled as the story goes on so be patient.

Side note, who's stoked for Beast's comeback?!? Woooooooo!


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iamcool #1
Please update soon!
half-pint #2
I'm sorry! I'll try and post this weekend! School is really kicking my right now!
alsdjalsdj i miss this story! ;A;
half-pint #4
Aww thank you, that just kinda made my day! I'll try and update sooner!!!
I've probably read this story 6 times in my spare time...
half-pint #6
Hmm, I didn't notice that, it does slightly, 3rd picture chapter, yay!
The pixture looks edited like the upper body part..
Fluffy is the best (I sound like an ad lol)
i can't see the picture D: lul.
Omg you didnt get my comment from yesterday D:
Oh well it was just "ehehehehehheheehhe ヽ(*・ω・)ノ"

Longer chapters of course! C: