So, you like Kikwang huh?

I Like You the Best


I had been over at Beast's dorm for a few hours now and had generally figured out all of the members. Doojoon was kinda lazy yet always took care of his dongsaengs, he really did remind me of my brother. Hyunseung was generally pretty quiet the majority of the time, when he did talk though it was always something funny or strange.
Junhyung was pretty quiet as well but in a different way I guess, he was more tough than awkward, i'd be scared if I met him in a dark alley. In all reality though he was very sweet and was always making sure I didn't need anything. Yoseob was just what I thought he was, a boy who acted more like a kid than anything, he was really sensitive. Dongwoon was probably my favorite besides Kikwang of course, maybe it's cause we're the same age so there was none of that awkward age things, but he was really sweet.
It was later now, around 7 and everyone was starting to get hungry.
"Hyung I'm hungry." Yoseob complained from his spot leaning on Doojoon.
"Then make yourself food." The man said. "And make me some too while you're at it."
"We have no food hyung." Hyunseung piped in from his spot across the room.
"Then order out." Doojoon said as if it were a no brainer.
"If you want I can cook." I said simply.
"Really?" Junhyung said perking up. "It's been forever since we've had a home cooked meal."
"Yea it's no big deal, I like cooking, plus I've been craving Chinese." I said, I really had been, but it's hard to motivate myself to cook for only one person in my apartment and I hated ordering Chinese food, it was never as good. "Do you guys have anything to cook with here?
"We have a little bit of rice, not enough for all of us and maybe a bit of sesame oil?" Dongwoon said the second part more of a question.
"Well I have some stuff in my apartment but we'll need to go shopping." I said. I went to get up from my seat between the boys but in the process I brushed Kikwangs leg with my hand. My cheeks lit up  as we locked eyes. "Sorry." I said quietly watching as his cheeks turned a little pink as well. I got up quickly after that making my way to their kitchen trying to shield my face but at the same time see what they had to cook with.
I heard footsteps behind me and I tried to calm myself down a bit before they got there.
"You really don't have to cook for us if you don't want to." I heard Kikwang say as he appeared close to my side.
"It's okay really, I like cooking, plus I told you I'd make you fresh food next time." I said smiling lightly. I feel like the atmosphere just kinda changed around us, it was strange. I looked up at him to let him know it was okay. As I did though I realized how close he really was. I could almost feel his breath ghosting against my face. I stood there for a second just staring in his deep dark eyes before something clicked in me.
My cheeks burned with the power of the sun and I stepped away from him looking down. My heart was beating quickly as I walked quickly back towards the living room, what was he doing to me?
"I'm uh, I'm gonna go to the store now." I said stuttering to the boys.
"Wait, why doesn't one of us go with you?" Doojoon said from his spot now laying on the floor. "We should pay for it anyway."
"No don't worry about it, it really shouldn't be too much." I said quickly just trying to leave.
"Nonsense, Dongwoon-ah why don't you go with her." Doojoon basically commanded.
"I can go with her hyung." Kikwang said stepping out of the kitchen.
"You've hung out with her a lot already hyung, let me do it. Plus I'm less likely to get noticed anyway." Dongwoon said getting up and walking over to me. "Gaja." He said grinning down at me. I smiled mentally thanking the boy as we went to the door slipped our shoes on and left the apartment.
It was quiet for a while as we walked Dongwoon slightly hiding his face the whole time. We got to a market and Dongwoon tried to go in but I stopped him.
"There's a little Chinese market a few blocks down, lets go to that." I said simply, he nodded understanding. I felt him get closer to me our arms brushing as we walked down the street. I looked up at him kinda confused.
"There's guys up there looking at you like you're a piece of meat. I figure maybe if they think I'm your brother or something they'll back off." He murmured to me not looking up. I looked up noticing the guys there were about 3 or 4 of them just staring and it made me uncomfortable.
I slipped my arm through Dongwoon's and at this the guys scoffed. Though this time it was Dongwoon's turn to look at me confused. 
"Brother thing wasn't working." I said simply. He nodded and we stayed like that walking the rest of the way to the Chinese market. We got in the market and began walking around getting everything I needed for the food, which was actually a fair amount. An older man was at the counter as we got to it.
"Find everything?" He said in broken Korean.
"Yea I found everything fine, thank you." I responded to him in Chinese, it was one of the languages I knew better.
"You speak Chinese?" He said switching to his mother tongue.
"Yes, my father is part Chinese." I said smiling back to the man.
"Mmm good, making Kung Pao chicken?" he asked seeing my ingredients.
"Yes, I'm making it for some Korean friends, I'm not sure they've ever had home made Chinese food before." I said smiling motioning to Dongwoon. The older man laughed at Dongwoon's face.
"Make it well." He said smiling at me.
"I will." I said grinning back to him. He told us how much it was and Dongwoon fought me to pay for it.
"Don't worry about it it's the company card, they can pay to feed us." He said smiling at me while he payed. I thanked the man in Chinese as we left bags in hand.
"Soo... you speak Chinese?" Dongwoon asked as we were walking back. I laughed at that.
"Yea, my dad is part Chinese so he taught it to me and my brothers growing up." I said smiling. He nodded.
"Is that the only other language you speak?"
"Ah, not really. I know Korean, English and Chinese fluently but am conversational in Thai, Tagalog and Japanese. I'm kinda a mix  of everything Asian and everything was spoken in my house growing up so I kinda had to learn it otherwise I wouldn't know what someone would be saying." I explained. People always thought I was some kind of genius whenever I told them this, but I was just taught young, anyone can learn languages well if they're forced to and taught young.
"Wow." He said as we went back into silence. It wasn't uncomfortable though, just neither of us really felt the need to talk.
"So," Dongwoon began as we got closer to the apartment complex. "you like Kikwang huh?" He said nonchalantly. My eyes grew at this though.
"W-what are you talking about? Were just friends." I stated cheeks burning, damn you body and your betraying me.
"Just because you're just friends doesn't mean you can't like him." He said simply. I looked up at him and he stared back with a gentle smile.
"Is it that obvious?" I asked finally giving in. He laughed at that.
"A little bit, but I doubt he's noticed, he's kinda a pabo." I relaxed a little at that.
"Just don't tell him okay?" I begged the taller man.
"I won't I promise." He said sincerely, I held out my pinky finger for him to make the promise with, he did it smiling at me.
"So... do you know how he feels about me?" I asked going out on a limb. He laughed loudly as we entered the apartment building.
"What makes you think that I know that?" He said his eyes amused. I blushed at his outburst looking down. "You'll just have to figure that  out for yourself. Sorry Aimee-yah." He said grinning. We stopped at my apartment grabbing a few things before continuing to their apartment.
We entered to see the boys in almost the same position we left them in. Seeing us though Junhyung and Kikwang got up taking the bags from me. I thanked them walking into the kitchen where they brought the bags.
"Can we help you with anything?" Kikwang asked looking at me.
"Whoa you're going to cook hyung? You never cook." Dongwoon said putting his own bags down.
"Yah! I cook sometimes." he said glaring at the maknae. Dongwoon held up his hands in his own defense. I laughed at their show as the others came in.
"We can help too if you need it." Yoseob spoke up. I assigned each of them things to do as I started making the sauce for the chicken. Dongwoon and Doojoon started seeding and chopping the chile peppers, Yoseob was peeling and chopping the garlic, Junhyung and Hyunseung were prepping the Chinese green beans I had bought and Kikwang was starting the rice.
Kikwang finished quickly though as there wasn't much to do with that, he walked over to me once he was done.
"Done." He said happily to me. I grinned up at him as I continued with the sauce.
"Good, can you start cutting up the chicken for me?" I asked pointing to the chicken siting in the counter. "Just cut it into cubes and put it in this bowl." I said moving a bowl over to him. He nodded and began cutting.
"So how was the store? Dongwoon didn't bother you did he?" I laughed hearing the mentioned boy complain behind me.
"No, no it was fine. He was good." I said laughing sticking up for the boy who kept my secret. I heard Dongwoon make a affirmative sound from behind me.
About an hour later the food had finished and we all sat down to eat on the floor seeing as they had no table. We sat in a circle Kikwang to my left, Junhyung to my right and the rest of the boys scattered around.
"This is really good," Yoseob said complimenting me as the rest of the boys nodded their mouths full of food. "Where did you learn to cook like this?" he asked shoving more food in his mouth.
"She's Chinese." Dongwoon mumbled through his food. The others looked at me confused. "She started speaking Chinese with the ajusshi in the front of the store."
"You're Chinese?" Kikwang asked from next to me.
"Partially, I'm mainly Korean, but I'm also Chinese, Japanese, Thai and Filipina." I said clarifying. They all nodded as we fell back into silence eating. We all sat around stuffed once everyone was done, there was no food left once they were done with it.
"I have a question." I said speaking up breaking the silence. I turned to look at Junhyung. "If a guy is younger than you, what do they call you, Junhyung-hyung or Jun-hyung or just Hyung? I feel like theirs no easy way to say that." I said trailing off, I had been wondering nearly all day.
They all stared at me for a second before busting out laughing. I looked at them confused.
"Sorry it was just the way you said that, you looked so concerned." Kikwang said laughing from next to me. I pouted a little bit waiting for one of them to respond. The laughter finally died down.
"They just kinda call me whatever they want." Junhyung clarified for me. "It doesn't really matter. Hyung is a bit easier but they have to clarify it's me who they're talking to first." I nodded it making more sense.
I got up after sitting a bit longer collecting the dishes but was stopped by Doojoon.
"Don't worry about that you're a guest, let us do it." I huffed a bit but nodded as each of the boys took their own dishes, Kikwang taking mine.
The rest of the night went by quickly with the boys playing around and asking questions occasionally. They would also talk about their comeback I could tell they were excited, but it kinda made me sad cause I knew the boys we're gonna get more busy which meant I wouldn't see them of Kikwang nearly as much.
I got up getting ready to leave at about 11, the boys needed to get to sleep to get ready for their comeback which was the day after tomorrow. I said goodbye to each of the boys and ended up exchanging numbers with Dongwoon which caused an uproar making everyone else want my number as well. Kikwang sat there looking annoyed the whole time. I sent him a gentle smile making his face relax.
Kikwang ended up walking me to the door my blanket in hand from when he took it the other day. He opened the door for me and I stepped out expecting him to stay there but to my surprise he followed me.
"Thanks for meeting them." He said as we walked to the elevator.
"Why are you thanking me? It was fun, they're good guys." I said smiling as we stood in front of the elevator neither of us pressing the button.
"Yea they are." He said smiling to himself. "Here's your blanket back by the way, I didn't have the chance to wash it I'm sorry." He said rubbing the back of his neck as he held out the blanket.
"It's okay, I wasn't really expecting you to." I said smiling taking the blanket from him, my hang brushed his as I took it making my cheeks light up again for the millionth time today.
"We're gonna get busy after this so it may be a while til we see each other again." He said making a face at the thought.
"You're face is gonna stay that way if you keep doing that." I said playfully to him. He grinned at me at that and I couldn't help but laugh. "We can always text and stuff, no worries it'll go by quick." I said but actually on the inside I was dreading it too.
"Yea, hopefully." He said smiling down at me. I stared in his eyes for a little bit my heart starting to beat uncontrollably again. He brought his hand up tucking a bit of my hair behind my ear and my cheeks burned even more as I finally looked down.
I felt his hands go behind my back as he pulled me to his chest. My cheek rested against his chest and I heard his heart beating fairly quickly. I slowly slipped my one arm that wasn't holding the blanket around him holding him tightly. His head bent down as he leaned his head on my shoulder pulling me tighter to him. A small smile worked its way to my face as I tried to lean into him more taking in his scent, it was nice kinda musky.
He sighed lightly loosening his grip on me and stepping back. He pressed the button for the elevator and it came fairly quickly for once, of course the time I don't want it to come fast and it does. He smiled at me as the door opened and I stepped into the elevator.
"I'll text you okay?" He said holding the door to the elevator opened. I nodded not really able to say a word at the moment cheeks still burning. He grinned at me and let go of the door. "Goodnight Aimee-yah."
"Night Oppa." I said quietly as the door closed. I pressed the button of my floor then leaned back on the wall hugging my blanket to my chest, it smelled like him. I grinned thinking back to the hug that set my heart racing.


I'm incredibly happy with the way this chapter turned out, though I almost had a heart attack cause I almost deleted it as I was getting ready to post this. I may have cried, luckily it survived.

Thank you for the comments, they made my day, I'm a er for compliments.

Especially Jenniferismx3 here's even more fluff for you =P

I also think it's basically decided the story will end up being a good mix of fluff and so the is coming, you have been warned.

Midnight Sun comes out tomorrow and I'm beyond excited!!! Bah!!!


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iamcool #1
Please update soon!
half-pint #2
I'm sorry! I'll try and post this weekend! School is really kicking my right now!
alsdjalsdj i miss this story! ;A;
half-pint #4
Aww thank you, that just kinda made my day! I'll try and update sooner!!!
I've probably read this story 6 times in my spare time...
half-pint #6
Hmm, I didn't notice that, it does slightly, 3rd picture chapter, yay!
The pixture looks edited like the upper body part..
Fluffy is the best (I sound like an ad lol)
i can't see the picture D: lul.
Omg you didnt get my comment from yesterday D:
Oh well it was just "ehehehehehheheehhe ヽ(*・ω・)ノ"

Longer chapters of course! C: