Yay, First Impressions

I Like You the Best


I finally looked over to identify my saviors, two guys who looked about my age maybe a little older were staring at me like I was crazy. I felt my face get hotter and tried to lower my face a bit.
They we're cute the one closest to me had chubby cheeks, a sweet face with a little bit of a wider set nose and very expressive eyes, black hair stood up in all directions framing his cute face and making him look even cuter if possible, a large t-shirt covered his frame nearly hiding his body, tight jeans were worn underneath and a large book bag was thrown over one of his shoulders.
The one farther from me was just as nice to look at, a black hat with a white design sat on his head with tufts of black hair sticking out from under framing his face. He had nice full lips and smaller eyes that you knew we're the type to disappear as soon as he smiled. A fitted white shirt sat snug on his toned body accompanied with a pair of jeans, simple yet nice. Neither of them were very tall, I mean yea they were tall to me, but that doesn't take much at 5'2" (157cm).
"What floor do you need?" The one with the small eyes asked as he smiled. Yep, there his eyes go, ugh, charming.
"Oh um 14" I said feeling myself blush more. Damn you cute guys for making me all flustered. I looked down before mentally slapping myself, here I was in giant sweat pants and a t-shirt, hair down in a wavy mess and no make up on in front of 2 cute guys, yay first impressions! I watched as his hand hit the 14 button and it lit up 16 was also pressed, I guess that's where they're going.
"I don't think I've seen you around before, are you new?" the chubby cheeked one asked. There are like 20 freaking floors to this building, how can he have seen everyone?
"Oh, yeah, I just moved here about a week ago, I'm still unpacking," I said gesturing to the box smiling lightly. "My name is Aimee Song." I said smiling and bowing slightly.
"You aren't from Korea are you?" The chubby cheeked one asked with curious eyes. The small eyed one hit him with his elbow at the comment. I laughed lightly at the gesture and question.
"Ah no, I moved here from the US." I said smiling shoving some of my wavy hair behind my ear hoping it would stay for a little while atleast.
"You're Korean is very good." The small eyed one said looking at me smiling again while the other one nodded quickly shock in his eyes.
"Oh gamsahabnida, my father taught me since I was young." I said smiling. A ding signaled that the elevator had stopped, I looked up surprised seeing we we're already at 14th floor, the doors opened slowly and I went to pick up the awkward box again.
"Do you need any help with that?" The chubby cheeked one asked. "It looks heavy." he said, seemingly questioning how in the world I even got it to the elevator in the first place.
"Oh no I'm okay, it's not that heavy, just a little awkward." I said as I managed to lift the box. "Gamsahabnida again for stopping the elevator for me" I said bowing lightly and taking one last look at the handsome boys before leaving the elevator and making my way down the hall to my flat. I fumbled with the key a little before getting the door open finally.
Upon entering I quickly got rid of my shoes and through the box next to the others before falling down onto the floor next to my computer. I went to check Facebook as was my habit, nothing new, of course not, it's like 3 in the morning there. I sighed staring at the ceiling bored before the images the 2 boys in the elevator came to mind. A grin found itself on my face, I have to tell  about this. I was about grab by phone to call her when I remembered the time.
Well maybe it's a good time to unpack finally, that will make time go by quicker. 3 hours later and I maybe had half of the boxes I had so far unpacked, it was still messy, but a lot less than before. I looked at the clock 8pm and felt my stomach growl. I hadn't eaten since lunch. 
I made myself some quick ramen ate then went to take a shower. Once clean I slipped on some shorts and a tank top before making my way back to my computer, Nikki wouldn't be awake for atleast a few more hours, which for me.
I entertained myself in the meantime by watching Boy Meets World on my laptop, I freaking love that show, it was my childhood. 
At midnight I decided I was finally gonna call her, its like what 10am there now? She'll be up. I grabbed my phone finding her name quickly and calling.
"Why the hell?" A voice grumbled over the phone in English. "Look I know it may be acceptable where you are, but its too early here."
"Nikki, its 10 there." I said in a flat voice holding back my laugh.
"You're 2 hours too early, Nikki isn't here right now please leave a message after the beep, beeeeeep." She mumbled into the phone, I could basically see her head stuffed in the pillow, hair everywhere.
"Nikki, I met boys today, attractive boys." I heard rustling around.
"You don't like Asian boys, they must be really cute, where'd you meet them, tell me everything!" Yea I know what you're thinking, she doesn't like Asian boys but shes in Korea? Where's the logic in that? Well it's not that I'm not attracted per say, I've just never found one I was really interested in, all the boys at home I dated, were mainly black actually, though I did date a White and a Spanish boy before.
"They live in my building a few floors above me, I met them on the elevator."
"Well what are their names, I wanna creep!" I stopped, I never did get their names, they got mine but I never got theirs. "You didn't get their names did you?"
"No." I said quietly defeated.
"I'm disappointed in you, how am I supposed to creep on attractive Asian boys if you don't know their names?" I rolled my eyes at my best friend. "So how goes the job search?"
"Oh you know, it's going okay, just kinda looking around still" I said trailing off.
"You haven't started looking yet have you?"
"No, but I did unpack some boxes today, be proud of me."
"You're looking for a job tomorrow Aim, you've gotta get out of the house, plus you're dad isn't gonna pay the bill forever, you know that." I sighed heavily knowing she was right, while my dad was happy about me wanting to go to Korea (Secretly I think it's just because he wants me to marry an Asian), I knew he wouldn't put up with my being a bum forever, and if he stopped paying, I either needed to pay or needed to go home.
"Fine, fine I'll go I promise."


Soo, I got on a roll with the whole writing thing and here's chapter 2, well 2 of the members showed up, but which 2 is the question.... dun dun duuuun. But really I hope you can figure it out, if not, you will soon. Think around the time of Soom or atleast those looks.

Side note Written Kitten is the best site ever, there is just so much cute that is happening while writing this.

Also, thank you to my one subscriber after not even 24 hours of putting this up, talk about confidence boost. I'm still on a writing kick so the next one may be up by tonight? Maybe? I don't know I have to write a paper too so we'll see about that.

Feedback = Happy writer


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iamcool #1
Please update soon!
half-pint #2
I'm sorry! I'll try and post this weekend! School is really kicking my right now!
alsdjalsdj i miss this story! ;A;
half-pint #4
Aww thank you, that just kinda made my day! I'll try and update sooner!!!
I've probably read this story 6 times in my spare time...
half-pint #6
Hmm, I didn't notice that, it does slightly, 3rd picture chapter, yay!
The pixture looks edited like the upper body part..
Fluffy is the best (I sound like an ad lol)
i can't see the picture D: lul.
Omg you didnt get my comment from yesterday D:
Oh well it was just "ehehehehehheheehhe ヽ(*・ω・)ノ"

Longer chapters of course! C: